James Bond movie mistakes

christothemanchristotheman AustraliaPosts: 254MI6 Agent
I found a video on the internet showing the mistakes that have been made in the Bond movies:
"Another time, Another Place"


  • Gothic ZMGothic ZM VA, USAPosts: 110MI6 Agent
    I saw that vid some time ago. Some of those things are not really mistakes.... An example I would use of a "film mistake," is during 'Casino Royale.' When Bond comes back to the table with the 5 million he got from Leiter, he raises a million. On the close-up, he moves his right shoulder and arm forward, to put the plate on the table, however, it cuts to a wide shot which shows his left arm and shoulder extended forward. That's what I call a "film mistake."
    "A dry martini, in a deep champagne goblet. Three measures of Gordons, one of Vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until its ice cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?" - Ian Fleming's 'Casino Royale'

    "We're just too different... I mean, you're dead...." - Tim Burton's 'Corpse Bride'
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    i loved the video....

    but continuity errors are common place, even today, though back then, they were VERY common...

    imagine being in charge of continuity on some of those sequences in the SC and RM era :)

    even today, they are all too common place....but so what?...they hardly spoil the film, and they make blu ray all the more worthwhile for those with nothing better to do... :(|)

    then again, the PTS on QoS seemed to me to have more than it's fair share...I gave up counting after a while...

    I guess the 2 alfa's with 3 different number plates is a victim of the decision to cut a chunk out of the chase (eg the DBS on it's side)...

    then again, perhaps it's a homage to the revolving plates of the GF DB5 :)

    at least they got the H&K right over the whole sequence (ie without supressor) as it seems from publicity shots Bond brandishes it WITH supressor too....

    that boy can drive (and brandish a H&K.....and of course, take a supressor off too....)
  • blofeld#1blofeld#1 Posts: 118MI6 Agent
    There is a series on youtube called bond mysteries. u should try it out
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