Roger Moore: Youtube Clips

A7ceA7ce Birmingham, EnglandPosts: 655MI6 Agent
He wasn't my favourite Bond,
but I admire him and enjoy his personality - and it's not put on as you can't sustain that for 50 years - as some of the earlier clips show he had a great sense of humour back then. Some of you were lucky to have spent and evening in his company recently, which I would have loved.

Also look at Rog's credentials before Bond, Ivanhoe, Maverick, The Saint, The Persuaders, all hits.

Sean Connery who was my favourite Bond, I'd hate to meet in a dark alley because he'll probably beat me up - he just comes across as a miserable old goat.

Anyway I just had a Rog surge this morning and enjoyed some of this clips where his humour comes acrosss and hope you do too.

James Bond star Roger Moore reads his autobiography My Word is my Bond

The Saint Intro - Episode 1

Roger Moore interview about the Saint

The Saint in Colour Documentary - Intro
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