BBC Radio 4: Vic Armstrong

A7ceA7ce Birmingham, EnglandPosts: 655MI6 Agent
Heard a trail for the following programme, where Stuntemen for the Indiana Jones and the James Bond films, Vic Armstrong will be a guest

29 November 2008
09:00 GMT
Saturday Live

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  • yodboy007yodboy007 McMinn CountyPosts: 129MI6 Agent
    It will be nice to hear from Vic. I am glad he is still going strong working on many films.

    Does anyone know why EON ditched him after DAD? The guy is one of the best stunt coordinators/second unit directors in the history of cinema. He worked on Bond as far back as YOLT. He even worked with the legendary Bob Simmons!

    Does anyone know if he will ever work on Bond again? I think many people prefer him to these Bourne stunt coordinators who love the "shaky cam" and fight scenes that too hard to comprehend. It really bothers me when so many legends in the Bond world who are capable of still working on the films no longer work on them. John Barry comes to mind. Peter Lamont earned his retirement and had much tougher job than most crew members. The same goes for Ken Adam. Kleinman needs to return as well. Heck, I'll take Bruce Feirstein to write the next script over the crappy Purvis and Wade and biased Haggis any day.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    edited November 2008
    I'm sure someone will have a far better answer than mine...but with CR it might have been something as simple as schedule availability. For QoS, we can all probably safely assume that, with Dan Bourne-Bradley, they were after the flavour-of-the-moment.

    I'd love to have Vic back---he knows how to frame and film action---but it's equally important (if not moreso) who does the editing in 'post.'
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
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