Blender3D Gunbarrel

scottmu65scottmu65 Carlisle, Cumbria, UKPosts: 402MI6 Agent
Just thought I'd share this with you, I was messing around with a program called Blender3D (which i'm completely new to) and came up with this interesting Bond gunbarrel concept.

This is just the first draft, I am going to tweak some parts and animate it into a complete sequence with an actor, perhaps use it in some fan art.

BTW It's slightly bigger than 1024*768 wallpaper size, so if you want to use it as a wallpaper it looks better if you set it to 'center' rather than 'stretch'.

Hope you like this:

P.S. a little off-topic but I was going to post this over at MI6 forums' fan art section but got re-directed to a blank page with the URL:

Anyone know whats going on there? - Please support our community.


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