007 at the Olympics

Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
Kim Yu-Na from South Korea used a James Bond medley for her short routine during the skating competition, I heard some TB, GF, MR and others. Link is below, you get a 30 second commercial at the start and you may have to download Microsoft Silverlight, but it is a quick install.



  • Mr_IceMr_Ice USPosts: 137MI6 Agent
    That was pretty cool. Thanks for posting it, I missed it the other night. Looks like she was having a blast with it.
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    Only available in America 8-)
  • thegoldengunguythegoldengunguy USAPosts: 21MI6 Agent
    Hey it worked! Pleasant surprise. Fantastic, wish I would have been watching when that happened. I wouldn't have expected to hear something like Thunderball in there.
  • Sir Hillary BraySir Hillary Bray College of ArmsPosts: 2,174MI6 Agent
    Speaking of the Bond and the Olympics...I was fortunate enough to be in Vancouver last week. Among the events I got to see was ski jumping. Very cool to see it live, especially when I couldn't stop thinking about Bond gunning down the ramp in the wrong skis in FYEO. Fortunately, all the guys I saw were legit! :)
    Hilly...you old devil!
  • Dangerman009Dangerman009 Posts: 32MI6 Agent
    edited March 2010
    I was pleasantly surprised to hear the Bond medley, especially the Thunderball cues. As near as I could tell, this is the music used:

    1-The very first part is from Thunderball (obviously), track 16 on the expanded CD. It starts at 7:01 and plays to somewhere around 7:15-7:20 where it is either cut or faded (or both) to 8:06(ish) of the same track and it plays to around 8:13 where there is another cut/crossfade to 8:26 which then plays to 8:45.
    2-The next part is from From Russia With Love, track 5. As I don't have this one, I don't know the timing of it.
    3-Next is from Thunderball again, track 17. Starts at 8:31goes right to the end of 8:42.
    4-Next is track 15 from Die Another Day, it plays from the beginning to :30.
    5-Brief solo guitar of the Bond theme, I don't know.
    6-The solo guitar leads into the Bond theme, from the way it sounds my guess is track 14 on From Russia With Love. Again, I don't have this one, so no time reference. Then, I'm not sure if it switches to a different version of the Bond theme (one of the Nic Raine ones maybe) or not.

    If anyone can verify numbers 5 and 6, I'd really appreciate it.
    I thought I noticed a SPECTRE at your shoulder.
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