Scaramanga would not be able to sleep for fear of Nick Nack!

I was watching The Man with the Golden Gun again the other night again, and Christopher Lee really played an excellent villain. However one thought crossed my mind last night, a rather amusing one. As Scaramanga has told Nick Nack that in the event of his death, Nick Nack will inherit all, does he not live in fear of the little swine killing him. I mean, think about it. What you have here is a classic Inspector Clouseau and Kato situation. Clouseau told Kato to keep him sharp by attacking him at all times and Scaramanga himself has Nick Nack set up people for him to fight. I can just imagine Scaramanga getting ready for bed while Nick Nack waits underneath, ready to attack. I mean, in reality Scaramanga would not be able to rest, he knows that the little midget would be after him at all times. And Nick Nack could fit anywhere, he could jump out of a bathroom cabinet when Scaramanga is getting ready to shave, there would be unlimited opportunities…There really could have been quite a comedy in all this….:))


  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    Good point, mooreisbest. Yet another thing to add to my reasons why TMWTGG is at the bottom of my list.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • 84208420 Posts: 721MI6 Agent
    Great point mooreisbest funny too. :)) :))
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    I can just see towering six foot Chris Lee shaking a clinging Nick Nack off his leg, ala Austin Powers and Mini Me.

    Or Nick Nack hiding in the fridge. "Not now, Cato, you fool!"
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    If Sean Connery had been in TMWTGG:
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,517Chief of Staff
    Alex wrote:
    Nick Nack hiding in the fridge. "Not now, Cato, you fool!"

    :)) :)) :))
  • bacaretbacaret ArizonaPosts: 73MI6 Agent
    I was watching The Man with the Golden Gun again the other night again, and Christopher Lee really played an excellent villain. However one thought crossed my mind last night, a rather amusing one. As Scaramanga has told Nick Nack that in the event of his death, Nick Nack will inherit all, does he not live in fear of the little swine killing him. I mean, think about it. What you have here is a classic Inspector Clouseau and Kato situation. Clouseau told Kato to keep him sharp by attacking him at all times and Scaramanga himself has Nick Nack set up people for him to fight. I can just imagine Scaramanga getting ready for bed while Nick Nack waits underneath, ready to attack. I mean, in reality Scaramanga would not be able to rest, he knows that the little midget would be after him at all times. And Nick Nack could fit anywhere, he could jump out of a bathroom cabinet when Scaramanga is getting ready to shave, there would be unlimited opportunities…There really could have been quite a comedy in all this….:))

    just knowing nick nack was in the same house would give you nightmares!!!!
  • DrMaybeDrMaybe Posts: 204MI6 Agent
    I never understood NickNack. Why would a supervillain want a dwarf for a henchman? Especially when he's up against Bond.
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    edited January 2009
    I think many are overlooking the respect Nick Nack also has for his Boss Scaramanga.... Scaramanga Keeps Nick Nack and also looks after him and makes sure he wants for nothing .... etc etc ... Nick Nack knows what a skillfull Killer Scaramanga is and what an excellent shot he is with and without his Golden gun.... I think there is a mutual respect between the two as there is moments that we see them give a grin and a smile to each other when tricking Bond etc or escaping capture in a cool fashion... Such as going away in the Flying Car .... and there chat to each other after Scaramanga Kills the set up Hit man in the Pre Titles... " Bravo.. Mr. Scaramanga , You have done it again... This one was the best .... No Bad Not bad at all ... still have to do better than that if he wants to come into my money... We see Nick Nacks smile of admiration.. to his Boss as he walks away with his Golden Gun ... Leaving Scaramanga with the Hit Mans pistol to blow the fingers off .. the dummy Bond... I think Nick Nack would only Kill Scaramanga by setting him up with another killer as training .. etc I dont think he would come at him with a Razor Blade during the night ... I think that would be more the style of a Villian Like "Mini Me" in the Austin Powers movies...
  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,785MI6 Agent
    Valid points Q, also after Scaramaga is bumped off by Bond, Nick Nack seems genuinely distraught that not only is his inheritance up in smoke, but that his boss / mentor is dead. Something I don't think we see again until Mayday briefly lamemts Jenny Flex's death in AVTAK. - (I may be wrong, its been a while!)
    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • JADE66JADE66 Posts: 238MI6 Agent
    Very little about Golden Gun makes sense. It was badly written, badly acted, badly just about everything. The Clousseau/Cato style relationship between Scary Mango and Tattoo was just one more ridiculous element in a ridiculous film.
    What could have been an intriguing, exciting cat and mouse thriller between the world's greatest gunmen, with back alley escapes, roof top chases and more shootouts than you could shake a stick at became nothing more than lowbrow comedy and off color jokes.
    Not to mention the fact that the film wastes the extraordinary talents of one of my favorite actors, Christopher Lee.
    Golden Gun was just a bad movie all the way around. Like Moonfaker, like A View to a Bore,
    this is a film best forgotten:'(
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    I rate TMWTGG as a good entertaining film ... But I agree it could have been fantasticly great .... if it was made more realistic and violent... cut out certain characters.... etc etc...

    But I cant agree with bad acting... especialy on Mr.Lee's Part as Scaramanga... I see him as possibly the best villian of the series... and he played the part to perfection.... I enjoyed him as Scaramanga.... 10/10 he was one of the strong elements of the film... which saved it and made it respectable...

    Its a fun / entertaining film... and has its highlights.... and some poor elements... but there is poor elements in every single Bond film ... almost ...that all of us could pick and argue over... some like TMWTGG some dont.... I like it overall... some silly humour here and there ... but still entertaining.... Not border line comic strip rubbish like Moonraker... which was also entertaining in its own right.. with many highlights but more stupidity than relevant Bond elements..
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