A real life Vesper Lynd

Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
Gunnvor Galtung Haavik (1912-1977)

Gunvor was born in Oslo in Norway and was trained as a nurse. She also learnt russian from a refugee from the revolution.
During WWII she was a nurse in northern Norway and came into contact with russian POW's at the hospital. She fell in love with one of them, Vladimir Kozlov. All russian POW's were sent back to the Soviet union after the war, some against their will. Soviets who were taken prisoners were seens as traitors and possible spies, and a period in GULag was common after they returned to their country. We don't know what happened to Kozlov.
Gunvor started working in the Norwegian embassy in Moscow in 1937, and she emedialtely started searching for Vladimir Kozlov. The KGB became aware of her and recruited her as an agent, probably based on promises to find Vladimir for her and treating him well.
Gunvor was transfared to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Oslo in 1955 and kept giving her KGB contact secret information. The inteligence services of the west suspected there was a KGB agent in Norwegian foreign service but they caught the wrong one (I don't remember her name, so let's call her Mathis :v) They couldn't find the evidence to convict "Mathis" for espionage, but she lost her job and was suspected by everyone until Gunvor Galtung Håvik was arrested in 1977. Gunvor died in prison before her case came to a trail.


  • DaltonFan1DaltonFan1 The West of IrelandPosts: 503MI6 Agent
    Interesting story.
    Did you know there is a Russian wrestler in WWE also called Vladimir Kozlov?
    “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.” - Carl Jung
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
    No,I didn't. Unlikely to be the same person, though.
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