A real life Moneypenny

Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
Tikken Manus (94) worked at the SOE Stockholm station during WW2. Her tasks ranged from ordinary secretary duties to organizing assasinations of double agents in occupied Norway and going on dates with returning agents so they could wind down after dangerous missions. One of these agents was Max Manus, who swept her off her feet. They got married after a dramatic break with her british husband and their marriage lasted until Max died a few years ago. Tikken says there are secrets that will die with her.

Her is a picture of them:

Max took part in many dangerous and spectacular missions in Norway, and he was also a voulenteer in the finish winter war. A friend said: People live on ocsygen, max lives on adrenalin!
The life of Max Manus is now a major new film in Norway:

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