Kindle, anyone??

LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
I'm very much a "last century" guy in most I know nothing about this "electronic reader" stuff---my electronic reader is my PC (not even a laptop)!

Is anyone here into Amazon's 'Kindle' editions of books? I'm pondering whether to make B&A available in this format, but I've no idea whether this is going to catch on, or if it's a 'flash in the pan' fad. Besides the old reliable trade paperback format, I'm already going to have a downloadable 'e-book' edition available...should I bother with Kindle?

Any thoughts, opinions or educated guesses/future sight would be helpful. Thanks {[]
Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM


  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    My sister reads a kindle and raves about it. I believe the thing has a million books innit. Like an ipod you can download. Also very compact and small.

    This kind of thing is not for me though, I want to crease the page and smell the glue. :))
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Alex wrote:
    This kind of thing is not for me though, I want to crease the page and smell the glue. :))

    Same here! I love the tactile nature of a book---the smell of an old book :x

    But I'm all for having the book reach as many people as large an audience as it can find. I've read up on the unit itself...the Kindle DX (newest generation) can hold thousands of titles, and is completely wireless and can be read for about a week on a single battery charge, so it stirs the latent tech geek inside me...?

    I'll continue to collate opinions for a while, I guess...
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    Two of my colleagues have Kindle and they're absolute disciples of the thing. Then again, we live in a city that has no bookstore to speak of, so maybe I should join the cult.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • 00-Agent00-Agent CaliforniaPosts: 453MI6 Agent
    I have only heard good things about the kindle from everyone I've spoke to who's owned one. I am tempted myself to get one. The only thing holding me back is the price. It's a lot of money for a device that only reads books. Every time I consider it I always think I would be better served spending more and getting a cheap laptop. I don't think it going away though. I imagine that like most new gadgets the price will come down and when that happens I think it will really take off. What about the Sony reader and the Barnes & nobles nook? B&N offers their software for free to be downloaded and used as a reader on smart phones and computers.
    "A blunt instrument wielded by a Government department. Hard, ruthless, sardonic, fatalistic. He likes gambling, golf, fast motor cars. All his movements are relaxed and economical". Ian Fleming
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Food for thought...I have to admit, it looks enticing on the Amazon site! Technology moves so fast these days; it's daunting!
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    While I don't have a Kindle myself, I know several people who do and they swear by the thing. I've read that Amazon regularly has trouble keeping them in stock around the holidays.

    Also, Kindle software is compatible with and can also be purchased and read using other devices including iPods, iPhones, iPads and PCs.

    So if Oscar Jade goes Kindle, you'll probably be opening him up to a much broader audience and won't be limited strictly to the Kindle reader.
  • John DrakeJohn Drake On assignmentPosts: 2,564MI6 Agent
    A friend has one. Seriously tempted, for when I'm roaming, but with my Iphone and travel laptop it would be another piece of tech to carry around.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    edited May 2010
    TonyDP wrote:
    ...So if Oscar Jade goes Kindle, you'll probably be opening him up to a much broader audience and won't be limited strictly to the Kindle reader.

    I think I'm tending toward agreeing with you, Tony. I've been asking on Facebook as well and am yet to encounter a Kindle detractor. Besides, the conventional wisdom holds that two available editions on Amazon means two thumbnails of Daren's fantastic cover, when a keyword search is done, versus just one. More exposure all the way around.

    I'd be splitting the take on each unit sold with Amazon; my publisher doesn't get a cut on e-books or Kindle editions---only the hardcopies. Doesn't look like I'd have to sell a lot of Kindle editions to make the deal pay for itself, so...
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    I work in the publishing industry - and I have yet to convert one of my books that I publish into 'kindle' - perhaps it's much more prevelant in the US? However E-books are VERY popular and always offer to convert thier book in that format - which 90% is taken up....even at a greater expense.

    I just can't seem to get my head around curling up to an electronic device on the sofa, with a hot cup of tea, and a choccie biccie....I like the feel of a book - but that's my preference, not necessarily what people want - what is the extra cost of getting it put into this format?
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Mmm, yes. I seem to recall your distaste for the electronic format :v :D

    $99 American for a Kindle conversion; not too bad, really. I've already got the e-book infrastructure set up...I actually think Kindle editions cost more than a standard e-book...but then apparently the Kindle unit is much lighter than even the new i-Pad, and certainly easier to handle than a laptop.
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Lexi wrote:

    I just can't seem to get my head around curling up to an electronic device on the sofa, with a hot cup of tea, and a choccie biccie....

    You're just feeding me lines, Lexi... :D
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Lexi wrote:

    I just can't seem to get my head around curling up to an electronic device on the sofa, with a hot cup of tea, and a choccie biccie....

    You're just feeding me lines, Lexi... :D

    You are incorrigible :))
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Ahh, yes.... sorry ;% - CAN'T wait till it comes out in hardback though... :v :))

    Well for $99 it's not going to break the bank (well, I hope not...) and I think the more formats you can offer it - the better. What does your gut instinct tell you? And your publisher? Can you add that it's available in this format on Amazon? Might be a good selling point, or at least show that you're up to date so to speak. Posture I always say, is very important ;)
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Lexi wrote:
    Well for $99 it's not going to break the bank (well, I hope not...) and I think the more formats you can offer it - the better. What does your gut instinct tell you?

    I think my gut's starting to tell me to go Kindle... -{ I'll naturally shout out its availability in that format when I start the daunting PR process...and like I said a title search on will show two results (Kindle and trade paperback) instead of just one. I'll mention the Kindle edition on as well, naturally B-)

    Plus I'm a big fan of irony---a retro-style, old-fashioned story published, sold and delivered with 21st Century technology. Gotta love it!
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
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