A postcard from...

Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
Just back from two or three days in Paris. It was one of those trips where things go wrong only to turn out right in the end. :)

The cafe culture is well-known but there's no coffee-and-go thing as with Cafe Nero or Starbucks in London. The idea is that you sit with a coffee and watch the world go by from one of those round tables outside. It's considered bad form for a waiter to move you on. On the other hand, a coffee will set you back four euros at least, twice as much as a coffee in a paper cup to go in London so it can get pricey. I understand it's cheaper to sit up at the bar.


My sister and I were going to take my Mum to Paris, she's got Parkinson's and can benefit now from the wheelchair access of Eurostar. This means you can get a £59 return subject to availablity at any time, which you can cancel at any time if the trip falls through. What's more the wheelchair user's carer also gets the same deal! {[] However, Mum wasn't up to it at all in the run-up so we had to cancel and go instead of our own accord on a different rate. Just as well, because it was a massive heatwave over there like I've never known. Oppressive even at 7pm in the evening. Poor old Mum couldn't have handled it.

We stayed at Hotel Duo near the Pompidou Centre. Very modern, not really a slice of France at all but it did have air con and was clean and chic. Right in the centre of things. For the best view of Paris, take the lift to the top of the Pompidou Centre and eat at George Restaurant.

The train was delayed on the way back, the battery had run out. :s Because of that we got a free return ticket for another time. :D
"This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

Roger Moore 1927-2017


  • Mark HazardMark Hazard West Midlands, UKPosts: 495MI6 Agent
    Have they cleaned up the pavements yet?

    When I went there with a couple of mates in October 1996 for "The World of James Bond" (which was part of the Paris Motor Show), the pavements seemed to be covered with doggy doo. :(

    I was that disgusted with the state of them that I complained to the French Tourist Board - other than that it was a pleasant trip. I also remember that I mentioned their kamikaze drivers, and although I can't find their letter, I do remember that they suggested that the Italian drivers were even worse. :))
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    The pavements seemed clean enough! I think I attended that Bond exhibition too! Was it really that long ago? :#

    Next stop, West Norway, in particular Loen, for a hiking press trip.


    Now, I was complaining about the prices of coffee in Paris. Man, it's got nothing on Norway. They hike up the prices to pay for the necessities, so a beer costs the equivalent of £7, more than double what it would be in the UK! Same goes for chocolate. Even a small bottle of mineral water is £3-4. Lord knows what Bergen would be like if it had a red light district, you wallet wouldn't have enough room for the contraceptives. :o :D

    We were put in Alexandra Hotel in Loen, which was deserted at this time of year and a bit like the hotel in The Shining. Middle-aged Americans turned up after a while, as part of the cruise tours. Amazing buffet breakfast and dinner, mind. And a great spa with wonderful showers and things! But no bars or places to hang out in town at all, it's dead after a certain time. Even the spa shuts at 8pm, crazy. I suppose it adds to healthy living of a kind, as all temptations are put out of the way. And after climbing 1,200m up Skala mountain, I was knackered by 10pm anyway.

    We also went to Sejl on the west coast, where I did some solo hiking (not a euphamism) on a Pilgrim's Trail in the evening and a sunset swim out to sea (not far, just 40 metres). Last day was Bergen, but being on a press trip we were subjected to an arduous lecture tour by a local expert, and having got up at 5.30am that morning, it was a bit much.

    Got ripped off by customs trying to take a £6 (!) pot of jam through, it's liquids apparently. 8-) So I vowed to spend nothing more in Norway after that!
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
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