Windows 7

The Sly FoxThe Sly Fox USAPosts: 467MI6 Agent
Has anyone tried Windows 7 for any length of time? I've been testing it out for a little while now and I really like it. It seems to run faster than Vista, use less RAM and just run more efficiently in general. From what I've seen--no blue screens or crashes!--I think it's a massive improvement over Vista. It's also not so hard to tweak to one's liking, unlike many of Microsoft's previous offerings. Gadgets, themes and a nice selection of sound schemes are already built in--things that formerly had to be downloaded from third-party websites, and only enjoyed limited support. Perhaps it is one of the first OSes to use the concept of Web 2.0 to a reasonable degree. The gadgets are also a welcome replacement for the Sidebar, and are much more aesthetically pleasing and seamless with the desktop. And most glitches like the gadgets not running with UAC (user account control) turned off are easily fixed with a registry tweak.

To me, it's Vista, but finally done right! But since this one came out about eight years after XP's release, it took 'em long enough. ;)

What are your thoughts on Microsoft's new operating system du jour?


  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    I have a Dell notebook with Windows 7 and a Dell desktop with Vista (both less than a year old) and - I'm probably going to jinx myself for saying this - but I actually like Vista better. Both OS's are a great improvement over XP but I've actually found Vista to be more stable on my rig. While Win7 works fine most of the time I regularly experience a problem where video playback freezes - seems to be an issue with explorer.exe - and the only way around it is to do a cold boot. I've never experienced this problem on Vista even though both machines typically run the same applications and I'm very disciplined about keeping everything up to date (even have auto-updating turned on).

    So while I like them both and I even have the CD to uprgade the desktop to Win7, I've never bothered to do it since I live by the old adage that if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    I have a laptop running 7, and I have no complaints so far. It's always been difficult for me to gauge a comparison between the different systems, because my newer equipment with 7 also has some hardware advantages, as well.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    My desktop PC runs Vista and I have new notebook with Windows 7 on it. Unlike some other folks I have no problems with Vista and I have always thought the file search in Vista was a huge improvement over XP. My notebook is fairly new and I haven't played around with it too much, but I like what I see so far.
  • toutbruntoutbrun Washington, USAPosts: 1,501MI6 Agent
    Except the file searh with XP, I like XP and I'm happy. Vista and 7 (which I have on another computer) is longer to load, I don't like the interface and there is nothing new. Not worth it.
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  • SwimafSwimaf Paris With LovePosts: 13MI6 Agent
    Windows 7 is truly the best OS I've ever seen in my entire life of PC user! ;)

    I have two computers, a mini notebook Eee PC (Asus) and a desktop made-by-my-hands and I ran almost 4 years with Windows XP waiting for a good OS to replace it. Since about 4 months it's done! {[]

    Just have a look: my Eee PC is kind of weak (very bad performance) due to its size and its small energy eater components but the last version of Win7 works on it like a charme! No need to tell how fine it works on my desktop! :D

    - Better performance than with Vista (I've tried this OS 2 days before I throw it to the garbage).
    - Faster than WinXP (I've tested both of the two enough to make this conclusion).
    - Much more beautiful and easy to use than every other OS. :007)
    - Need less RAM to run than Vista and about the same as XP does.

    However Win7 is very expensive (for the complete version of it) and may cause several bugs (the same as with Vista) but with no consequence fo most of them. ;)

    In conclusion, you even can buy it without opening your eyes, be sure that you will be satisfied (if you've got the cash of course!). :D

    Once you've started to read this it is just too late for you to understand that it has no meaning at all!
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