Let Me Introduce Myself...

Ilya KuryakinIlya Kuryakin Posts: 24MI6 Agent
My name is... ;) I still think Telly is the best Blofeld although Donald isn't that far behind. :) Anyhow, first post here and long time James Bond fan.

Thanks to the old man that is who's a major Bond fan himself and who brought me to my first bond film - DAF - in a local revival house in the early '70s.

To put my colours on my sleeve, my favourite Bond film is DAF with OHMSS a very very close second followed up with FRWL, LALD and TMWTGG. I'm a Connery man through and through although I've the highest regard for Rog both in the part and as an actor and a gentleman.

Post LTK the only Bond film I've really anytime for is TND - I think it's got a pretty decent script and some great hard edged action sequences - and as for the ladies it's the wonderful straight haired Lois Chiles everytime.

Elswhere it's John Barry for the music, Shirley Bassey for the vocals and let's just say the Best Bonds for me were the ones from DN through to TMWTGG.

Just some random thoughts there; I'm not too good at intros. :#
"If God had wanted man to fly..."
"He would have given him wings, Mr. Kidd"


  • agent 00agent 00 Univex Station L Netherlands Posts: 340MI6 Agent
    Welcome on AJB -{

    " Sono Topolino, e tu chi saresti? ".
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Yeah, welcome! Odd to have DAF followed closely by OHMSS. Many purists hate DAF cos it doesn't follow on from OHMSS at all really but rather disowns it. For me, the two are opposites. DAF is fast and funny but has low production values and ambition. OHMSS is better looking with admirable intent, the action rocks. But barely a laugh in its 2 and a half hours. OHMSS is great on the big screen, DAF doesn't utilise its widescreen at all but is better on telly.

    What's wrong with TSWLM? ?:)
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • SiCoSiCo EnglandPosts: 1,371M
    Just moving it to the off topic chat forum as it is currently in the wrong forum.
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