Regional Accents - What's most ridiculous for Bond

thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
Napoleon Plural's link in response to "Could this work?" by sweepy the cat got me thinking on what regional accent would be most ridiculous for Bond. Timothy Dalton has a slight undertone of Yorkshire, but sounds great - Sean Connery obviously became more Scottish as he went on - but still sounds good.

My choice for least likely to sound good would be:

1) Brummy - Birmingham/midlands etc - The only accent where nothing can sound cool
2) Somerset/Westcountry - just sound simple
3) Geordie - just plain thick

No offence, it's just a laugh and we're talking Bond here, not regional stereotyping - geographically I've covered myself and most of my family with this!
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  • GrishenkojrGrishenkojr Posts: 15MI6 Agent
    Scouse Bond would be kinda funny.

    I've only just realised that Dalton's Bond sounds slightly Yorkshire (strange considering he's Welsh) Sometimes, I think Brosnan let his Irish accent slip ever so slightly.

    A yorkshire Bond would be kind of cool, and could work. It's certainly not the classiest acent but it can sound very tough and masculne. Alec Trevelyan from Goldeneye's a good example of the yorkshire accent in Bond (Sean Bean's also a local lad who attended the same college where I'm currently studying.)

    Of course Diana Rigg (also yorkshire, also local) had a fairly posh and decidedly un-Yorkshire accent.
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