Bond Article Pilfered!

72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent
I guess you could say I am a "Bond Gun Fan", and have been interested enough to write up a few decades worth of observations about James Bond's pistols that Sico was good enough to publish on this site in the form of an article......

Not a real literary masterwork but one that I am proud of for it's accuracy - and a pretty good set of photos of firearms from my own collection....

So when a post showed up on another site, that contained a link to a "really good" website concerning Bond's pistols, I immediately looked it up. I was surprised to see some of the observations from my article were incorporated into this fellows article/webpage. I was very annoyed that one of my "copyrighted" images had also been included. Neither the image or the observations were sourced back to my article....

Since this is my only internet article (so far) I am wondering if any other AJB members have had this problem and what did you do to resolve it?



  • Donald GrantDonald Grant U.S.A.Posts: 2,251Quartermasters
    edited April 2010
    Yep, it happend to me on a Rolex forum. One of the respected moderators pilfered my article about the James Bond Submariner, made very slight changes and then passed it off as his own. When I told the forum owner he apologised and offered to post the article in their library which I agreed to. Then I fell afoul of the forum due to a devious little fellow and was banned. Trouble was they wanted to keep my article and said I lost my right to it. I apprised them of copyright law and they removed it. If your article is copyrighted seek out an attorney. You can ultimately receive damages provided you fulfill certain requirements. Otherwise just ask them to remove it.


    Edit: Here is the link to the thread where I discussed it:
    So, what sharp little eyes you've got...wait till you get to my teeth.
    "People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." Richard Grenier after George Orwell, Washington Times 1993.
  • 72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent
    Thanks DG, I'll check out the copyright law and go from there ....
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