Thames Rib Experience - Bondish

ExpatJBExpatJB HoustonPosts: 752MI6 Agent
I did search on this and it doesn't seem to have been covered previously.

I just had a lot of fun on the which is a Thames river trip from Embankment Pier round behind Embankment tube station.

Its a 12 seater rigid inflatable boat which is used for a 45 min tour that has a bit of a Bond theme, even if its not its focus.

They show you the MI5 and MI6 buildings, where Brosnan comes from on his jetboat in TWINE. The MoD building, which apparently doubled in size recently as they dug down. And Somerset House which is apparently shown as KGB headquarters.All the while playing the Bond theme.

That's as well as the other landmark buildings, bridges boats on the way down to Canary Wharf, where they let rip with the boat and throw you around at high speed.

All bloody good honest fun! I will go again and take the kids sometime, and works on many levels.

If your in London its worth a shout at €29 and a good way to see so much.
Dont wait for your ship to come in. Swim out and meet the bloody thing.


  • little nellylittle nelly London, EnglandPosts: 152MI6 Agent
    That sounds all right, & the Mrs would enjoy it too. You go on a boat trip like this & realise there's more to London than just the West End
    N O I N F O R M A T I O N I S U S E L E S S
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