American Rebel

LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
Nooooooo........I can't believe this! X-(


I've been awaiting news of this movie for a while now, ever since I read an article in some film magazine, where Steve McQueen's widow was quoted on saying how she was really wanting Daniel Craig to play him in this upcoming movie - Steve McQueen: Portrait of an American Rebel

I recently watched 'Bullit' when I was at my Uncles, and I have to say, it was really quite uncanny how much DC resembles Steve - and I can't believe they are getting Brad Pitt of all people (not a fan :( ) to play him.....

I almost thought it was a foregone conclusion that this project was Daniels, and I'm surprised that Barbara (Steve's widow) hasn't got more say in who is cast, as she was - as far as I could tell, quite set on DC to play him. Brad Pitt in my opinion is a cop out - a safe bet and I'm disappointed to say the least. :(
She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony


  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    Steve McQueen is one of my favorites. From The Blob to The Sand Pebbles, his kind of understated cool is a thing of the past. Daniel Craig would have been an excellent choice since he projects a similiar confidence.

    I get this vibe from today's Pitts and Depps of being enamored with their own cleverness. Even when they're praising someone like Charlie Chaplin or Sam Peckinpah, it always comes back to them in some way. Something I never receive from the Lee Marvins, Chuck Bronsons, Clints or James Garners of yester year is the narcissistic glow hovering over contemporary hollywood. It seems they're feeding from the glories of the past.

    Michael Madsen is another one who tries so hard to be cool. Do do, just be.

    That's how I feel about today's stars and filmmakers. I tried listening to the audio commentary on the Matrix and it was nothing but everyone patting themselves and their co-stars on the back. I hadn't heard that much verbal masturbation since Quentin's blabbering on the Switchblade Sisters dvd. And it's just too bad, I as a fan, wanted to hear from Jack Hill the director instead!

    Oh, and Christian Bale? He can take a long walk on a short pier as far as I'm concerned. Then he won't have to worry about anyone inhabiting his "Space"

    I apologize for the profanity laced tirade, but I had to get that off my back. :)
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Personally, I think Brad Pitt is the better choice. If it is understated cool you want Brad Pitt can deliver. I think the producers may also be concerned about box office, which other than Bond, Craig has never delivered.
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Personally, I think Brad Pitt is the better choice. If it is understated cool you want Brad Pitt can deliver. I think the producers may also be concerned about box office, which other than Bond, Craig has never delivered.

    This is where I disagree with you - Pitt is far too much 'look at me - look at me' and that is not what coolness is about. McQueen was almost 'do I give a ***t about what I look like? I'm here to play this role...' - the complete opposite of what Pitt stands for, although if manufactured suaveness is what you want, then Pitt's your man - but that's not cool IMO.

    True, Craig has never had 'box office' hits (Bond is the exception) but he has the same unwavering dedication that McQueen delivered - Take 'Flashbacks of a Fool' - A very brave choice, (or stupid, depending on your point of view ;) ) and a part that was very close to Craigs heart, in fact I'm sure there were many of the opinion that this project was going to be damaging to his career, especially after seeing his popularity sky rocket after CR - and he (Craig) wasn't naive enough to know that a lot of people would have come to see that movie, on the coat tails of Bond, and have been disappointed - but he was passionate enough to do it regardless. Something, I think, Brad would never ever be brave enough to do - and like the great man himself once said -

    "When I believe in something, I fight like hell for it." Steve McQueen

    No one can argue with that.......
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Lexi wrote:
    Personally, I think Brad Pitt is the better choice. If it is understated cool you want Brad Pitt can deliver. I think the producers may also be concerned about box office, which other than Bond, Craig has never delivered.

    This is where I disagree with you - Pitt is far too much 'look at me - look at me' and that is not what coolness is about. McQueen was almost 'do I give a ***t about what I look like? I'm here to play this role...' - the complete opposite of what Pitt stands for, although if manufactured suaveness is what you want, then Pitt's your man - but that's not cool IMO.

    True, Craig has never had 'box office' hits (Bond is the exception) but he has the same unwavering dedication that McQueen delivered - Take 'Flashbacks of a Fool' - A very brave choice, (or stupid, depending on your point of view ;) ) and a part that was very close to Craigs heart, in fact I'm sure there were many of the opinion that this project was going to be damaging to his career, especially after seeing his popularity sky rocket after CR - and he (Craig) wasn't naive enough to know that a lot of people would have come to see that movie, on the coat tails of Bond, and have been disappointed - but he was passionate enough to do it regardless. Something, I think, Brad would never ever be brave enough to do - and like the great man himself once said -

    "When I believe in something, I fight like hell for it." Steve McQueen

    No one can argue with that.......

    Well Lexi, if you think Craig is the better choice and can play understated cool better, that is OK with me, I won't argue. I will say, if you have ever seen The Assassination of Jesse James by That Coward Robert Ford you will see Pitt play understated cool.

    One thing we can agree on, Steve McQueen was cool. Bullitt is a good choice as are his two Sam Peckinpaugh movies The Getaway and Junior Bonner. Of course, The Great Escape and The Magnificent Seven are two of his more well known flicks.
  • 72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent
    The whole idea of a McQueen biopic is stupid, everything you need to know about Steve is already on film. I don't care how much he drank, what cycles he rode or if he beat his wife.

    If it's necessary to make a film on McQueen's life - why not a biography with interviews from those who knew him. A slock flick with Brad Pitt or DC is a waste of film and money. If I want to see "The Sand Pebbles" or "Tom Horn" I can slip in a disc and get the real deal.

    DC should stick to his arthouse films and James Bond, whatever Pitt does is not really important.
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    I love Pitt. I agree with what Barry said about Pitt's playing understated cool in The Assassination of Jesse James by The Coward Robert Ford. Lexi, Pitt can be brave. His characters in Twelve Monkeys, Snatch, The Assassination of Jesse James by The Coward Robert Ford and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button shows that he doesn't only care about commercial success. In Twelve Monkeys he played a mentally unstable member of an animal rights extremist group, in Snatch he plays a Gypsy whose English is impossible to understand, The Assassination of Jesse James by The Coward Robert Ford is a three hour western in which he plays a very unsympathetic character, while he spends the first half of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button in makeup as an old man. I think he's a wonderful actor, arguably one of the best of all time, as well one of the most fearless actors of his generation.

    I'm not saying that he should play McQueen, but that's only because, similarly to 7289, I don't think a McQueen bio is even needed. I'm not a huge fan of film bios as they tend to be all the same; subject faces obstacles early on, becomes a star against the odds, faces more obstacles, recovers and returns even bigger than before. Not all bios end the same, but many end with the subject dying an early death. McQueen was a legend; one of, if not the coolest actors of all time, and no bio can do justice to him. I would rather watch The Getaway again. B-)
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    Alex wrote:
    I apologize for the profanity laced tirade, but I had to get that off my back. :)
    Perhaps I missed something, but what profanities did you use? ?:) Or were you having a go at Bale?
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
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