Are Moderators Even Needed?



  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    Asp9mm wrote:
    I've already explained why we the owner of the site (not us) needs to have mods check in daily if not more. Libel, copyright infringement, adult material etc. The owner can be taken to court and sued if the site is not moderated to remove offensive posts, and libelous claims. They are essential for keeping a forum open. Those forums that are not well moderated close very quickly.

    Which part of any of that did you not understand.

    All that needs moderating is a simple clean up of spam, copyright etc. Yes, we've already established that. You are one of those people who likes to give up freedom in the name of security, but deserve neither (BF reference here).

    It seems you WANT a prescence of persistent moderation. It isn't needed. Your scaremongering is pitiful and is one reason we live in such a nanny state.
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,504MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    well well...welcome back, Carver97. I'm proud of you for wading through the sludge. here's hoping to see more of you around the forums!

    PS. I very much like the life-guard example. very fitting.

    No, it was sub-standard. Much like your so-called arguments.

    At least they have arguments, you haven't offered anything to back up your views or your OP at all. It's about time you stopped hurling smoke and shadows, got some balls and actually stood by your views and posts with a degree of intellect into how the world works, the law and democracy. So far you've taken words out of a dictionary and probably a conversation of your parents views you overheard, and tried to make them into your own without understanding them.
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    carver97 wrote:
    Right. Well considering the experience I've had in public speaking/debate and writing, I'll just dismiss all that and ask a fairly simple and straight forward question:

    You clearly have zero experience in debate, hence why you refuse to address my counter post.
    If you have such a problem with the way things are run here, then why the **** do you stick around?

    If no one questions things, then conformity simply continues. The many posters I have defeated in debate on this very thread is a classic example of narrowmindedness and an unwillingness to, essentially, ''free up'' a forum filled with mods. Surely ONE part-time admin is all that is needed!
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    edited May 2010
    It seems you WANT a prescence of persistent moderation.

    oh my fry! he GOT IT! finally.
    carver97 wrote:
    Right. Well considering the experience I've had in public speaking/debate and writing, I'll just dismiss all that and ask a fairly simple and straight forward question:

    You clearly have zero experience in debate, hence why you refuse to address my counter post.

    it's called taking the high road.
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,504MI6 Agent
    Asp9mm wrote:
    I've already explained why we the owner of the site (not us) needs to have mods check in daily if not more. Libel, copyright infringement, adult material etc. The owner can be taken to court and sued if the site is not moderated to remove offensive posts, and libelous claims. They are essential for keeping a forum open. Those forums that are not well moderated close very quickly.

    Which part of any of that did you not understand.

    All that needs moderating is a simple clean up of spam, copyright etc. Yes, we've already established that. You are one of those people who likes to give up freedom in the name of security, but deserve neither (BF reference here).

    It seems you WANT a prescence of persistent moderation. It isn't needed. Your scaremongering is pitiful and is one reason we live in such a nanny state.

    No , that is not all that needs moderating. You also need to clean up offensive posts, libelous remarks and off topic chat in the wrong places. It's not scaremongering, it's common sense. You can have free speech down you local pub, in your home and in the street. This is a private site owned by a private individual. It needs cleaning up constantly.
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    It seems you WANT a prescence of persistent moderation.

    oh my fry! he GOT IT! finally.

    Spoken like a true lap dog.
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,504MI6 Agent
    edited May 2010
    carver97 wrote:
    Right. Well considering the experience I've had in public speaking/debate and writing, I'll just dismiss all that and ask a fairly simple and straight forward question:

    You clearly have zero experience in debate, hence why you refuse to address my counter post.
    If you have such a problem with the way things are run here, then why the **** do you stick around?

    If no one questions things, then conformity simply continues. The many posters I have defeated in debate on this very thread is a classic example of narrowmindedness and an unwillingness to, essentially, ''free up'' a forum filled with mods. Surely ONE part-time admin is all that is needed!

    You have defeated no one in this thread. YOU have failed to stand up and make one single valid point. Why is no one agreeing with you? Simply, and I apologise if this is offensive, but you sound like you are a 12 year old that is trying to form an opinion on a world that he cannot possibly understand. You can't form a single point without destroying it's validity somehwere further down the line. You are hypocritical, have illogical thoughts, and come across as a small child.

    Your replies to peoples posts are just insults because you cannot communicate in an adult or even partially cohesive way.
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    It seems you WANT a prescence of persistent moderation.

    oh my fry! he GOT IT! finally.

    Spoken like a true lap dog.

    no...spoken like a person who likes a good, clean forum...
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    Asp9mm wrote:
    No , that is not all that needs moderating. You also need to clean up offensive posts, libelous remarks and off topic chat in the wrong places.

    Ok, add that too the copyrighted and spam. Big deal. A simple drop in once in a while would sort that out. The very idea that debate/opinion needs constant moderating is pitiful and is the driving force behind removing mods so everyone is on an equal footing.

    If you are so keen on mods, then you should surely agree they sign up to the forum EXPLICITLY forbidding THEMSELVES from partaking in debate! Otherwise, YOU could be a mod and, because you disagree with, say, me, you could effectively ban me outright and/or lock my threads. That, in my view, is just not right.
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    Pendragon wrote:

    oh my fry! he GOT IT! finally.

    Spoken like a true lap dog.

    no...spoken like a person who likes a good, clean forum...

    You like being policed. That's okay, it's even more popular in China, perhaps you should emigrate :D
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,504MI6 Agent
    edited May 2010
    I'm fed up with this idiot. Tried to have a debate but how can you debate with some onewho just says..

    "Yeah, but you don't"

    "Yeah, but you don't"

    My five year old comes up with better arguments than that. Time to let the kid go to bed, schools off tomorrow, but back in on Tuesday.
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    edited May 2010
    aye...notice the mods HAVEN'T banned you yet. see them letting you have your say?

    You like being policed. That's okay, it's even more popular in China, perhaps you should emigrate :D

    a very close friend of mine escaped from some very nasty events there. yet another thing you shouldn't joke about.
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • carver97carver97 New York, USAPosts: 78MI6 Agent
    Dismissing your so-called "counter post" is in no way a reflection on my debating skills. It's more like throwing away some cheap flyer warning of the coming Apocalypse that was shoved in your hand by some fanatic on the street even though you made it clear you weren't interested in the opinions of someone unable to grasp reality. Your opinions are yours and yours alone. There's no need to shart them out all over the Internet hoping to attract a few followers to stroke your ego. "Opinions are like ***holes, everyone has one and they usually stink."
  • 007 and a half007 and a half LondonPosts: 595MI6 Agent
    Asp9mm wrote:
    No , that is not all that needs moderating. You also need to clean up offensive posts, libelous remarks and off topic chat in the wrong places.

    Ok, add that too the copyrighted and spam. Big deal. A simple drop in once in a while would sort that out. The very idea that debate/opinion needs constant moderating is pitiful and is the driving force behind removing mods so everyone is on an equal footing.

    If you are so keen on mods, then you should surely agree they sign up to the forum EXPLICITLY forbidding THEMSELVES from partaking in debate! Otherwise, YOU could be a mod and, because you disagree with, say, me, you could effectively ban me outright and/or lock my threads. That, in my view, is just not right.

    But you haven't been banded so you have no valid point there. I for one hope you're not banned because I haven't had a laugh like this for ages after reading your posts all over AJB.

    Here have another HUG to go with the one I left for you in another of your pointless (although hilarious) threads. :D
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    aye...notice the mods HAVEN'T banned you yet. see them letting you have your say?

    That's because I have made up with one of them after falling out on the forum. Plus, he's not too bad and we got off on the wrong foot.

    Also, this thread clearly states that mods aren't needed in principle (that means, ANYWHERE), not just here! lol, how you can twist my arguments to your own ends is disgraceful!
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    carver97 wrote:
    Dismissing your so-called "counter post" is in no way a reflection on my debating skills. It's more like throwing away some cheap flyer warning of the coming Apocalypse that was shoved in your hand by some fanatic on the street even though you made it clear you weren't interested in the opinions of someone unable to grasp reality. Your opinions are yours and yours alone. There's no need to shart them out all over the Internet hoping to attract a few followers to stroke your ego. "Opinions are like ***holes, everyone has one and they usually stink."

    My opinions are rooted in freedom. Yours are rooted in ignorance in a constant need to impress your peers by verbally attacking the ''troll''.
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    aye...notice the mods HAVEN'T banned you yet. see them letting you have your say?

    That's because I have made up with one of them after falling out on the forum. Plus, he's not too bad and we got off on the wrong foot.

    Also, this thread clearly states that mods aren't needed in principle (that means, ANYWHERE), not just here! lol, how you can twist my arguments to your own ends is disgraceful!

    never twisted your arguments. and that's great that you "made up" with one of the mods. still doesn't erase the facts that mods are needed on every forum everywhere. I've been on some "free" forums, and they closed after a few weeks 'cause the mods weren't there to clean out the ****. this forum has been around for a good few years, and we owe it in part to the mods.
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent

    But you haven't been banded so you have no valid point there. I for one hope you're not banned because I haven't had a laugh like this for ages after reading your posts all over AJB.

    Here have another HUG to go with the one I left for you in another of your pointless (although hilarious) threads. :D

    What are YOU doing here? I thought you were still talking about Futurearma like the foolish child you are! :))
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent

    But you haven't been banded so you have no valid point there. I for one hope you're not banned because I haven't had a laugh like this for ages after reading your posts all over AJB.

    Here have another HUG to go with the one I left for you in another of your pointless (although hilarious) threads. :D

    What are YOU doing here? I thought you were still talking about Futurearma like the foolish child you are! :))

    he's allowed to be where-ever he wants. no one here is restricted to one sub bored or thread.
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    never twisted your arguments. and that's great that you "made up" with one of the mods. still doesn't erase the facts that mods are needed on every forum everywhere. I've been on some "free" forums, and they closed after a few weeks 'cause the mods weren't there to clean out the ****. this forum has been around for a good few years, and we owe it in part to the mods.

    But the quality of discussion was poorer. That was, until I showed up! I'm the finest member on any forum and YOU are lucky to have me here to show you how deluded you (and your fellow stooges) are!

    Now, like I said before, mods play a role in clearing up spam and copyrighted posts but that function is ALL that is needed. I know YOU like being policed, but there are those of us who enjoy a bit of freedom on fan forums.
  • 007 and a half007 and a half LondonPosts: 595MI6 Agent
    edited May 2010

    But you haven't been banded so you have no valid point there. I for one hope you're not banned because I haven't had a laugh like this for ages after reading your posts all over AJB.

    Here have another HUG to go with the one I left for you in another of your pointless (although hilarious) threads. :D

    What are YOU doing here? I thought you were still talking about Futurearma like the foolish child you are! :))

    And there was me offering you a HUG, oh well that's a shame :#

    If you've ever seen Family Guy then you'll know what I'm talking about when I say that you remind me of Peter Griffin :)) :)) :)) :))
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    he's allowed to be where-ever he wants. no one here is restricted to one sub bored or thread.

    Of course he's allowed to be here. There you go again, twisting my arguments! I was merely shocked he was here at all, what with his obsession with my other thread and all.
  • carver97carver97 New York, USAPosts: 78MI6 Agent
    I really only have one peer here and that's Pen (Like I said, I haven't been here in over three years so I came onto this thread as an outsider more or less), and her and I know each other well enough to be able to impress one another without bickering on an Internet forum. I guess I'm just counter posting your counter posts with the same narrow minded way that you've shown. My posts have been directed towards you and you alone, and I would've said the same things in person or even through a private message. No showing off for me!
  • nms75nms75 United KingdomPosts: 1,233MI6 Agent
    Someone mention Futurama?
    A sense of humour is no laughing matter!
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    never twisted your arguments. and that's great that you "made up" with one of the mods. still doesn't erase the facts that mods are needed on every forum everywhere. I've been on some "free" forums, and they closed after a few weeks 'cause the mods weren't there to clean out the ****. this forum has been around for a good few years, and we owe it in part to the mods.

    But the quality of discussion was poorer. That was, until I showed up! I'm the finest member on any forum and YOU are lucky to have me here to show you how deluded you (and your fellow stooges) are!

    Now, like I said before, mods play a role in clearing up spam and copyrighted posts but that function is ALL that is needed. I know YOU like being policed, but there are those of us who enjoy a bit of freedom on fan forums.

    actually, it was better. you haven't been here as long as some of us have, and therefore have no idea about some of the high quality threads we've had.

    we enjoy rampant freedom here. It's like any other club. there are rules and regulations to follow, and if you want to be a part of said club, you've got to agree to the rules. we all have here, and quite like it.
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • 007 and a half007 and a half LondonPosts: 595MI6 Agent
    nms75 wrote:
    Someone mention Futurama?

    HAHAHAHA, don't be such a Bender mate ;)
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    carver97 wrote:
    I really only have one peer here and that's Pen (Like I said, I haven't been here in over three years so I came onto this thread as an outsider more or less), and her and I know each other well enough to be able to impress one another without bickering on an Internet forum. I guess I'm just counter posting your counter posts with the same narrow minded way that you've shown. My posts have been directed towards you and you alone, and I would've said the same things in person or even through a private message. No showing off for me!

    I beg to differ. Your whole entrance to this thread was classic attention-whoring. You wanted to make an example of me to impress your friends. When I defeated you in debate you realised just how foolish you came across. You may as well quit now as we have very little to discuss.

  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    carver97 wrote:
    I really only have one peer here and that's Pen (Like I said, I haven't been here in over three years so I came onto this thread as an outsider more or less), and her and I know each other well enough to be able to impress one another without bickering on an Internet forum. I guess I'm just counter posting your counter posts with the same narrow minded way that you've shown. My posts have been directed towards you and you alone, and I would've said the same things in person or even through a private message. No showing off for me!

    I beg to differ. Your whole entrance to this thread was classic attention-whoring. You wanted to make an example of me to impress your friends. When I defeated you in debate you realised just how foolish you came across. You may as well quit now as we have very little to discuss.


    you've done no such thing. Carver didn't come here to "whore" himself as you put it. he wanted to express his opinion and he did. He placed his post very well and you've got no business calling him foolish.
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • carver97carver97 New York, USAPosts: 78MI6 Agent
    I'm sorry? You keep saying "Defeat! Defeat! Defeat! I have defeated you! Roar!", yet all of us are still standing, and still posting. You seem to think very highly of yourself.
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    you've done no such thing. Carver didn't come here to "whore" himself as you put it. he wanted to express his opinion and he did. He placed his post very well and you've got no business calling him foolish.

    Why you feel the need to impress your peers by verbally attacking the ''troll'' is beyond me 8-)

    If you were objective, you would read the exchanges and find it was I, actually, who won the debate.
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