Brosnan The Most Boring Bond???

Why is it that when I watch one of Brosnan's Bond films I can never stay focused on the film and completely lose interest but when it comes to Connery,Moore,Dalton,Lazenby,and Craig, I cant stop watching it over and over. I just wanted to know how many people out there have the same problem I have, because to me, Brosnan isnt just the lamest Bond, but the most boring.

Die Another Day = Most Retarded Bond Film EVER


  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    Can't agree. I thought Brosnan was the best thing about those movies. His presence makes them enjoyable.

    Take TND as an example. Two Bond girls I dislike, a head baddie and henchmen who bore me to tears, and my least favorite title song.

    But guess what? Brosnan's potrayal negates all of that. Bond's what matters. And PB was a good 'un.
  • Troubleshooter007Troubleshooter007 Fighting an evil organizationPosts: 23MI6 Agent
    I slightly agree I think the story lines let him down really. Goldeneye is ok but his other films do bore me slightly. Die Another Day is awful thou. However I think that all the films have some good elements in them.
  • bacaretbacaret ArizonaPosts: 73MI6 Agent
    I cant say brosnam was boring either, I thought he did a great job in all the movies even dad,and believe me his performance was one of the very few good points in that movie Maybe its just the movies bore you and not brozzers!!!
  • Son Of BarbelSon Of Barbel Posts: 227MI6 Agent
    Don't agree that Brosnan is boring, he's one of the best Bonds ever.
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,504MI6 Agent
    No, Brosnan is not boring. The problem with the Brosnan films now is Daniel Craig and Casino Royale. CR was so different and echoes Flemings and Connery's Bond so much, that the Broz films now seem very two dimensional and run of the mill. DAD did not help either.

    I'm sure that in the future Brozzas films will once again ascend in view-ability.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    I sort of agree with BWS Capo, though Alex's point about Brosnan being the best thing about TND seems damning with faint praise! Brosnan never seems THAT dangerous, partly because he's so iconic, so good looking. He's a David Beckham Bond - he looks good, that's what counts.

    Not to say anyone else would have been better, I mean having Connery in TND wouldn't make it better imo, just show up it's bad points. Can't be sure, but there's the sense that Brosnan couldn't rise above his material, and much of it was not really good enough. Connery could rise above his material always - but only when it was good. When it was bad, his performance suffered correspondingly imo.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    Apologies if my earlier comment sounded like a back-handed compliment. TND is not my favorite film. I can't stand Wai Lin, Carver, Stamper, and especially Hatcher head.

    But Pierce who looks like he could open the proverbial can of whup ass in a second rocks. (Especially in GE)

    My favorite PB moment. Waking up tied down in the Tiger helicopter with a screaming Natalya in the back seat and hitting the ejector with his head at the last second. Too cool.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Cooler would have been finding a way to leave that screaming minx behind to get roasted, so he could bang Onatopp in the final scene... :p

    Actually that scene put me in mind of one in Die Hard 2 at the time...

    I guess my fave PB moment is the TWINE opener, his wry comments about Swiss bankers. Good stuff.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,504MI6 Agent
    I sort of agree with BWS Capo, though Alex's point about Brosnan being the best thing about TND seems damning with faint praise! Brosnan never seems THAT dangerous, partly because he's so iconic, so good looking. He's a David Beckham Bond - he looks good, that's what counts.

    Not to say anyone else would have been better, I mean having Connery in TND wouldn't make it better imo, just show up it's bad points. Can't be sure, but there's the sense that Brosnan couldn't rise above his material, and much of it was not really good enough. Connery could rise above his material always - but only when it was good. When it was bad, his performance suffered correspondingly imo.

    This has hit the point. Craig looks like someone who could really handle himself in a fight and kill. Brosnan looks like he'd have trouble defending himself if it came to fisticuffs. Looks good, wears suits well, delivers comedic lines, but is not a Bond that performs in a Bondian world like you got with Connery and we are certainly getting with Craig.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    I personally can't place Bond and Boring in the same sentence. Oops; I just did ;%

    Brozzer was a fine Bond; he was very much of his time and put bums in seats. I thought he brought a nice mix of attributes to the table---even in DAD, whose first half showcases some of his best moments in the role---and I'd never call him 'boring.'

    Lots of great little moments stick out for me---the fight on the yacht in GE, where he slaps the guy with the towel before he kicks his ass...the hotel room scene in TND before Paris Carver shows up (vodka and regrets)..."I never miss" after killing Electra stone dead in TWINE..."Tell to the concierge" and the 'Robinson Crusoe wants his usual suite' from DAD.

    I even loved the sword fight in that me, his final great Bond moment.

    Thanks for the films, Mr. Brosnan! {[]
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • RavenstoneRavenstone EnglandPosts: 152MI6 Agent
    There's never been a boring Bond, and long may that continue!

    TND is my least favourite Bond film. An unconvincing baddie, two lousy Bond Girls, and basically a 2 hour BMW advert. Awful film. I didn't like the whole "Did I get too close?" thing going on with the Brosnan Bond Girls in GE and TND. It was too.....I dunno....sickening, probably.

    Still, no way was he a boring Bond. None of them have been. GE is a great romp; TWINE is fun, if you ignore some out-of-character moments (from M and Bond - can't remember the specifics, but there are certain lines and certain behaviours that jar when watching that film). DAD is okay, but I never could stand the notion of Bond being captured and held for a long period of time. Some of DAD was good; some of it was excrutiatingly bad.

    But not boring.
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    BWS Capo wrote:
    Why is it that when I watch one of Brosnan's Bond films I can never stay focused on the film and completely lose interest but when it comes to Connery,Moore,Dalton,Lazenby,and Craig, I cant stop watching it over and over. I just wanted to know how many people out there have the same problem I have, because to me, Brosnan isnt just the lamest Bond, but the most boring.

    Die Another Day = Most Retarded Bond Film EVER

    Not many will disagree with your sumise of Die Another Day, although there are some good bits as with all the films.

    I think the soundtrack in Goldeneye is simply mind-numbingly dull and I often fall asleep when trying to watch it. It's the film I set out to watch with good intentions, yet never see through to the end. Many of Brosnan's moments are great, though his villans were never exciting enough and retained far too much time on screen without him.

    I liked Brosnan a great deal, but he sudenly seems to have become unexciting now that Daniel Craig has come onto the screen. He's edgy and hard, and possibly a bit too rough around the edges to what we are used to. But I think we will all get used to it and it will be for the better. The books and the films are a world apart and the distance just got bigger.
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    The books and the films are a world apart and the distance just got bigger.

    That's interesting; I find the gap narrowing.
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    Ravenstone wrote:
    There's never been a boring Bond, and long may that continue!

    Connery sleepwalking through YOLT was pretty boring; and I find Roger Moore's got-out-of-the-wrong-side-of-the-bed attitude in TMWTGG pretty tiresome, though I don't know if "boring" applies. But I agree with most everyone here--Brosnan has never been a bore.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • youknowmynameyouknowmyname Gainesville, FL, USAPosts: 703MI6 Agent
    Brosnan, the most boring Bond? possibly.

    i mean, when I think about all of the different Bond actors and compare them all I might say Brosnan is the most boring of them all, but then again I might say that Dalton was pretty boring too. Connery was certainly not boring, nor was Moore, Lazenby was interesting enough and Craig certainly is not boring.

    With that said I have nothing against Brosnan although his films aren't my favourites. Goldeneye was certainly his best and is in my Top Ten. However, when compared to the other Bonds IMO he contends for most boring. This does not necessarily make him boring outright (I still watch his films, enjoy his acting and his one-liners etc.), but the most boring of the Bonds...which is the question at hand.
    "We have all the time in the world..."
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    The books and the films are a world apart and the distance just got bigger.

    That's interesting; I find the gap narrowing.

    To contradict myself, yes the gap certainly narrowed with Casino Royale. Very close to the book.
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:
  • petelangerspetelangers ChinaPosts: 23MI6 Agent
    In a way I agree. He's an excellent all-round Bond, but he's not got the certain I don't know what about him.

    Like others have said though, he had to act through some absolute dog turd scripts apart from GE.

    Moore had the eyebrow, Connery had the style, Dalton the toughness and Lazenby doesn't count so from that point of view he could be seen as more boring than others.
  • zaphodzaphod Posts: 1,183MI6 Agent
    Brosnan really grew into the role for me, and I think he managed to pull off the fisticuffs/daring do surprisingly well. As a Martial Artist myself I liked some of the clever touches like the cool move in Twine that ends up with the Casino Henchman nailed to the Bar with his Tie ( I have watched and re-watched that in slo-mo and still cant quite work it out) Or again in Twine when he escapes from what looks like a no-win in the Bankers office and uses the fallen baddie as a counter weight.
    I think that because Brosnan did not look like a cartoon hardass they were forced to display some real skill in the physical confrontations to overcome that ( I'd like this dimension to feature in future Bond films, as the cleverness has been missing of late)
    The fight in the studio in TWINE is also good, and I particularly like the way he ways up the ashtray before using it as a weapon.
    Other good examples are the Bond-Alex final confrontation in GE which is one of the best fights in the series, and the superb fencing scene in DAD. I get no sense of doubt or impausability when watching Brosnan in these kind of scenes, as contrated by Roger for example who always moved badly and lacked credibility in action scenes (by his own admission he really didn't like doing them)

    For me Brosnan while not my favourite Bond was a lot better than the material he got to work with.
  • frostbittenfrostbitten Chateau d'EtchebarPosts: 286MI6 Agent
    zaphod wrote:
    As a Martial Artist myself I liked some of the clever touches like the cool move in Twine that ends up with the Casino Henchman nailed to the Bar with his Tie ( I have watched and re-watched that in slo-mo and still cant quite work it out)

    I agree with you: that's probably one of the coolest moves Bond has ever pulled off. The economy and smoothness of motion of all the actions chained together (taking out the knife, pinning the tie with it, kicking out the henchman's legs from under him, taking his gun, and then picking up a drink from the bartender :) ) are what made it so cool.

    Also, as a martial artist, I'm sure you appreciated how Bond really studied the opponent before taking him on (by using the X-ray glasses - a not too far-fetched gadget - to find out where the villain kept his gun and knife).
  • cdsdsscdsdss JakartaPosts: 144MI6 Agent
    I think Brosnan was poorly-served by his material. It's clear he enjoyed playing Bond and genuinely wanted to bring some depth and range of emotion to him, but the movies he was handed were mindless action-thrillers. If you look closely at the scene in TND where he say to Wai Lin "We do seem to have developed a connection," and holds up their handcuffs, I think you can actually see a part of his soul die.
  • Brosnan_fanBrosnan_fan Sydney, AustraliaPosts: 521MI6 Agent
    NONE of the James Bond actors (so far) have been boring; they've all brought something interesting and watchable to the table.

    Brosnan's finest effort IMO was TWINE, where he had a cracker of a script, and he had great chemistry playing off Sophie Marceau (the supporting ensemble weren't too shabby either).

    Was PB boring? Hardly.
    "Well, he certainly left with his tails between his legs."
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