Worst Bond girl

Railer 505Railer 505 Albany, NYPosts: 61MI6 Agent
Ok I actually didn't dislike Die Another Day unlike most people but I truly think Hallie Berry was the worst bond girl. I could also say Jill St. John from Diamonds Are Forever.

Also, while Solitare in Live and Let Die was a decent bond girl IMO I thought Mrs. Caruso was much more attractive why didn't they make her the main bond girl that film?


  • Tilly Masterson 007Tilly Masterson 007 UKPosts: 1,472MI6 Agent
    Lynn Holly Johnson and Tanya Roberts always get a lot of stick!
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    Lynn Holly Johnson and Tanya Roberts always get a lot of stick!

    I actually think that Tanya is very attractive ;%

    The problem is that she is just another dumb blonde (Like Mary Goodnight)
  • A7ceA7ce Birmingham, EnglandPosts: 655MI6 Agent
    Lynn Holly Johnson and Tanya Roberts always get a lot of stick!

    They should be hit with a stick
  • Railer 505Railer 505 Albany, NYPosts: 61MI6 Agent
    Lynn Holly Johnson and Tanya Roberts always get a lot of stick!

    Might be somewhat biased; I mean by today's standards everything from the eighties was ugly; cars, sports uniforms, you know what I mean. Take like the White Sox, the Phillies, Astros - they had terrible looking uniforms back then. But if you were to travel back in time those 20-30 years, people actually enjoyed what there was, and I'm sure Tanya Roberts was just the right bond girl.
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited February 2009
    I did not like Tanya Roberts still back in the 80s and these generalizations... 8-)

    I wouldn't call a Lotus Esprit (Turbo) ugly for example...
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • zaphodzaphod Posts: 1,183MI6 Agent
    Jinx, has to be Jinx. My reasoning is that although there have been some truly terrible women over the years (along with some great ones) However no other harms or disrupts the narrative and focus as much as Jinx in my view. Even the worst of the rest (usual suspects have been rounded up in the thread) can mostly be ignored, as they have little screen time or impact, but DAD almost becomes a 'Jinx moview'
    I know that DAD is largely derided and rightly so as the second half is a stinker. The first half had real potential. Jinx is in no way all that is terrible about DAD, but she is a large part of it
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited February 2009
    As far as lead actresses go, it has to be Michelle Yeoh from TND. The producers really took the whole "Bond's equal" thing to extremes with her character's attitude and dialog; it seemed every time she opened her mouth it would be to justify her own abilities ("Are you trying to protect me?" "I can take care of myself", "I want to drive!", etc) and yet for all her protestations, she still ended up being little more than a helpless damsel in distress who had to be saved by Bond at the end. I think Carver caught the essence of her character best when he did his mocking kung-fu moves and dismissed her abilities with a terse "Pathetic!" Bravo, Elliot. Yeoh also had absolutely zero sex appeal, with the few attempts at trying to glam her up falling absolutely flat.

    A lot of people rag on Jinx even though she was one of the few truly strong female characters in the Bond films. At least she could actually fight her own battles and wasn't just along for the ride, which is more than can be said for most Bond girls. And Halle Berry just oozed sex-appeal.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    I see Railer's point. I mean, I came of age in the 1980s and it wasn't a great time; either big hair and bangles (see the cast of Working Girl) or cropped hair like Annie Lennox. They were all reacting against the saucy crumpet look of the 1970s which is okay as a fashion thing, but it took the Loaded generation to make women okay with the less PC aspects of their sexuality, though you can argue that went too far.

    My view is that American Bond girls get more flak as a rule. They seem less exotic to other Americans, like having a Scouser or a Brummie as a Bond girl for UK folk.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • yuma96yuma96 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    I grew up with the Bond girls that exuded sex appeal, I have to say that Maryam D'Abo from The Living Daylights was possibly the least sexiest Bond girl, she was cute, but was she worth Bond's life, I think not. Octopussy or Pussy Galore were the best.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    yuma96 wrote:
    I have to say that Maryam D'Abo from The Living Daylights was possibly the least sexiest Bond girl, she was cute, but was she worth Bond's life, I think not.

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    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • wordswords Buckinghamshire, EnglandPosts: 249MI6 Agent
    Actually i do think some of the stick Tanya Roberts gets is unfair (no really - bear with me here!). She was very badly cast opposite Roger's more (ahem) MATURE Bond and I think in some ways it made her annoying traits even worse.

    My worst Bond girl is probably Lupe in Licence to Kill (I've forgotten the actresses name). What an airhead and the delivery of some of her lines are hilariously bad.
  • Agent PurpleAgent Purple Posts: 857MI6 Agent
    This is an easy one for me: Tiffany Case.

    Plenty O' Toole was a side BG, but she still deserves a dishonorable mention.
    "Hostile takeovers. Shall we?"
    New 2020 ranking (for now DAF and FYEO keep their previous placements)
    1. TLD 2. TND 3. GF 4. TSWLM 5. TWINE 6. OHMSS 7. LtK 8. TMWTGG 9. L&LD 10. YOLT 11. DAD 12. QoS 13. DN 14. GE 15. SF 16. OP 17. MR 18. AVTAK 19. TB 20. FRWL 21. CR 22. FYEO 23. DAF (SP to be included later)
    Bond actors to be re-ranked later
  • Julius No M.D.Julius No M.D. Posts: 110MI6 Agent
    Rosie Carver at least had the decency to be killed off half way into the film so I'm going with Christmas Jones.
  • DR NO-ahDR NO-ah AustraliaPosts: 104MI6 Agent
    To me I think Kissy Suzuki is a strong contender. Aki had so much potential and could have worked as the character throughout the entire film but instead they just stick Kissy on the end and it doesn't really work.
    "Mango, banana and tangerine. Sugar and ackee and cocoa bean!"
  • Agent PurpleAgent Purple Posts: 857MI6 Agent
    Btw, I'm not a fan of Melina (though I'm sure many love her) or Stacey Sutton either.

    I like Dr. Christmas Jones and as for Kissy, well, she's just there for me, nothing to write home about as far as I'm concerned.
    "Hostile takeovers. Shall we?"
    New 2020 ranking (for now DAF and FYEO keep their previous placements)
    1. TLD 2. TND 3. GF 4. TSWLM 5. TWINE 6. OHMSS 7. LtK 8. TMWTGG 9. L&LD 10. YOLT 11. DAD 12. QoS 13. DN 14. GE 15. SF 16. OP 17. MR 18. AVTAK 19. TB 20. FRWL 21. CR 22. FYEO 23. DAF (SP to be included later)
    Bond actors to be re-ranked later
  • broadshoulderbroadshoulder Acton, London, UKPosts: 1,363MI6 Agent
    Jinx, Jinx and thrice Jinx

    Natalya Simonova is an embarasment too...
    1. For Your Eyes Only 2. The Living Daylights 3 From Russia with Love 4. Casino Royale 5. OHMSS 6. Skyfall
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent

    6 year old thread raising from the grave :o
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
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  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,524Chief of Staff
    :)) That's VERY apt, AA!
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    :)) :)) :))
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    {[] :)) :)) :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • MilleniumForceMilleniumForce LondonPosts: 1,214MI6 Agent
    Jinx, by far. She gets captured at the Iceland palace and has to be saved from the laser bed by Bond, she then walks straight into a room shouting for someone (who she thinks is a secret agent), gets trapped in a flooding room and has to be saved by Bond. And she's a bloody secret agent.

    Seriously, she has no impact on the story in DAD. I know a lot of people hate Tanya and Christmas, but at least they helped Bond discover what was going on. In DAD, Bond knows exactly what's going on, and gets no help from Jinx at any point. And this was the Bond girl that got closest to a spin off movie?
    1.LTK 2.AVTAK 3.OP 4.FYEO 5.TND 6.LALD 7.GE 8.GF 9.TSWLM 10.SPECTRE 11.SF 12.MR 13.YOLT 14.TLD 15.CR (06) 16.TMWTGG 17.TB 18.FRWL 19.TWINE 20.OHMSS 21.DAF 22.DAD 23.QoS 24.NSNA 25.DN 26.CR (67)
  • Matt SMatt S Oh Cult Voodoo ShopPosts: 6,602MI6 Agent
    Jinx, by far. She gets captured at the Iceland palace and has to be saved from the laser bed by Bond, she then walks straight into a room shouting for someone (who she thinks is a secret agent), gets trapped in a flooding room and has to be saved by Bond. And she's a bloody secret agent.

    Seriously, she has no impact on the story in DAD. I know a lot of people hate Tanya and Christmas, but at least they helped Bond discover what was going on. In DAD, Bond knows exactly what's going on, and gets no help from Jinx at any point. And this was the Bond girl that got closest to a spin off movie?

    I agree with all this. Jinx does nothing, and she's really annoying. On the surface she looks like a strong woman, but she needs Bond to rescue her. She and Falco are really just there to have make Americans look stupid.

    But being trapped in an flooding room in an ice palace is better than being trapped in a flooding phone booth.
    Visit my blog, Bond Suits
  • Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
    Taliso Sota, Tanya Roberts, Lois Chiles, Samantha Bond -- the films have over the years definitely had their clunkers. It's interesting that I don't see the problem starting, though, until the 1970s, when film and TV in general got stupider. By the vapid 80s, talent seemed second-rate.
  • Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
    Railer 505 wrote:
    Lynn Holly Johnson and Tanya Roberts always get a lot of stick!

    Might be somewhat biased; I mean by today's standards everything from the eighties was ugly; cars, sports uniforms, you know what I mean. Take like the White Sox, the Phillies, Astros - they had terrible looking uniforms back then. But if you were to travel back in time those 20-30 years, people actually enjoyed what there was, and I'm sure Tanya Roberts was just the right bond girl.
    Sorta. I was a teen for most of the 1980s and can tell you we thought a lot of that was ugly then, too. The masses seemed to just follow whatever the trends were, but a fair share of us were appalled at the aesthetics. That said, many, many people will be saying the same thing about what's current now, from the shrunken clothes to the bad hair to the interchangeable car designs to the ubiquitous body art to the weird idea of wearing glasses when you don't need to wear them. Some things will be easy to deal with -- shave the beard. Others, like tattoos, are going to mark some people as "lame" to future generations, and fairly soon.
  • The Wicker ManThe Wicker Man EnglandPosts: 434MI6 Agent
    Worst Bond girl - surprise surprise it's Jinx!!! She delivers her innuendo laden dialogue so dreadfully it felt like I was watching a terrible parody of a Bond film. Brosnan and Pike are both excellent in the film which only highlights how disappointing I find Berry's performance.
    1.ohmss 2.cr 3.frwl 4.ltk 5.gf 6.tswlm 7.sf 8.op 9.tld 10.dn 11.lald 12.tb 13.fyeo 14.ge 15.mr 16.yolt 17.tnd 18.avtak 19.sp 20.twine 21.qos 22.tmwtgg 23.daf 24.dad
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Worst Bond girl - surprise surprise it's Jinx!!! She delivers her innuendo laden dialogue so dreadfully it felt like I was watching a terrible parody of a Bond film. Brosnan and Pike are both excellent in the film which only highlights how disappointing I find Berry's performance.

    I agree that her character and performance were pretty dreadful, but the bikini redeems her enough to keep Stacey Sutton firmly ensconced at the top of this ignominious list :#
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
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  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    Worst Bond girl - surprise surprise it's Jinx!!! She delivers her innuendo laden dialogue so dreadfully it felt like I was watching a terrible parody of a Bond film. Brosnan and Pike are both excellent in the film which only highlights how disappointing I find Berry's performance.

    I agree that her character and performance were pretty dreadful, but the bikini redeems her enough to keep Stacey Sutton firmly ensconced at the top of this ignominious list :#

    My thoughts exactly! {[]
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent

    My thoughts exactly! {[]
    As far as Bikini's go, Brit has my vote.
    If Halle's hair had been just a little less severe (think Last Boyscout) she'd be in like Flynn.
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • heartbroken_mr_draxheartbroken_mr_drax New Zealand Posts: 2,073MI6 Agent
    My contenders would be Tiffany Case, Wai Lin and Jinx. I'd have to say Jinx is the worst because she's so absolutely forgettable.
    1. TWINE 2. FYEO 3. MR 4. TLD 5. TSWLM 6. OHMSS 7. DN 8. OP 9. AVTAK 10. TMWTGG 11. QoS 12. GE 13. CR 14. TB 15. FRWL 16. TND 17. LTK 18. GF 19. SF 20. LaLD 21. YOLT 22. NTTD 23. DAD 24. DAF. 25. SP

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