Any K1 fan?

frostbittenfrostbitten Chateau d'EtchebarPosts: 286MI6 Agent
I've recently developed a rather strong interest in watching K1 fights (actually, I should say K1 and K1 Max, which covers the lower weight classes). K1 fights are sometimes quite technical, and most of the times quite fun to watch. I'm wondering if there are other Bond fans out there who are also fans of K1 and K1 Max?

I just watched the K1 Max Final 8 event (shown on HDNet last week). Some of the fights are excellent. I especially enjoyed the fact that I finally got to watch Giorgio Petrosyan fight (I've heard of him, but had never seen any of his previous fights). The man is quite a slick fighter, and extremely hard to hit! I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up winning the whole tournament.

As far as other fighters in the top 8, Andy Souwer is his usual, solid self: he has a solid defense, offense, and chin. He went through a war with Kyshenko, and barely (but fairly, I thought) earned a decision victory. However, I'm kind of disappointed with Buakaw. I know that he is a great fighter, but he was extremely conservative in his fight against Holzken. Somehow, he seems to have lost a bit of the fire, and the power, that had made him a two-time K1 Max champion in '04 and '06.

So, are there Bond fans here who are also K1 fans? What do you think of the current state of K1 and K1 Max, and who are your favorite fighters?
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