How Busy was 'Hill Street Blues' ?

scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
I just watched an episode of 'Hill street Blues' and I am wondering if there was ever a police station that busy,

As I am not that interested in the show, its ok I guess...watched in now and then..

at one point I decided to just count how many extras and characters were in a coridor. there was about 40 people in a coridor which was about 6 meters long and 2 meters wide. :))

there must have been more extras in 'Hill street blues' than there was in 'Ben hur

its like a load of pigeons with type-writers in offices..

in the background i notice the same cop bringing in the same suspect or criminal about 6 times throughout one episode...

there was another scence in an office and outside the office window in was like a full scale street riot in a coridor.... just too busy ....
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