Favorite Bond movie for each era



  • hegottheboothegottheboot USAPosts: 327MI6 Agent
    To me each actor has a different persona in each film.
    SC:FRWL is sheer perfection. It one-ups the novel by replacing SMERSH with S.P.E.C.T.R.E.. However Dr. No features a much more observant and sly Bond.
    GL:there should be more to choose from. OHMSS is criminally underrated-Hunt finally won the director's chair-rightfully so.
    RM:LALD-was my first Bond experience.
    TD: TLD is so fresh and exhilarating because it works on every level. For my money the last great Bond film.
    PB: TWINE-simply for the change of pace and story. I know its flaws but prefer it over the more shallow TND and disappointing GE. Plus the title is one of Fleming's best lines.
    Simply cannot stand CR or QoS because DC seems like an ex-SAS guy. I just don't see these as being "Fleming-esque" at all.
  • j.bladesj.blades Currently? You must be joking?Posts: 530MI6 Agent
    Connery: a tie between dr. no and FRWL
    Lazenby: OHMSS one of my favourites
    Moore: TSWLM moore at his best
    Bronsnan: GE
    Craig : CR and QOS i regard them as one film
    "I take a ridiculous pleasure in what I eat and drink."

    ~ Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
  • GeorgiboyGeorgiboy Posts: 632MI6 Agent
    Connery: Thunderball - My favorite film of the series.
    Lazenby: OHMSS - I love how they followed the book so closely.
    Moore: TSWLM - Everything in this film works (even Moore).
    Dalton: TLD - I love both of Dalton's films equally, so I chose this one because of John Barry's excellent score.
    Brosnan: TND - I'm most definitely in the minority here but I really enjoy myself when watching this one.
    Craig: CR - This film just oozes "class" and was a large step forward after DAD.

  • DangerMouseDangerMouse Benfleet, EssexPosts: 235MI6 Agent
    1960's: Goldfinger
    1970's: The Spy Who Loved Me
    1980's: Licence To Kill
    1990's: GoldenEye
    2000's: Casino Royale
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    1960's: Goldfinger
    1970's: The Spy Who Loved Me
    1980's: Licence To Kill
    1990's: GoldenEye
    2000's: Casino Royale
    Apart from LTK (my favourite 80's Bond film was OP), I agree with this completely. :D
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • DaltonFan1DaltonFan1 The West of IrelandPosts: 503MI6 Agent
    Connery: From Russia With Love - the ultimate cold war thriller
    Lazenby: On Her Majety's Secret Service - such a shame he didn't do more
    Moore: Live And Let Die - the ultimate 70s american gangster thriller
    Dalton: The Living Daylights - barely pips LTK on account of its originality and clever plot
    Brosnan: Goldeneye - as it was written with TD in mind, PB could only screw it up so much, great tank chase
    Craig: Casino Royale - comparing it to QOS is a bit like comparing an Aston DBS with a souped-up Nissan Micra
    “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.” - Carl Jung
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    Connery - Thunderball

    Lazenby - On Her Majesty's Secret Service

    Moore - Moonraker

    Dalton - The Living Daylights

    Brosnan - Tomorrow Never Dies

    Craig - Casino Royale (So far... ;))


    Connery - From Russia With Love

    Lazenby - On Her Majesty's Secret Service

    Moore - Moonraker

    Dalton - The Living Daylights

    Brosnan - Tomorrow Never Dies

    Craig - Casino Royale (So far... ;))
  • OsatoOsato Aberdeen, ScotlandPosts: 99MI6 Agent
    Connery - GF
    Lazenby - er, OHMSS
    Moore - TSWLM
    Dalton - LTK
    Brosnan - GE
    Craig - CR

    And the WORST for each:

    Connery - DAF (if you don't count NSNA)
    Lazenby - er, OHMSS
    Moore - Toss up between OP and TMWTGG
    Dalton - TLD
    Brosnan - DAD
    Craig - liked both so far, so I suppose I hope QOS is his weakest entry.
    Green figs, yoghurt, coffee very black.
  • Krassno GranitskiKrassno Granitski USAPosts: 896MI6 Agent
    Connery: FRWL (TB is his best performance)
    Lazenby: OHMSS the best Bond film ever made. Too bad he did not do more
    Moore: FYEO Yes RM finally gets his hands dirty and is believable as Bond
    Dalton: TLD, the most Fleming film since OHMSS, Dalton is very good as Bond.
    Brosnan: GE
    Craig: CR

    I have changed and so has my vote
    Connery: Dr. No a more complete film and my new second favorite in the series behind OHMSS.
  • DaltonFan1DaltonFan1 The West of IrelandPosts: 503MI6 Agent
    Connery: FRWL
    Lazenby: OHMSS
    Moore: LALD
    Dalton: TLD
    Brosnan: GE
    Craig: CR
    “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.” - Carl Jung
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    Connery - GF (a perfect blend of the Bond film elements that I grew to love)
    Lazenby - OHMSS (terrific story and Lazenby wasn't bad. I wish he had done DAF)
    Moore - FYEO (in my opinion, the only relatively tough performance by Moore as Bond)
    Dalton - TLD (I enjoyed this introduction to Dalton as Bond; such a relief after all those years of Roger Moore)
    Brosnan - GE (Brosnan made a smashing debut as Bond, and the film had many enjoyable elements. Unfortunately the scripts for Brosnan went downhill from there)
    Craig - CR (I was prepared to hate Craig as Bond, but I was very pleasantly surprised by both his performance and the film as a whole)
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • Draco ConstructionsDraco Constructions SwedenPosts: 10MI6 Agent
    The good ones...

    Connery - TB
    Lazenby - OHMSS
    Moore - FYEO
    Dalton - TLD
    Brosnan - TWINE
    Craig - CR

    And the NOT good ones...

    Connery - DAF (NSNA doesn´t count)
    Lazenby - -{
    Moore - LALD
    Dalton - LTK
    Brosnan - DAD
    Craig - QOS
    Very handy...
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
    Connery - From Russia with love

    Lazenby - On her Majesty's secret service

    Moore - For your eyes only

    Dalton - Licence to kill

    Brosnan - Goldeneye

    Craig - Casino Royale
  • REY1324REY1324 Posts: 11MI6 Agent

    Favourite Bond film. Ok then.

    Connery: From Russia with Love. Very close to the book, great villains, and a gorgeous girl. Plus the first appearence of Desmond Llewelyn.

    Moore: For Your Eyes only. Bond shows his age, and tells a young naked girl to get her clothes on. Classic!

    Dalton: Living Daylights. Goes from light to dark, but has time to protect and then romance a girl.

    Brosnan: The World is Not Enough. A gripping story with one hell of an opening sequence, a great villain, and the relationship between Bond and Q. (Sad it was Desmond's last film, he is sorely missed.)

    Craig: Casino Royale. Nice to see Bond at the start of his 00 career, rough around the edges, then meeting the woman who he would fall in love with.

    As for Lazenby, he starred in what many fans would call the best Bond film, OHMSS. However, what would have it been like if Connery had done it? Now, that's a question.

    There you go, that's my choice. Hope you like it.
  • From Russia with LoveFrom Russia with Love Posts: 39MI6 Agent
    edited September 2010
    Sean Connery - From Russia With Love
    Classic. Just classic. My favourite film in the series.

    George Lazenby - On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    Lazenby wasn't great but Bond is still definatley a human being at this point and I think he pulls off the emotional aspect of the film better than Connery could have done. Lazenby and Hunt should have stayed on.

    Roger Moore - For Your Eyes Only
    Far better Moore film without the OTT and silly gimmicks.

    Timothy Dalton - The Living Daylights
    Dalton does a great job at making Bond human again.

    Pierce Brosnan - GoldenEye
    Flawed like much of the Brosnan era (flaws that are showing ever more as time goes on) but still a very good movie.

    Daniel Craig - Casino Royale
    My second favourite in the series. Removes a lot of traditional Bondian elements but still makes a great thriller.
    That's a Smith and Wesson, and you've had your six.
  • Ricardo C.Ricardo C. Posts: 916MI6 Agent
    I can't decide on Connery because I constantly change my opinion about his films so I am going to skip him for now. Once again sans Lazenby due to only one film, here is my choices.

    Roger Moore- The Man With The Golden Gun: Yeah I know most pick The Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only but I loved Moore's preformance so much here; He was such a great ass hole, throwing a little kid in the river, kicking that guy in the face while he was bowing, and of course threatening the weapons maker withcastration . Also who better than the last great god of film horror to play a Bond villian ? Nick Nak was a good henchman who is constantly over looked, not too silly and has screen presence. Thumbs down for the idiotic plot though and the very grouchy M.

    Timothy Dalton- The Living Daylights: Despite the weak villians and the lame plot this film has some stuff going for it that people often overlook. Dalton was terrific and he is the high point of the film. His introduction as a character is so great after that terrific PTS. He's not interested in the assissination he's about to make, he's tired of the killing and his only solace is a girl with a chello. The perfect homage to Fleming's very swarthy and cold short story. Also when he confronts Puskin he is just ruthless, you really think he'll pull that trigger any moment and you almost forget he had his doubts about Pushkin being guilty of killing british agents.

    Another thing is this is easily the most three dimensional and down right realistic Bond film in the series. First off all the allies have their hands dirty in this one; Kamran Shah is selling dope to buy arms and General Puskin already had a long established history of buying weapons through the primary antagonists. Also this is the only Bond film to mention a current on-going conflict, The Soviet Afghan War.

    Another thing is the characterizations are sharper than usual. Kara Milovy is one of the more well written Bond girls. She is the kind of the girl who looks up to Pussy Galore and Honey Rider, she's niave and scared like anyone who with an atmosphere of murder and deceit. Also Saunders is one of the more tragic deaths in the series. He was man enough to swallow his pride and helps Bond with a critical matter after professionally being bested by Bond earlier in the film and he dies not because it was in the line of duty persay, it was mistaken identity.

    Pierce Brosnan- Goldeneye: The only compitent thriller in the Brosnan canon but it's not that good, the villian is weak, the film looks too dreary, and the music stinks. Still, I'd use this to kill two hours instead the other horrid Brosnan films.

    Daniel Craig-Casino Royale: Daniel Craig does a great job but his characterization is just not that developed or examined. The film itself is a breath of fresh air despensing of the back to back cornball one liners but it's far from Feming's novel. A good action film but not a good Bond film.
  • DEFIANT 74205DEFIANT 74205 Perth, AustraliaPosts: 1,881MI6 Agent
    Connery: From Russia With Love. That film, to me, represents the epitome of James Bond, and it is in my opinion the best Bond film ever. Pure class :)

    Lazenby: On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Apart from the fact that OHMSS was Lazenby's only Bond film, I'd also rate it as my second favourite in the series. Lazenby gets criticised for being unable to act, but I thought he did a very decent job in that film. A very underrated Bond.

    Moore: For Your Eyes Only. Moore is my least favourite Bond, and some of his movies have been pretty poor - The Man With the Golden Gun and Moonraker, just to name a couple. But if there was a shining light in Moore's armour, it's FYEO.

    Dalton: The Living Daylights. Dalton is my second favourite Bond behind Connery, and I think his portrayal of Bond is closest to Fleming's Bond. I particularly enjoyed The Living Daylights - that initial scene at the concert, and the sniper shooting, was lifted straight from Fleming's book and was done particularly well, in my opinion. Definitely within the top six or seven Bond films for me.

    Brosnan: Tomorrow Never Dies. Strangely enough, I found that to be Brosnan's best movie. I didn't much like Goldeneye, unlike a lot of people here, although I will admit that part of the reason is the dramatic change from Dalton's Bond to Brosnan's Bond. Goldeneye, however, had a terrific theme song - probably one of my favourite Bond movie themes. I really enjoyed Dalton's portrayal of Bond, but I thought that by the time Brosnan came around, the stories were getting old and stale. It all culminated with Die Another Day, which was, without a shadow of doubt, the worst Bond film in the series. None of Brosnan's Bonds were particularly appealing to me, so picking one is like picking the lesser of two evils.

    Craig: Casino Royale. A refreshing change from those out-there, ridiculous storylines that plagued the Brosnan era.
    "Watch the birdie, you bastard!"
  • WadsyWadsy Auckland, New ZealandPosts: 412MI6 Agent
    edited December 2010
    Sean Connery: From Russia With Love

    - Excellent Bond film, and yes, the best of Connery's. I loved the plot, SPECTRE'S involvement and the entire love story between Bond and gorgeous Tanya. This is my third favorite Bond film. Sean Connery's performance was quite good but I do think he needed a little more confidence, I mean comparing that to his Goldfinger performance. I'm not complaining, FRWL is a classic.

    Roger Moore: For Your Eyes Only

    - This is my absolute favorite in the series. It had everything I could ask for in a Bond movie, and it was the first in the 80's. Locations, music, action, acting, villain, plot, Ian Fleming esq and a nice memorable Bond. Moore pulled off his best performance as more of a serious spy agent on this entry, and this could have been his last entry before getting too old to play the character.

    Timothy Dalton: The Living Daylights

    - I love Dalton more than any other actor to portray Bond. His performance being serious and close to the novels worked out the best for me. His acting up-lifted the excitement. TLD contains a similar plot to FYEO, but more on the Cold War relating to Koskov and Whittaker selling opium for weapons to use against Afghanistan. Licence To Kill was hugely disappointing, and the only 80's Bond film that I found to be hard to watch. LTK's flaws were not Dalton, but the plot, a hideous soundtrack, terrible Bond girls, cheap locations and a fairly tired Glen film (who should have quit after TLD).

    Pierce Brosnan: Goldeneye

    - Not much to say, the rest of Brosnan's films suck, except The World Is Not Enough, which is mildly entertaining. Goldeneye is above average and fairly enjoyable, but Brosnan is my least favorite Bond actor, and it does play against the film at times.

    Daniel Craig: Casino Royale

    - I used to love Casino Royale, and once declared it my favorite. Now, it's very good but not a favorite. Craig is an O.K Bond actor who to me does not capture Fleming's idea of Bond, even though he intended to. The film is good but it was at this point where the series started to stray away from James Bond. QOS was also good, but with flaws. I just heavily preferred CR.
    1. FYEO 2. OHMSS 3. LTK 4. FRWL 5. TLD 6. TSWLM 7. AVTAK 8. GF 9. MR 10. TB 11. OP 12. SF 13. DN 14. SP 15. LALD 16. GE 17. CR 18. YOLT 19. TWINE 20. TMWTGG 21. NTTD 22. TND 23. QOS 24. NSNA 25. DAD 26. DAF 27. CR '67

    1. Dalton 2. Moore 3. Connery 4. Lazenby 5. Craig 6. Brosnan
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    S Connery .............................. Goldfinger
    G Lazenby .............................. OHMSS
    R Moore ................................. The Spy Who Loved Me
    T Dalton ................................. Licence To Kill
    P Brosnan ............................. Tomorrow Never Dies
    D Craig ................................. Casino Royale

    Goldfinger, The template for all Bonds for Years.
    OHMSS, IMHO The perfect Bond Film.
    TSWLM, Moore Gets a script to suit his Playing of Bond.
    LTK, loved Dalton's Take on Bond, In my Opinion the closest to the Novels.
    TND, I simply find this a great entertaining Bond.
    CR, of the two D Craig movies I Prefer This One.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • mrbain007mrbain007 Posts: 393MI6 Agent
    edited December 2010
    Sean Connery - From Russia with Love

    One of the rare occasions where the film outdoes the source material. Works well not only as a Bond film but as an old-fashioned espionage thriller. Plus it has one of the best ever onscreen fights.

    Roger Moore - The Spy Who Loved Me

    THAT parachute jump, Jaws and Carley Simon singing the greatest Bond anthem of all. Virtual perfection.

    Timothy Dalton - Licence to Kill

    Despite its flaws and lack of fun, I consider this one of the most compelling entries in the whole series. Davi steals the show as the exotic yet sinister Sanchez.

    Pierce Brosnan - Goldeneye

    For me this is the definitive Bond experience (maybe due to the fact it was the film that introduced me to Bond). Pierce Brosnan sparkles with charm and revives the franchise with one single stroke.

    Daniel Craig - Casino Royale

    Admittingly I wasn't too keen after the first viewing, however after reading the book and re-watching the film it has grown on me. A great mix of 21st century grit and old-fashioned Fleming-esque glamour. Daniel Craig's pretty good too!
  • SC: From Russia With Love
    GL:On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    RM:The Spy Who loved Me
    TD:License To Kill
    PB:The World Is Not Enough
    DC so far:Casino Royale

    This is not bad. I must say that I like GoldenEye way better than TWINE. Maybe Roger Moores best movie might be For your eyes only. I don't know.
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