Table from M's office (Bernard Lee)

I found a table on while surfing the web that looks remarkably like one of the tables seen in M's office (Bernard Lee's M, not Dame Judy) from the 1960's. If you cue up From Russia With Love to the scene where Bond enters M's office you will see a table that looks a lot like this table.

Here's the link:

The company that makes this table calls it the Reagan writing table. It is a replica of the table President Reagan had behind the Resolute Desk. The one that had all of his family photos on it. I believe President Obama is utilizing the same desk.

The Presidents Desk Company makes a replica of this table (as well as the aforementioned Resolute Desk).

When viewing the film clip look over Bond's shoulder as he is sitting in front of M. It is the table against the back wall of the office.
"I musht be dreaming."
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