Worst Bond Movie For Each Era

christothemanchristotheman AustraliaPosts: 254MI6 Agent
Now that we have covered the best movies for each eras, it is time for the worst films, my thoughts are as follows:

SC- YOLT- There's just something about that just makes me hate it, probably the remote location.

GL-OHMSS- ;) :))

RM-MR-One lesson we have learned from this is that star-wars and Bond do not mesh well together.

TD-LTK-At first this was my favorite but later the story-line got very boring.

PB-DAD-possibly the worst Bond film at all. The lack of catch phrases and introductions ruined it for me.

DC-QOS-Well I like both of Craig's , but in the end CR just beats QOS.
"Another time, Another Place"


  • DangerMouseDangerMouse Benfleet, EssexPosts: 235MI6 Agent
    For me, it would be...

    Sean Connery - Diamonds Are Forever
    George Lazenby - Err...
    Roger Moore - The Man With The Golden Gun
    Timothy Dalton - Err...
    Pierce Brosnan - Die Another Day
    Daniel Craig - Quantum Of Solace
  • bigbychoicebigbychoice United StatesPosts: 27MI6 Agent
    Lets see here....

    Sean Connery- Diamonds are Forever
    George Lazenby- Not my favorite Bond but cant really bash the movie.
    Sir Rog- A View to a Kill
    Timothy Dalton- Both good but if i had to pick, Licence to Kill
    Pierce Brosnan- DIE ANOTHER DAY
    Daniel Craig- Lets hope the next ones better....
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    My two cents:

    Sean Connery - Diamonds Are Forever (too much like a Roger Moore Bond flick)
    George Lazenby - Nothing wrong with On Her Majesty's Secret Service (would have preferred Connery, though)
    Roger Moore - A View To A Kill (I was as bored watching it as Roger Moore seemed to be making it)
    Timothy Dalton - License to Kill (it actually wasn't bad, but I enjoyed The Living Daylights more)
    Pierce Brosnan - Tomorrow Never Dies (the weak villian ruined this one for me, although it had a good, strong perfomance by Brosnan)
    Daniel Craig - Quantum of Solace (a real let-down after the Craig's smashing introduction as Bond in Casino Royale)
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • DaltonFan1DaltonFan1 The West of IrelandPosts: 503MI6 Agent
    Connery: YOLT was made at the wrong time and it features SC's worst performance
    Lazenby: His one film is free of criticism from me.
    Moore: spoilt for choice here but I think MR is strangely the dullest despite Bond going into outer space.
    Dalton: two my favourites but LTK is definitely a touch inferior.
    Brosnan: DAD is just an abomination of a film.
    Craig: QOS was decent but unmemorable and a real comedown after his first film.
    “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.” - Carl Jung
  • Ask Dr NoAsk Dr No look behind you...Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    I hope I don't get in trouble for posting here when it's about a week or so old, like I have been in another forum which shall remain nameless...

    SC - I'm sorry FRWL fans, but I think that it is the slowest and therefore the worst of his movies.
    GL - His one movie is one of my favorites so he dosen't have a bad movie. :)
    RM - FYEO, mainly because I was never really taken away by the movie, and it was kind of confusing on the first time round.
    TD - LTK, because at some points, it move slowly, but not much more than that.
    PB - TWINE, because it just isn't that memorable as to his other films, like DAD with the awsome plane bit at the end.
    DC - CR, beacuase it lost momentum a bit.
    "Oh look! Parachutes for the both of us! Whoops, not anymore!"
    "You see Mr Bond. You can't kill my dreams. But my dreams can kill you!"
    "Time to face destiny."
    -Gaustav Graves in Die Another Day-
  • Brosnan_fanBrosnan_fan Sydney, AustraliaPosts: 521MI6 Agent
    Connery - DAF, hands down.

    Lazenby - can't say OHMSS is a poor film, so he gets off the hook.

    Moore - AVTAK.

    Dalton - Neither. Both films are quite good.

    Brosnan - DAD without question.

    Craig - ahhhh, Craig. :v Honestly, I don't really care; I've only seen QOS, and that hasn't done much for my (now) waning interest in the series.
    "Well, he certainly left with his tails between his legs."
  • zig zagzig zag EnglandPosts: 244MI6 Agent
    Sorry all TD fans, but they are the ones that get on my nerves.I love Bond,but please ,I just can't be doing with him.
    As Dr Marvin Monroe of simpsons fame once said "are you meshugana?"
    Anyway,could be worse, we could have P "feckin,Tosser" Diddy as Bond.
    Jesus wept,I hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X-( X-( X-(

    P.S It's my birthday today(40).Bummer.
    "Yes,dammit,I said "was".The bitch is dead now."

    "It's not difficult to get a double 0 number if your prepared to kill people"
  • ManxmanManxman Posts: 125MI6 Agent
    Sean Connery – Diamonds Are Forever (I don't really like my Bond camp, and Connery does camp very badly)
    George Lazenby – none (for me, OHMSS is the best Bond film by a country mile)
    Roger Moore – Moonraker (some Bond films have idiotic moments, but the whole premise of this one is ridiculous)
    Timothy Dalton – Licence To Kill (like both of his films a lot, but have a slight preference for The Living Daylights)
    Pierce Brosnan – Tomorrow Never Dies (the most boring Bond film of all – even Moonraker has a couple of good moments)
    Daniel Craig – Quantum Of Solace (a great character study, but not an enormously exciting film)
  • Krassno GranitskiKrassno Granitski USAPosts: 896MI6 Agent
    Sean Connery – Diamonds Are Forever
    George Lazenby – N/A
    Roger Moore – Moonraker
    Timothy Dalton – N/A
    Pierce Brosnan – Die Another Day
    Daniel Craig – N/A
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    Timothy Dalton – N/A
    Daniel Craig – N/A
    Do you not have a preference among Dalton's and Craig's films?
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • MathisMathis Deuxième Bureau Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    Mine's are:

    SC: Diamonds Are Forever... Connery delivers a tired performance and extremely campy. I cannot imagine the same villanous Blofeld from FRWL and TB is the same man dressed as a woman in this movie :s

    GL: He only made On Her Majesty's Secret Service and I loved It... so sorry no bad movie.

    RM: Moonraker for many reasons... Jaws falling in love, the Star Wars ripoff and the recycled plot from The Spy Who Loved Me.

    TD: License To Kill: Dalton's my least favorite Bond. It isn't THAT bad but If I had to choose, definitively LTK.

    PB: The World Is Not Enough... Two words: Denisse Richards...

    DC: Quantum Of Solace.. an ok movie but a real letdown compared to Casino Royale
    "Being dead doesn't mean one still can't be helpful…"
  • AdamOmegaAdamOmega Edmonton, AB, CanadaPosts: 297MI6 Agent
    Connery: Diamonds Are Forever -- Easily, easily, easily. Diamonds is worse than some of the worst Moore films. Too many moments to list.
    Moore: A View To A Kill -- Because Moonraker is defendable. As bad as most of it is, it a) is fun and b) made tons of money! A View To A Kill is much more painful to watch. Moore should have turned himself in after Octopussy.
    Dalton: The Living Daylights -- Not bad, but not great. I don't blame this on Dalton as much as I blame this on the lack of interesting villians. Great stunts though.
    Brosnan: Die Another Day -- Everything following the pre-credits sequence in North Korea looks and acts like a cartoon. Also, I can't stand Lee Tamahori. His use of CGI is overwhelmingly awful.
    Craig: Quantum of Solace -- Along the same lines of The Living Daylights. I thought it was amazing after three straight viewings in a row. Now, the more I think about it, the less likely I'll find it in league with Casino Royale.
    "The secret agent. The man who was only a silhouette..." -- Ian Fleming, Moonraker

    1) The Spy Who Loved Me 2) On Her Majesty's Secret Service 3) GoldenEye 4) Casino Royale 5) Goldfinger
  • chrisno1chrisno1 LondonPosts: 3,527MI6 Agent
    Depends on your definition of era!

    60s - DN (ouch! that really hurt)
    70s - TMWTGG
    80S - AVTAK
    90S - TWINE
    00s - DAD
  • Golrush007Golrush007 South AfricaPosts: 3,421Quartermasters
    Connery - YOLT: My least favourite Bond film overall.
    Lazenby - No bad films :p
    Moore - TMWTGG: Enjoyable but lacks the gloss of other Bond films, also some dodgy artistic choices.
    Dalton - LTK: I've always had a lukewarm attitude towards this film. It's still good, though.
    Brosnan - DAD: Obvious choice, even though I still enjoy it as a guilty pleasure
    Craig - QOS: Good, but no match for the brilliant CR.
  • OlgaLoverOlgaLover Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    Sean Connery - Dr No.
    George Lazenby - Nope.
    Roger Moore - Moonraker.
    Timothy Dalton - Nope.
    Pierce Brosnan - Tomorrow Never Dies.
    Daniel Craig - Nope.
  • myspy_007myspy_007 Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    Sean Connery doesnt do a bad bond.
    George Lazenby - I liked him
    Roger Moore - Moonraker
    Timothy Dalton.. Liked the movies hated Timothy Dalton so can i pick just the actor
    Pierce Brosnan - Die another day
    Daniel Craig - I like both of them.
  • A Genuine-Felix-LeiterA Genuine-Felix-Leiter Northern IrelandPosts: 9MI6 Agent
    Seeing a lot of hate for Diamonds are Forever here, almost feel bad adding to it, but what's a Bond fan to do?


    Lazenby-Lucky for him he did a great movie.

    Moore-A View to a Kill

    Dalton-Both masterpieces if you ask me.

    Brosnan-Die Another Day

    Craig-So far, so good actually.
  • QuantumofConneryQuantumofConnery Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    Since Lazenby only made one, I will not list him.

    Sean Connery- Dr. No (Too dated.)
    Roger Moore- Live and Let Die (The plot is not very interesting, and I don't like the dreary visual style.)
    Timothy Dalton- The Living Daylights (Weakest cast in the series.)
    Pierce Brosnan- GoldenEye (The plot takes forever to get started. The set up goes on for too long. It looks cheap.)
    Daniel Craig- Quantum of Solace (The dullest and most empty of all Bond movies.)
  • russellalmondrussellalmond Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    For me Thunderball was my least fav Connery,I liked OHMSS and thought Lazenby had he gone on would have been good. The only good Moore was Live and Let Die then it was down hill all the way with T M W T G G and V T A K being the worst, enjoyed the Dalton films but wasn`t to struck with him as Bond, Brosnan was the best Bond since Connery,and all his films were good, with T W I N E, being my least fav and D A D my fav which i really enjoyed, I have not been impressed with Craigs 2 outings, they are not very Bondish. that is my hubble opinion.
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,249MI6 Agent
    Sean Connery- Diamonds are Forever, too many jokes, weak story

    Roger Moore- A View to a Kill weak Bond girl, silly villians too many jokes

    Timothy Dalton- Licence to Kill, story feels like a generic American action movie, revenge theme was really over done in action films by 1989, weak locations

    Pierce Brosnan- Die Another Day too much emphasis on stunts, and CGI effects, really bad jokes

    Daniel Craig- I cannot really find too many problems with him as he is just getting started as Bond. I do understand some of the comments about Quantum of Solace thought, it was a film that defiantly needed more polishing.
  • whiteknight86whiteknight86 MexicoPosts: 43MI6 Agent
    Sean Connery: DAF
    George Lazenby: OHMSS, too sentimental
    Roger Moore: AVTAK, simply the worst of all, and for being a bad remake of goldfinger Fort Knox=Silicone valley
    Timothy Dalton: LTK, not as good as TLD
    Prierce Brosnan: DAD, I dont buy the dna therapy thing and to much cgi
    Daniel Craig: QoS, . Bad script, bad villian, ugly locations, BAD director, and bad song
    Half monk, half hitman
  • fire and icefire and ice EarthPosts: 149MI6 Agent
    worst connery has to be diamonds tho has its moments. moore has to be view to a kill, moore way to old and its just a poor movie. dalton has to be licence to kill not a bad film tho more lethal weapon than bond. brosnan except goldeneye hate his movies. craig and lazenby great films so dont have a worst.
    '...exceptionally fine shot...'
  • scottmu65scottmu65 Carlisle, Cumbria, UKPosts: 402MI6 Agent
    Sean Connery: FRWL (I love all of Connery's bond films with equal measure but if I really have to choose then it has to be this one)
    George Lazenby: I liked OHMSS so nothing really bad to say
    Roger Moore: Moonraker (I enjoyed the film but out of all his outing this was a bit ridiculous)
    Timothy Dalton: The Living Daylights (I just like License to Kill better)
    Pierce Brosnan: Die Another Day (For obvious reasons)
    Daniel Craig: Quantum of Solace (Not a Bond film, I still have no idea what exactly is going on and by far the worst in the series)
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  • Mortimer_McGeeMortimer_McGee Posts: 14MI6 Agent
    Sean Connery - Diamonds Are Forever (It's clear that he was tired of the role by this point. Minimal effort shown here)
    George Lazenby - OHMSS (By default only)
    Roger Moore - A View to a Kill (Moonraker was enjoyable compared to this film)
    Timothy Dalton - The Living Daylights (Love both, but if I had to choose one...)
    Pierce Brosnan - Die Another Day (Easy choice here)
    Daniel Craig - Quantum Of Solace (Mainly because Casino Royale was as good as it was, QoS didn't quite compare)
  • James SuzukiJames Suzuki New ZealandPosts: 2,406MI6 Agent
    :)) sean .c- dr no it was a slow start and it seemed to be aa bond where you can say ' oh my that was 1961"
    George.l-ohmss awful just plain awful wheres the gadgets and the car??
    Roger.m- avtak he's done his dash
    imouthy.d-the living daylighs-no smart bond
    pb- dad
    “The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
    -Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    Sean Connery - It was a very close call between Dr. No, DAF and YOLT in which was Connery's worst, Dr. No failry slow and a little boaring, i loved Dr. No until i went to see it in the cinema which it was re shown a few months back in Scotland and I realised sitting in a ceinema watching it how un eventful a film it was some great scenes and elements but a bit hit and miss, YOLT the whole un convincing realy pathetic Japanese disguise Bond went through so so silly, and pointless, almost a joke / party shop transformation and Connery looked a little fat in the film in parts, still some cool Bond elements Little nellie being one of the best, DAF way way too camp and silly at points, again som good scenes but i hated the whole texas Bond spin on things, with the willard whyte character who just ruined it with stupid lines and wierd in-bread facial expresions, so all in all DAF in the worst Connery movie


    ROGER MOORE - AVTAK i just cant accept the age he looks in the film and how much i loved OCTOPUSSY one of my absolute favourites of Moore's and he still looked cool and capable in that film and just a total come down in comparison, I wished Moore left the series on an all time high with OP but sadly AVTAK was just that one film too many, I almost said Moonraker for Moore due to how stupid and how much of a cartoon comic it realy is, but How Moore looked in AVTAK just won it for me, sometimes when i watch AVTAK i enjoy it and like it and accept it, and other times i dont.

    TIMOTHY DALTON I loved both of Timothys films i thought he was a great Bond who took it back to the roots of an assassin, and some hard edged action i am finding it difficult to choose a film of his that was bad as both were fantastic, If I had to choose it would Be LTK although i thought it was fantastic and one of the best but TLD had some more slick Bond elements in it for me such as the Aston, no on Second Thoughts Q was more involved in TLK and LTK had way hotter girls and plenty of Gadgets and a way way better villian, Scratch that last choice :))


    BROSNAN - DAD dont need to go into it - too much bad CGI which ruined it not enough stuntment doing the actual stunts, hallie berry my god, her jinx character possibly the worst of them all, terrible although I did like her hand guns, Gustav Graves rubbish villian I think anyone on the forums here could have taken him on and beat him, and thats a compliment to you guys, and an insult to tobby stavens as graves,

    DANIEL CRAIG - probably QoS only because CR was 10 /10 and QoS was an 8 / 10 for me still loved both of them fantastic but Green as the villian lacked a little for me compared to Mads in CR, and CR had more classic Bond elements and Eva Green OOOOOO Baby . one of the best realistic women ever to appear in a Bond film, and what a beauty

    You will notice I havent mentioned George Lazenby as he only did one film so there is no other of his you can compare it too, and in my Mind OHMSS is one of the best Bond films of all time, and was possibly the best Bond of the 60's on a level pegging with FRWL and the likes of DC's Casino Royal
  • JADE66JADE66 Posts: 238MI6 Agent
    Lazenby and Dalton weren't around long enough to have an "era." Lazenby was pretty much part of the sixties Bond era
    Craig has only done two films so I'll wait before passing judgement on his canon of films.
    Connery- DAF/ Sixties Bond films- Casino Royale '67
    Moore/ Seventies- Moonraker
    Moore/Eighties- AVTAK
    Brosnan-DAD-for nineties and 2000s

    Bottom of the toilet bowl- Moonraker

    Dishonorable mention-DAD
  • dr. evan-gelistdr. evan-gelist SheffieldPosts: 399MI6 Agent
    connery - daf
    lazenby - the only one
    moore - avtak
    dalton - none, i love this guy
    brosnan - dad
    craig - both
    "You're in the wrong business... leave it to the professionals!"
    James Bond- Licence To Kill
  • REY1324REY1324 Posts: 11MI6 Agent
    Hi there,

    Bad Bond films, eh? OK, here goes:

    Connery: Diamonds are forever. Strong opening, then went to campy.

    Lazenby: He only did one, which was a great Bond film, so that rules him out.

    Moore: Toss up between Man with the golden gun and Moonraker. Bad guys were too O.T.T.

    Dalton: Tough one, but at a push I would say Licence To Kill. However, in it's defence, it was written during the U.S. writers strike, which ruled longtime Bond writer Richard Maibaum out of writing, and it did go up against some heavyweight blockbusters, (Batman, Lethal Weapon 2, etc...) but they used Yojimbo (or Fistful of Dollars) as an idea. Bond should be original, not hand-me-down.

    Brosnan: Die Another Day, due to the CGI, and no Desmond Llewelyn. (No offence to John Cleese)

    Craig: Quantum of Solace, sadly. A really good film, and a bold step for a Bond film, but could have been done a little bit better, and without the scene where the waitress is physically assaulted. Call me old fashioned, but that scene was un-called for in a Bond film. Prehaps it was there to show how nasty the General was, but it was still unsettling to watch.

    That's my choice anyway. Let's see what Bond 23 brings. (and it WILL happen.)
  • Sean Connery - Diamonds are Forever
    Connery at his weakest, Charles Grey in drag and an overall unsatisfying conclusion to the SPECTRE era. Total disappointment after OHMSS.

    Special mention goes to Never Say Never Again.

    George Lazenby
    His one film was great, so he gets off.

    Roger Moore - Moonraker
    A rehash of TSWLM meets Star Wars. Jaws becomes a goodie, the Bondola, Drax has no personality and a bird does a double take.

    Timothy Dalton - License to Kill
    Not a bad movie, but it ropes in far too many 80s cliches with the Scarface/Miami Vice approach, and that makes it weaker than TLD.

    Pierce Brosnan - Die Another Day
    I think that this whole movie was rushed through to make the 40th anniversary deadline in 2002 with as many references to previous movies as possible. The strong start descended into farce, culminating in the horrible CGI scenes that are totally removed from the concept of James Bond.

    Daniel Craig - Quantum of Solace
    A good movie with some excellent moments, but weaker than Casino Royale. It's like the anti-Moore of Bond movies, and just gets a little too dark for my liking. The trick with the Bond series is to find that balance between fun and drama, and QoS goes WAY too deep into the dark side. The rape scene at the end is the worst.
    That's a Smith and Wesson, and you've had your six.
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