
LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
So anyone else here paid to be given an insight into what it would be like in the army? :))

Being an army brat, I had visions of pleasing my Dad (when I was about 16) to follow in his footsteps... but thank the Lord I didn't. :D

Crickey, this experience really opened my eyes. Not really knowing what to expect, I was probably somewhat naive when I turned up - there I was thinking it was going to be a couple of hours, Hah, try ALL DAY. It also didn't help that I was slightly hung over....and hadn't had time to eat breakfast (duh :# ) It was soon made very apparent to me what was expected.

Let's just say, my Dad would have felt right at home :))

I was really impressed though, even after the mild shock of 'this actually might not be quite as fun as I thought'....with the running of it. Mind you, reality hit when the words "if you shoot at any unsuspecting civilian, who strays off the beaten track, and finds themselves in this area, you will be charged with assault with a deadly weapon" :o I realised the importance of all the other safety precautions.

However, it was bloody good fun. Even if I was on the loosing was exhilarating, and adrenaline inducing....and even though getting hit really hurt, (and I've got some fantastic bruises) there was some instinctual satisfaction of hitting an 'enemy'.

Team work definitely plays in this, and I can see why these types of exercises are used in business training programmes (it's probably why our team did so badly, as not a lot of strategy was used...) and I got a very faint glimpse of the type of mindset you would have to have if you were actually out there in the 'field'. Respect doesn't even come close....

Would recommend if anyone is thinking of going....just eat before you go, drink plenty of water, and be prepared to get hurt :))
She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony


  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    lol glad to hear you enjoyed it lexi!

    i've been 'balling once, and 'lasing a few times (same thing, but with lasers instead)

    'ballings better, but yeah, it does hurt lol. my mate got shot in the shoulder, the bruise on it was quite impressive, but the 'exit bruise' on his back was purely mind blowing! lol poor guy couldn't wave for ages.

    i on the other hand (as always, what a lucky boy) went one step better and got shot in the throat. i was behind a rock, giving covering fire to a team member as he escaped from our position. he was meant to return the favour and provde covering fire for me, so i could join him, but alas, he fecked off. left alone behind this rock, i chose to stick my head up to see if the guy pinning us down had given up. sadly, he hadn't, and as my ugly mug emerged from behind the boulder, i saw 1 solitary paintball coming straight for me. after that, it was gasping for breath, sky, stars, more sky, falling over, dropping my gun and balls everywhere, and a bit more choking.

    fun for all the family!

    like all shooting sports, paintballing, if carried out safely by people who know what they're doing, is great great fun. everyone had a blast, and although i ended up choking, skint and covered in pig ****, i absolutely loved it, one of my best memories of the uni days.

    ah and twatty rick, if ya reading this, thanks for abandoning me, ya barsted!
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • zig zagzig zag EnglandPosts: 244MI6 Agent
    I went paintballing once aswell,absolutly loved it,stole the other teams shot along the jaw line,was lay in a ditch out of ammo and on me own,hurt like a right gyt to shave for a fortnite or so.Would reccomed it to anyone.I'd do it again but I cant run as fast as I used to all the fags I've fired up over the years,and sadly age is creeping up on the old knees {:) {:)
    "Yes,dammit,I said "was".The bitch is dead now."

    "It's not difficult to get a double 0 number if your prepared to kill people"
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