R & R B0110x

danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
Just having got out of Hospital after a spinal operation, the Dr has said I have got to rest up :s no lifting no driving you know the sort of thing, the sun has gone so im stuck. been watching the extras on my Bond DVDs, but i feel stir crazy :s :D

Anyone who has some spair time wanna have a Bond screening? I have some very rare footage to look at :D things even the most seasoned Bond Fan wouldnt have seen this stuff, anyway im in the boggy swamps of Norfolk and will provide a very nice BBQ and drinkys cooked by my Staff, ahem I mean wife , it would be nice to meet you guys :p so if anyone is up for it please let me know and we will arange it -{



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