I wish Bond was popular where I live.

James Bond is vastly popular in lots of places around the world. But where I live ( Canada ) it isn't really that big. If you live in a place where it isn't as popular as Great Britain post your thoughts here.


  • AdamOmegaAdamOmega Edmonton, AB, CanadaPosts: 297MI6 Agent
    Also from Canada and also agree; there isn't nearly enough James Bond popularity as there could -- or should -- be. Everybody knows who 007 is, but nobody seems to care that much... if you asked the average Canadian where the opening chase scene of The Spy Who Loved Me was filmed, they would probably guess "Switzerland"! And if you asked them what nationality Harry Saltzman is? They'd probably think he was British or American.

    Canada needs more Bond.
    "The secret agent. The man who was only a silhouette..." -- Ian Fleming, Moonraker

    1) The Spy Who Loved Me 2) On Her Majesty's Secret Service 3) GoldenEye 4) Casino Royale 5) Goldfinger
  • laoghairelaoghaire Posts: 8MI6 Agent
    I live right outside of boston, Massachusetts in the US and most of my friends know about the recent bonds but dont really appreciate them like we do. Also only man in there sixties are the only people that i know of who have actually seen the originals with sean. So i feel your pain thats why i like to go into these james bond chat rooms and fan sites. :007)
  • The Domino EffectThe Domino Effect Posts: 3,636MI6 Agent
    AdamOmega wrote:
    Also from Canada and also agree; there isn't nearly enough James Bond popularity as there could -- or should -- be. Everybody knows who 007 is, but nobody seems to care that much... if you asked the average Canadian where the opening chase scene of The Spy Who Loved Me was filmed, they would probably guess "Switzerland"! And if you asked them what nationality Harry Saltzman is? They'd probably think he was British or American.

    Canada needs more Bond.

    Too true. And sadly, there are a lot of links between Bond and Canada. Fleming travelled here during the war and visited Camp X near Toronto where SOE agents were trained. Bond himself visits Canada in 'For Your Eyes Only' and there are numerous other references to the country in many of the other books. Dr No was Canadian as was Miss Moneypenny (well, Joseph Wiseman and Lois Maxwell were any way!)...and if all of that wasn't enough, until recently there was a St James-Bond church in Toronto!
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Yep, when I lived in Canada (1990 - 1999) it was pretty apparent that 007 wasn't really a 'big' thing - although living in Victoria, BC - probably the most anglified City in Canada, it was better known - although the press still didn't give it much.

    Tell you what though, get a Bond film to film there - and have it featured as Canada (and not someplace in the States :D ) then you might get a bit more national about it :))
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • The Domino EffectThe Domino Effect Posts: 3,636MI6 Agent
    My company was given a stack of free tickets to the premier of QoS and we had no shortage of takers for them. Likewise, when I went to see CR on opening weekend, the cinema was jam-packed and there were lengthy queues. There was a buzz of excitement surrounding Daniel Craig and a lot of media attention...but I generally don't get the impression that Bond is any bigger here than, say, the Bourne films. Perhaps being such a politically-correct country, it soured of the non-PC Bond of earlier years and has never really come back. Either that or citizens are too busy eating beaver tails and drinking Moosehead to be bothered with Beluga and Bolinger!
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    My company was given a stack of free tickets to the premier of QoS and we had no shortage of takers for them. Likewise, when I went to see CR on opening weekend, the cinema was jam-packed and there were lengthy queues. There was a buzz of excitement surrounding Daniel Craig and a lot of media attention...but I generally don't get the impression that Bond is any bigger here than, say, the Bourne films. Perhaps being such a politically-correct country, it soured of the non-PC Bond of earlier years and has never really come back. Either that or citizens are too busy eating beaver tails and drinking Moosehead to be bothered with Beluga and Bolinger!

    oh, don't get me wrong, I think Bond is popular there, it's just not a national institution - and why would it be? But, in places where there are more ex-pat's then it's bound to be more poplular. However, don't forget, here in the UK, Christmas wasn't Christmas without a Bond movie on the TV (and that was in the days when there where only 3 channels, and movies being shown on TV were few and far between :D ) I was really dissapointed when I went back to Victoria for Christmas, and not one channel (out of the 100 or so) was showing a Bond movie over the holidays :(
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • The Domino EffectThe Domino Effect Posts: 3,636MI6 Agent
    Not to mention the lack of annual Christmas-airings of 'The Dam Busters', 'The Colditz Story' or 'Reach For The Sky'? I mean, what's Christmas without a good B&W war movie?!:D
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Not to mention the lack of annual Christmas-airings of 'The Dam Busters', 'The Colditz Story' or 'Reach For The Sky'? I mean, what's Christmas without a good B&W war movie?!:D

    well you did at least show 'The Sound of Music' :))
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • Golrush007Golrush007 South AfricaPosts: 3,421Quartermasters
    I live in South Africa, and while James Bond is popular I have observed that it is nowhere near as popular as in the UK, where I spent two years in 2006 and 2007.

    When QOS came out here I went to the first screening at a local cinema and there were only about 15 to 20 people present. I would have expected more. Also, music shops seem to have great difficulty shifting Bond DVDs as they are always on sale with racks and racks of them. Items such as Bond soundtracks and novels are often hard to find, even in the major music and book stores. Most of the Bond stuff that I own now was acquired during my UK stay.

    Despite all this, there are some serious Bond fans. I am a film student and one of my lecturers is a major Bond fan. We've had many a Bond discussion and also tested each others trivia knowledge. He also did a lectures on genre movies focusing on Moonraker which was a lot of fun.
    As in the UK, Bond screenings on TV are a regular occurrence here, although I'm not sure if they are centered around a particular time, like Christmas or not. I generally don't bother with them since I got all the DVDs. ;)
  • bigzilchobigzilcho Toronto, ONPosts: 245MI6 Agent
    Greetings, ghost1.

    As you well know, we Canadians are different from Americans and Brits in many subtle ways, and one of them is our appreciation of pop culture. As someone once said. Americans watch television, Canadians watch AMERICAN television.

    That simple difference of interpretation, of observing something once removed, applies to Bond.

    Perhaps the enthusiasm to Bond is not overt, but I have never felt that Canada did not have the same amount of fans as anywhere else.

    As a sidenote, I have come up with a simple test when you encounter someone who claims to be a Bond-fan. Its very easy. Name every Bond film in order and the actor who played Bond.

    To people in this forum that's laughingly simple, but its the kind of test that can determine how serious or casual a Bond-fan you are talking to.

    "Its 3AM. When do you sleep, 007?"
    "Never on the firm's time, sir."
  • myspy_007myspy_007 Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    I am also living in Canada but i live in a very english pocket of Hamilton Ontario. Now Bond not might be as popular as iit is in the UK but i must say out of my group of 10 friends most of us are James Bond fans. I am the only English born member of our group so i would not say its unusual to find bond fans here. We are planning a Bond themed wedding in august and the only issue i have had was trying to rent an aston martin for the wedding. Not a single luxury car dealership in canada that i have found offers them. My best man a car dealer in burlington has some how managed to find us one but from a private owner.
  • AdamOmegaAdamOmega Edmonton, AB, CanadaPosts: 297MI6 Agent
    bigzilcho wrote:
    As a sidenote, I have come up with a simple test when you encounter someone who claims to be a Bond-fan. Its very easy. Name every Bond film in order and the actor who played Bond.

    Sounds to me like a reasonable test... and then if that doesn't convince you, you can ask them to list every single Bond theme song performer and composer from 1962 up to 2008! :D
    "The secret agent. The man who was only a silhouette..." -- Ian Fleming, Moonraker

    1) The Spy Who Loved Me 2) On Her Majesty's Secret Service 3) GoldenEye 4) Casino Royale 5) Goldfinger
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