If You Made A Bond Movie

mrbondmrbond Posts: 296MI6 Agent
If you made a Bond movie who would play Bond, wht gadgets, what actress to to play the Bond girl, where would it be set and who would be the villain? Just for fun!


  • mrbondmrbond Posts: 296MI6 Agent
    If it was me it would be set in Egypt, Siberia, China and Prague.
    Bond would drive an Aston Martin
    The villain be a nutter hellbent in destroying the leaders of an anti-terrorist organization so the price of his latest invention will go up million of dollars.
    The girl someone unknown but beautiful and fiesty.
    Q and Moneypenny would be in it somewhere.
    And lots of fire and dangerous stunts and car chases
    Not to modern or dark think Goldfinger, Live and Let Die but better!
  • dr. evan-gelistdr. evan-gelist SheffieldPosts: 399MI6 Agent
    edited July 2009
    the opening titles would start with bond bond en pursuit of the villain (played by charlie brooks) both in monster trucks. the chase takes place around stone henge and the villainess uses the stones as tools to kill bond. she escapes when she blows bonds truck tyre with her gun.

    name: agent x

    locations: scotland(dundee), italy(rome)(main setting), belgium(ostend)

    car(s): aston martin turbo (made up one), monster truck

    james bond: christian bale
    villains: kevin spacey, jackie chan, charlie brooks, paul rayment, neil rayment, and craig fairbrass

    allies: dean cain, mark gattiss,
    m: dirk benedict
    q: roger moore
    moneypenny: tricia penrose
    girls: tracy ann oberman, tia carrera

    song by: cheryl baker and lemarr

    final scene: on a ferry bound for london. the enemy (kevin spacey) gets thrown overboard ands is sucked into the engines under the ferry.
    "You're in the wrong business... leave it to the professionals!"
    James Bond- Licence To Kill
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    edited July 2009
    Mine would be a bit of a throw back to the 70's "Bond and beyond" films,
    PTS. The jet backpack returns for a huge chase sequence across the new york sky line with Bond evading a couple of Quantum helicopters,Out flying them of course and taking out the last helicopter by ejecting the jetpack into it and falling into a rooftop swimming pool,emerging from the water beside Tara Banks and a gang of "next top modles" after a bit of witty banter they all fall into the pool which blends into the opening titles.
    Jason Isaacs as Bond and Julian Fellows as M
    The theme song by S Bassey & T jones with plenty of brass
    Basic idea mad Bloke very right wing etc to use a genetic bomb to kill all non arian races on the planet.
    locations, S Africa Canada spain
    main Villian A Hopkins
    set pieces,
    Ice skate chase across lake with Bond avoding chasing guards etc as the ice breakes up under him,leading him to jump across a road and cling to the back of a truck and move from one vechical to another avoiding on coming traffic,having to cling under a lorry etc. before skating to safety.
    car chase, with the leading lady driving and Bond in the passanger seat he has to use his remote Aston as a ram car to fight off the persuing villians and take out their cars.
    The ending would have Bond leading a daring raid on the villans Ship plenty of small fast moving boats attacking with soldiers using grappling hooks etc to get on board,Nice big set plenty of explosions,fire, smoke.after killing villan Bond and leading lady have to escape the sinking ship, jumping into a small boat as the end credits role.
    I know a lot of people will hate this idea but I love the old Bonds with the big sets, and big stunt sequences,and I know the Genetic bomb idea dosen't add up scientificly but so long as it gives the impression of a huge world wide threat,
    The Bond theme would also be played through-out the film as in the Early movies.
    Another thing I think would look impressive on screen is to have a secret base in a sunken passenger liner,with Bond finding it in the darkness of the depths only to see its lights come on and figures move behind the portholes.Not to everyones taste but i'd enjoy it :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • mrbondmrbond Posts: 296MI6 Agent
    So would I Thunderpussy
  • 00SEVEN00SEVEN Posts: 13MI6 Agent
    All of the new bond films seem to be running out of ideas, it just seems like the same old thing with teerorists. I think that if i were to make a bond film it would have to do with james bond possibly dying.
    yippie kia yay mother ******
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