The Debt and Money Thread

scottmu65scottmu65 Carlisle, Cumbria, UKPosts: 402MI6 Agent
Just decided to create this thread as I was feeling a bit down about current money issues I'm having at the moment and thought It would be a good idea to have a place for myself and other people to rant or to have an outlet for any debt/money troubles they may be having at the moment etc.

For me I'm being chased by a debt recovery agency for a debt I shouldnt have to pay, as it is someone elses fault, they are breaking the law by not letting me dispute the debt and they just wont leave me alone!

Feel like my entire life is at a standstill! - Please support our community.


  • J_BurnhamJ_Burnham Posts: 40MI6 Agent
    Well I recently got charged £30 for sending a text, which I was under the impression would only cost me £1.50 so that was fun, on top of that, when I went to claim a new phone through the insurance, Orange made me aware that I don't have insurance and in fact for the last 6 months I have been paying £10 more than I needed to, £3 was because I didn't use direct debit??? and £7 for 'chargeable evening and weekend calls' apparently. I recently took out a credit card with my bank, used it, but when I tried to pay it off online, the system was disabled and now I have to wait for them to send me a 'card reader', hopefully the interest won't rise. And on top of all this i'm skint because I thought it was sensible to pay off all my holiday at the begginning of the month.

    Good Thread lol {[]
    JB -{
  • scottmu65scottmu65 Carlisle, Cumbria, UKPosts: 402MI6 Agent
    I would happily tell anyone to stay away from Orange, they are sneaky and tedious, they are partly to blame for my current financial worries. They are seriously overpriced, I was on a contract that should have been £35 a month for 500 miinutes and unlimited texts, the least I ever paid in a month was £47, once it was even £90, but i never went over my call limit as I text more but there reason for this was that some of the mobile nubers I rang werent inclusive of the 'free' minutes and some of the mobile numbers I sent texts to were also not included in the 'unlimited text' package and therefore I was liable to pay for the non-inclusive content. - Please support our community.
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    scottmu65 wrote:
    For me I'm being chased by a debt recovery agency for a debt I shouldnt have to pay, as it is someone elses fault, they are breaking the law by not letting me dispute the debt and they just wont leave me alone!
    Have you spoken to a solicitor about this? You should; if it's not your debt you shouldn't have to pay. Plus, debt recovery agencies have been known to use illegal tactics, so you really should speak to someone about it.
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
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