Nazi Bond Villain

mrbondmrbond Posts: 296MI6 Agent
There should be a villain who wants to be a Nazi wannabe. I don't mean shooting millions of innocent Jews but someone who acts like he is God. A right nutter (with mustache?)!

Also Gert Frobe used to be a Nazi!


  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    In other words, you want an adaptation of John Gardner's Icebreaker? At any rate, I don't know: there seems to be a "Nazi-mania" in the movies lately, and I think it would be hackneyed and trite for the Bond producers to go this route.

    As for Gert Frobe, remember he heroically and selflessly saved Jews during the Holocaust: that speaks volumes about the man he was.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    edited August 2009
    Hardyboy wrote:
    As for Gert Frobe, remember he heroically and selflessly saved Jews during the Holocaust: that speaks volumes about the man he was.
    That's true, however interestingly enough, GF was temporarily banned in Israel when he admitted to having been a member of the Nazi Party.
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • mrbondmrbond Posts: 296MI6 Agent
    I knew that!
  • Rick RobertsRick Roberts Posts: 536MI6 Agent
    Such a tired subject really and dosen't need to be explored yet again. Lets keep it current.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    He can be a meglomaniac without going down the Nazi route. Which is a bit passe anyhow.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • dr. evan-gelistdr. evan-gelist SheffieldPosts: 399MI6 Agent
    If anyones ever seen Force Ten From Navarone, then you will see it can work, having a Nazi Bond villain, or especially a Nazi sympathiser. Just imagine in Force Ten, Harrison Ford as Bond. Plus that film has Richard Kiel as the villain, aswell as actors like Robert Shaw, Barbara Bach and Edward Fox.
    "You're in the wrong business... leave it to the professionals!"
    James Bond- Licence To Kill
  • RJJBRJJB United StatesPosts: 346MI6 Agent
    If anyones ever seen Force Ten From Navarone, then you will see it can work, having a Nazi Bond villain, or especially a Nazi sympathiser. Just imagine in Force Ten, Harrison Ford as Bond. Plus that film has Richard Kiel as the villain, aswell as actors like Robert Shaw, Barbara Bach and Edward Fox.
    Except Force Ten was a WWII movie. Nazis were relevant then. They no longer are. There have been plenty of stories about a reborn Reich in other media, so having it in a Bond movie would be tiresome. The world has changed, there are new evils. Not diminishing the importance of the Nazi movemnet in history, but any thematic ties to a Nazi movement belong to period piece movies, something James Bond definitely is not.
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,828MI6 Agent
    John Gardner's novels Icebreaker and SeaFire go down the neo-Nazi new Fuhrer route. I think that it would be fun to see one of these adapted, even if it is now all a bit trite. Go for it, I say. Do somethoing different - like a neo-Fascist in Italy or Spain. That's the Bond style.
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • always shakenalways shaken LondonPosts: 6,287MI6 Agent
    I dont know ,i just see any portrayal of Nazism in films seems to come across comical
    Blues brothers is a good example ,i know it was a comedy ,but guys in Gestapo style
    outfits and swasticas ,would MI6 realy get involved ?Lets leave the Nazis to their chapter in earths
    history,also we must remember our German cousins ,have gone to great lengths to resign this
    part of their history ,well away from todays German people,Iwould think people of Germany
    would be horrified at that part of their past being used for entertainment,but as ive mentioned before
    that is my opinon ,and this is why im glad to be a ajb member
    By the way, did I tell you, I was "Mad"?
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,828MI6 Agent
    I dont know ,i just see any portrayal of Nazism in films seems to come across comical
    Blues brothers is a good example ,i know it was a comedy ,but guys in Gestapo style
    outfits and swasticas ,would MI6 realy get involved ?Lets leave the Nazis to their chapter in earths
    history,also we must remember our German cousins ,have gone to great lengths to resign this
    part of their history ,well away from todays German people,Iwould think people of Germany
    would be horrified at that part of their past being used for entertainment,but as ive mentioned before
    that is my opinon ,and this is why im glad to be a ajb member

    Yes, I of course see your good point here, always shaken. Perhaps neo-Nazism is better left to thriller books and not to the film versions. I agree, everyone has their fair democratic say here at AJB, that's why we all love it. -{
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • BIG TAMBIG TAM Wrexham, North Wales, UK.Posts: 773MI6 Agent
    Alan Bates made quite a good, if under-used, Neo-Nazi villain in THE SUM OF ALL FEARS. In fact his set-up, dealing with co-horts via webcams seemed very new-SPECTRE in many ways.

    No longer will any Bond villain organisation have to meet up in a Parisian hideaway. All the operatives can concoct their scurrilous plans in chatrooms! Or under cover of a seemingly innocuous fan website... :))
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,828MI6 Agent
    BIG TAM wrote:
    Alan Bates made quite a good, if under-used, Neo-Nazi villain in THE SUM OF ALL FEARS. In fact his set-up, dealing with co-horts via webcams seemed very new-SPECTRE in many ways.

    No longer will any Bond villain organisation have to meet up in a Parisian hideaway. All the operatives can concoct their scurrilous plans in chatrooms! Or under cover of a seemingly innocuous fan website... :))

    Or alternatively during a performance of Tosca... :))
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,828MI6 Agent
    I suppose that the Nazi revival is such a tired old thriller factory writers' idea, but it still generates titles on the Fourth Reich and a neo-Hitler, as can be seen in the book shelves of your local UK supermarket. So this suggests that tyhere may still be mileage in the Nazi/Fascist villain concept. See also John Gardner's SeaFire (1994) and Cold/Cold Fall (1996) - the latter book having a neo-Fascist General Brutus Clay trying to takle over the government of the United States in a Fascist coup. There are possibilities here if Eon are prepared to put the correct Bondian twist on things...
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    I suppose that the Nazi revival is such a tired old thriller factory writers' idea, but it still generates titles on the Fourth Reich and a neo-Hitler, as can be seen in the book shelves of your local UK supermarket.

    And that dodgy orange bookshop on Charing Cross road, where you might descend to the licensed sex shop basement.

    Though to be fair, not sure which a gal might find more offputting in this day and age - an appetite for porn, or for Nazi memorabilia themes.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,828MI6 Agent
    I suppose that the Nazi revival is such a tired old thriller factory writers' idea, but it still generates titles on the Fourth Reich and a neo-Hitler, as can be seen in the book shelves of your local UK supermarket.

    And that dodgy orange bookshop on Charing Cross road, where you might descend to the licensed sex shop basement.

    Though to be fair, not sure which a gal might find more offputting in this day and age - an appetite for porn, or for Nazi memorabilia themes.

    But you have to ask yourself, though, "Without the Nazis where would Channel 5 be?" :))
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • always shakenalways shaken LondonPosts: 6,287MI6 Agent
    The idea of Bond going up against a Nazi organisation, for me wouldnt work
    for one a Nazi party/organisation ,to legitamise their claim to votes /share of democraticaly
    elected MPs would probably be registered ect and there fore everyone would (a) know of their existance
    and (b) know where their HQ is hardley a job for M I 6 . The real threat would be by organisations
    such as Mr Greenes mob as M says who are these people ,thats the real threat ,the unknown
    so again for me ,no more Nazis please .now freemasons and their affiliated off shoots hmmmmmm
    By the way, did I tell you, I was "Mad"?
  • GrindelwaldGrindelwald Posts: 1,331MI6 Agent
    "Brutus Clay"

    Disco Nazi :p

    I always knew he was questionable , I wonder if goatface Daniel Bryan is a nazi too , after all he does use "Ride of Valkyries" as his theme :))
  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,785MI6 Agent
    I partially disagree. - We live in a world where far right Fascism is still (unfortunately) alive and kicking. The BNP are a good example, they have held a legitimate political seat in the House of Commons in the past! That means someone somewhere voted for them.
    Bond tackling a dangerous, fanatical politically motivated group in itself is not a bad idea, and is still relevant. It just needs to be done is a correct, intelligent and modern context. - The whole megalomaniac trying to re-write the world has been done enough though! - YOLT, DAF, TSWLM, MKR, TND, DAD....
    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I love the Nazis, AS Villains :))
    ( Indy was always fighting them )
    and agree the far right is always poping up somewhere.
    "East, West just points on a compass" and we should get
    villains from Both. :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,828MI6 Agent
    edited May 2018
    I partially disagree. - We live in a world where far right Fascism is still (unfortunately) alive and kicking. The BNP are a good example, they have held a legitimate political seat in the House of Commons in the past! That means someone somewhere voted for them.
    Bond tackling a dangerous, fanatical politically motivated group in itself is not a bad idea, and is still relevant. It just needs to be done is a correct, intelligent and modern context. - The whole megalomaniac trying to re-write the world has been done enough though! - YOLT, DAF, TSWLM, MKR, TND, DAD....

    Well said. Mussolini's granddaughter (also a Mussolini by name) is still in the Italian Parliament and the remnants of the Fascist Party still exist in Italian politics. There are souvenir shops with Mussolini memorabilia - you can even lick the Duce's face on a lolly - imagine that happening in Germany with Hitler (!). I think a neo-Fascist in Italy would be the way to go (or some smaller Eastern European fascist satellite state) rather than the rather hackneyed Fourth Reich in Germany style plot. This was the type of stuff Raymond Benson used in his more realistic James Bond continuation novels (1997-2002) and I could see a (mythical) 2003 Bond novel set in Italy with neo-Fascists as the villains. I'd read it. It also fits with the gritty realism we're getting in the current Daniel Craig era, though I suppose that the Quantum organisation has taken its place in the modern world as an unseen threat.
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    The Mission Impossible (Tv Series) had a couple of Episodes where the Storyline was about Neo Nazis attempting to build a Fourth Reich.
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I think for the Next Bond. They could open on an American
    football match ( Or similar event) where Quantum is holding
    an "Open" meeting as in QOS. Only to be interrupted by a strange
    voice saying something about "a changing of the Board " and have all
    twenty or so delegates electrocuted in their "Designated " seats.
    ( an homage to the early Bond films )
    Then above in a VIP box we'd on'y see in silhouette a man Rising from
    a high backed chair,ans saying " Now for the British Project ".
    ( Hopefully, this will lead many to think Blofeld is Back ).
    In England several months later, after several Terrorist attacks, a New
    Political Party is on the rise, many MP's from other parties have defected to
    them and they look on strong grounds to be the next Governement.
    ( Bond finds that These MPs are being blackmailed)
    It's led By a charismatic Politican, a wounded veretran from Iraq.
    Hugo Drax.
    Bond is drawn in to Drax's world Because Drax cheats at Cards and M
    wants Bond to put him right before It hurts Drax in the public Eyes, as To
    the nation Drax is a Hero.
    Of course Bond discovers Drax has planned all the terrosist attacks Himself
    and Plans to Take over the UK, as Cromwell type Leader after closing Parliament.
    Bond defeats him and his Plans But is Disgusted to Learn that The ruling powers
    have decided to Tell the public nothing, and Hugo Drax will be burried as British
    Hero, even Posthumously Knighed by the Queen.
    So giving Bond his "Life lesson " he seems to need in every Film now.
    Hugo Drax would be a Right wing Zelot, Hence his "Nazi " type Polotics.
    Just My Two Cents. ( I've a bit of time on my Hands ). :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
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