How Many George Lazenby Films ?

bondaholic007bondaholic007 LondonPosts: 878MI6 Agent
edited January 2009 in General James Bond Chat
How Many Films Should George Lazenby Have Done ?

• Is 1 film an Lazenby Era ?
• Should he of finished off the Tracy senario
• Would his other films been as successful as OHMSS ?
• At his age of 30 when finishing OHMSS, He could of stayed on for another 10 or more years ?
• What is the maximum you would of said he should do ?
• Should Peter Hunt of directed them ?
• Which films would you say he should do ?

Opinions ?


  • bondaholic007bondaholic007 LondonPosts: 878MI6 Agent
    edited January 2009
    How Many Films Should George Lazenby Have Done ?

    • Is 1 film an Lazenby Era? - Yes
    • Should he of finished off the Tracy senario? - Yes
    • Would his other films been as successful as OHMSS? - Yes
    • At his age of 30 when finishing OHMSS, He could of stayed on for another 10 or more years? - No
    • What is the maximum you would of said he should do? - 5
    • Should Peter Hunt of directed them? - Yes

    I think if he stayed on for another 10 years then he would of lost the uniqueness of his films and then they will be random like Moore's. I found this picture quite intresting

    -> The Bond Finalist to replace Connery
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    How Many Films Should George Lazenby Have Done ?

    • Is 1 film an Lazenby Era? No
    • Should he of finished off the Tracy senario? Yes
    • Would his other films been as successful as OHMSS? Yes
    • At his age of 30 when finishing OHMSS, He could of stayed on for another 10 or more years? No
    • What is the maximum you would of said he should do? 4
    • Should Peter Hunt of directed them? Yes
  • zaphodzaphod Posts: 1,183MI6 Agent
    I think three films should be about the limit for any Bond Actor in order to develop and keep it fresh.
  • Troubleshooter007Troubleshooter007 Fighting an evil organizationPosts: 23MI6 Agent
    One film is not enough for an Era. The Tracy scenario should be finished off and finish the Blofeld scenario as well. I think that two or three films in total OHMSS, YOLT and DAF but less camp. The films may have been slightly more successful than OHMSS as it would give the audience time to see what he could do.
  • bacaretbacaret ArizonaPosts: 73MI6 Agent
    How Many Films Should George Lazenby Have Done ?

    • Is 1 film an Lazenby Era ? of course
    • Should he of finished off the Tracy senario yes
    • Would his other films been as successful as OHMSS ? I think more successful
    • At his age of 30 when finishing OHMSS, He could of stayed on for another 10 or more years ?maybe not ten but close.
    • What is the maximum you would of said he should do ? I think 5 should be the max.
    • Should Peter Hunt of directed them ? Not all of them but I would hsve loved to see him direect at least one more.
    • Which films would you say he should do ? I think Lazenby could have been a great Bond so any movie would have been okay with me.

    Opinions ?
  • bondaholic007bondaholic007 LondonPosts: 878MI6 Agent
    I was just listening to a George Lazenby interview last night, It said the contract was for more films, But they never gave him the contract to sign.
  • taitytaity Posts: 702MI6 Agent
    I always heard that he held out on signing on a contract. Maybe him saying they never gave him a contract is a little Lazenbyism.
  • another way to dieanother way to die Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    2 i think , i would have liked to see him in DAF-AWTD
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