Worst Bond Movie For Each Era



  • Ricardo C.Ricardo C. Posts: 916MI6 Agent
    edited September 2010
    My ranking sans Lazenby since he only did one.

    Connery-Diamonds Are Forever: fails as a thriller but I can't say I don't enjoy this film; Diamonds Are Forever just too damn funny.

    Moore-A View To a Kill: This is definitely poorest written Moore film because it bounces around from one thing to another. We go from making microchips, doping race horses, then going back to microchips. Right next to For Your Eyes Only and The World is Not Enough, one of the most boring films in Bond history.

    Dalton-Licence To Kill: This is not a Fleming Bond or a Fleming film, lets just get that straight because I I am very tired of hearing it. James Bond, in the novels, is a cold and professional secret agent who knows how to control himself to a degree. He has lost it at times but it's one thing to strangle a man after he's wronged you or others but to quit the service and go on a vendetta ? That is something entirely. When Leiter was maimed by a shark he took his vengeance on one man and it was done. When Blofeld killed his wife he didn't quit the service frantically looking for the mad man, he tried to keep himself together and tried to move on with his life. This James Bond in this kitschy 80's film shoots a man in broad daylight to avenge someone he barely knew, give me a break.

    Brosnan-Die Another Day: This is not a James Bond film, this is not even a film, this is a video game. We have a villain who is merely 32 years old equipped with a Nintendo Glove and a Robocop suit controlling a giant sunlamp. Bond is surfing, driving an invisible Aston Martin, and is training on what is essentially the holo-deck from Star Trek. Do I need to say anything else ?

    Quantum of Solace- Daniel Craig: Cut is the name of the game. The film cuts from one arbitrary camera angle to another. James Bond does nothing but kill and doesn't take a breather. We are thrown from one part of the globe to another and all we can gather is some five foot tall metro-sexual weirdo is after some water in Bolivia. There are worst James Bond films, well a few of them, but the presentation of this film is the poorest of all.
  • WadsyWadsy Auckland, New ZealandPosts: 412MI6 Agent
    Sean Connery: Diamonds Are Forever

    - Oh god. An amazing Bond actor was lured back to do a sixth and final outing against his wishes, but only to have made a terrible campy performance with a terrible movie script, too many lame jokes, a terrible Bond girl in Tiffany Case etc etc. It just didn't feel like James Bond anymore, and this really made he dislike Guy Hamilton with a passion. DAF just can't be taken seriously, containing both a weak script, lame villain (Charles Gray playing Blofeld was just... so bad that its hilarious) etc. Terrible beginning, credits and end. There ya go. None of Connery's other films come close, but Thunderball is the runner up for worst film of the Connery era.

    Roger Moore: The Man With The Golden Gun

    - Ehem... I hate this movie so much. It is ridiculous, plot is not very compelling and I couldn't even enjoy it on an ironic level. Miss Goodnight made a s*itty Bond girl, Roger Moore looked bored with the movie and played the character far too seriously at times, there was virtually no plot, the less said about Nick Nack.. well the better, locations were boring, the British Secret Service look bored and angry themselves to the point where M tells Q to shut up.
    Christopher Lee and Roger Moore come across as two kids playing cops and robbers at the end, and yeah, just way too many cheap laughs. The car stunt was ruined by the slide-whistle sound effect (SERIOUSLY, can anyone remember that?). It's a great thing Hamilton left after this, because this movie almost killed the series for me. Thankfully, the next film would be a HUGE improvement. Runner up is Live And Let Die, which was average. To me, MR and AVTAK, the two often considered the worst are two of my favorites.

    Timothy Dalton
    : Licence To Kill

    - Dalton's my favorite actor, and he needed mooooore films. This film is one of the very reasons why needed several more. LTK is just too dark and off-Bond. Bond going rogue, two stink Bond girls, poor script in many places and somewhat of a tired and slow Bond film by John Glen, who should have stepped down after the previous film.
    Don't get me wrong, I like LTK, but its flawed on many levels. Dalton deserved better than this, TLD was superb but the follow up is average.

    Pierce Brosnan: Die Another Day

    - I can't even bear to talk about this film. Terrible, shouldn't have been made.

    Daniel Craig: Quantum Of Solace

    - It wasn't as good as Casino Royale, but it was good for what it was. Craig's performance wasn't as convincing as on CR, Bond girl was lame and a mediocre plot etc etc. There are many enjoyable aspects, and I liked the action stunts. Not much more to say, but that it was above average.
    1. FYEO 2. OHMSS 3. LTK 4. FRWL 5. TLD 6. TSWLM 7. AVTAK 8. GF 9. MR 10. TB 11. OP 12. SF 13. DN 14. SP 15. LALD 16. GE 17. CR 18. YOLT 19. TWINE 20. TMWTGG 21. NTTD 22. TND 23. QOS 24. NSNA 25. DAD 26. DAF 27. CR '67

    1. Dalton 2. Moore 3. Connery 4. Lazenby 5. Craig 6. Brosnan
  • mrbain007mrbain007 Posts: 393MI6 Agent
    edited December 2010
    Sean Connery - Diamonds are Forever

    The beginning of 70s camp and a follow up which seems to ignore what happened in the previous film. Connery is OK but a shadow of his former self.

    Roger Moore - The Man with the Golden Gun

    Funnily enough Moore and Lee are excellent but the stale nature of the film along with some cringe-worthy scenes (Bond fighting a midget) mean the absense of any real tension.

    Timothy Dalton - The Living Daylights

    I know I'm going against the grain on this one however I felt that the rather forgettable villains (namely Koskov and Whitaker) and muddled plot meant the film wasn't quite as good as it could have been. It certainly isn't a "bad" film however and there are some excellent moments - namely the cargo plane battle battle at the end.

    Pierce Brosnan - Die Another Day

    Whilst I don't hold the same level of venom towards the film as some people do on here, this is easliy Brozza's weakest entry and an unfortunate swangsong. The first half promises a great Bond adventure (the Korean/torture plot, Cuba and the blades club duel) yet the second half descends rapidly into a comic.

    Daniel Craig - Quantum of Solace

    Whilst OK on the first release, the flaws show more and more on repeated viewings. Lacks any real charm or flaire, and contains both a bland plot and an utterly un-memorable villain. Easily one of the more forgettable entries to the series.
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