Are Moderators Even Needed?



  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    you've done no such thing. Carver didn't come here to "whore" himself as you put it. he wanted to express his opinion and he did. He placed his post very well and you've got no business calling him foolish.

    Why you feel the need to impress your peers by verbally attacking the ''troll'' is beyond me 8-)

    If you were objective, you would read the exchanges and find it was I, actually, who won the debate.

    oh hun. I haven't verbally attacked you.

    we're all very objective here.
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • carver97carver97 New York, USAPosts: 78MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    you've done no such thing. Carver didn't come here to "whore" himself as you put it. he wanted to express his opinion and he did. He placed his post very well and you've got no business calling him foolish.

    Why you feel the need to impress your peers by verbally attacking the ''troll'' is beyond me 8-)

    If you were objective, you would read the exchanges and find it was I, actually, who won the debate.

    Slapping someone on the hand and saying "No, you're wrong. I'm right." is not winning a debate. It's not even debating.

    Debate: a formal contest in which the affirmative and negative sides of a proposition are advocated by opposing speakers.

    It seems to me like stamping down your Nazi boot exclaiming "VARE AH YO PAYPURZ??" and telling everyone that opposes you that they are wrong and your way is the world's way sounds more to me like you're trying to make AJB the totolitarian forum you claim it already is!
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    carver97 wrote:
    Pendragon wrote:
    you've done no such thing. Carver didn't come here to "whore" himself as you put it. he wanted to express his opinion and he did. He placed his post very well and you've got no business calling him foolish.

    Why you feel the need to impress your peers by verbally attacking the ''troll'' is beyond me 8-)

    If you were objective, you would read the exchanges and find it was I, actually, who won the debate.

    Slapping someone on the hand and saying "No, you're wrong. I'm right." is not winning a debate. It's not even debating.

    Debate: a formal contest in which the affirmative and negative sides of a proposition are advocated by opposing speakers.

    It seems to me like stamping down your Nazi boot exclaiming "VARE AH YO PAYPURZ??" and telling everyone that opposes you that they are wrong and your way is the world's way sounds more to me like you're trying to make AJB the totolitarian forum you claim it already is!

    :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :))

    and thus, the Pendragon retires from this thread to study for her college finals, leaving TheScashMan to believe that he has "won" something.
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • carver97carver97 New York, USAPosts: 78MI6 Agent
    I'm off as well. I have far more productive things to do.

    Pen - if you're online later give me a holler and I'll send you another excerpt from my book.
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    You know, after some 600+ views and 6 pages of waffle (aside of my posts), it can safely be said that this thread has not been given proper consideration. I hope more QAULITY posts with proper arguments will be presented. So far, only ONE member, Asp9mm, ATTEMPTED to debate, but it was the work of an amateur. Please someone with a degree of intelligence post.
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited May 2010
    Hey guys, glad to see, that you are missing me.

    Problem is, that I have been dragged thru the mud by an AJB moderator for equally treating a similar "new" member in an appropriate manner. I'd have a lot to say to TheScashMan, but it'd be excessively sarcastic and we all don't want to "keep away new members from posting here" ;)

    My opinion about him:

    I'll defend Roger Moore always and I thought, that his first postings have been hilarious! But that changed soon as I had to realize, that this guy may have a funny opinion, but is not funny at all! TheScatMan: You don't have the ability to laugh about yourself and about your borderline position (just like JFF could) and here I have a problem with.

    There is no discussion at all possible with you as you are simply repeating your (non-mainstream )and that's absolutely ok)) positions but don't supply any more substance.
    Instead of being a real liberal and enter into a proper discussion, you are insulting others, who don't share your point of view and that's what I am calling fashist!

    With the exception of this post, I'll stay calm again because it does not make sense to argue with an idiot.

    @ ASP9mm:
    Asp9mm wrote:
    If anything has come out of this, it's the sudden realisation that Pendragon is a woman... How I missed that, all these years, is beyond me.
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • JarvioJarvio EnglandPosts: 4,241MI6 Agent
    This threads still going? Just had a read at the newer posts, funny, funny stuff! {[]

    The random mention of Futurama particularly made me laugh :))
    1 - LALD, 2 - AVTAK, 3 - LTK, 4 - OP, 5 - NTTD, 6 - FYEO, 7 - SF, 8 - DN, 9 - DAF, 10 - TSWLM, 11 - OHMSS, 12 - TMWTGG, 13 - GE, 14 - MR, 15 - TLD, 16 - YOLT, 17 - GF, 18 - DAD, 19 - TWINE, 20 - SP, 21 - TND, 22 - FRWL, 23 - TB, 24 - CR, 25 - QOS

    1 - Moore, 2 - Dalton, 3 - Craig, 4 - Connery, 5 - Brosnan, 6 - Lazenby
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    this thread has been very amusing.... and has made me laugh out loud on several occaisions.

    However, (and I can't believe I'm saying this.....) Thank you ScashMan.... not only for entertaining me, BUT you have prompted BONDTOYS back..... :x

    Welcome home Bondtoys.... -{
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,504MI6 Agent
    You know, after some 600+ views and 6 pages of waffle (aside of my posts), it can safely be said that this thread has not been given proper consideration. I hope more QAULITY posts with proper arguments will be presented. So far, only ONE member, Asp9mm, ATTEMPTED to debate, but it was the work of an amateur. Please someone with a degree of intelligence post.

    Actually, you debated nothing. All you did was debase your original argument with every subsequent post. You clearly avoided a debate with me by responding only with childish insults. Hardly someone with a high degree of intelligence. Even your other posts have resulted in people mocking you. We haven't had a forum idiot in a while, and we do need one. So stick around.

    I hate to think what you are like in real life as you can't hide behind a screen or think of replies over a period of time. The art of conversation and presenting a positive personality is a key life skill, if you can't manage that on the internet, then you are going to have severe difficulties as you grow up.

    If in future you post more open debates, you need to back up your original post with facts and address the issues raised in peoples posts afterwards. Making a statement and then replying to people in follow up threads with 'read my OP' makes you look weak and seem unable to communicate effectively. You need to support your argument with facts and valid opinions rather than turning tail and running away if anyone disagrees with you.
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,504MI6 Agent
    Bondtoys wrote:
    Hey guys, glad to see, that you are missing me.

    Hurrah, my evil nemesis has returned from hunting moles.
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    The concept of moderators (not just on this forum, but in principle) is lost on me (and I'm assuming most others who tend to follow Libertarian values).

    A moderator should not exist. A webmaster (Administrator) should. BUT, their role should be to create a site for fans (of whatever genre) to enjoy/debate/discuss/argue even, but they should remain silent on all topics and ideally only log in once a month just to make sure endless spam posts of ''buy Viagra'' are deleted.

    The problem with mods who like to throw their weight around is that they will always let their personal feelings get in the way of debate rather than do what they should do: stay neutral/silent and ONLY delete spam. But, because they cannot be even trusted to do that, they should be stripped of their status and be on the same platform as everyone else. I am confident that most people are put off by moderated forums, as it severely restricts what the web SHOULD be about: the free exchange of ideas and to debate without censorship (or the lingering threat of it).

    Now moderators (and you're not going to like this) are only confident in debate not because of any intellectual capacity, but because they hold unfair advantages of thread locking/banning and other totalitarian practices that stink of fascism.

    I do not care if I am unpopular for this belief, but let us see how many fascists and how many free minds actually linger on this forum.

    So, the question is: are moderators even needed? My answer is a certified NO.
    Well, it is not our goal or desire to censor any person or stamp out your freedom of expression. But hey, personal arguments can quickly spread and therefore cause long lasting destruction to a friendly community. Any membership one person desires to join will have basic guidelines and rules. Such is life. Nobody need tell the creator of a free fan forum he should never post in something he worked long and hard for. Or to make statements concerning the intellectual capacity of moderators and fans, (who are one and the same)

    This forum is for the enjoyment and discussion of James Bond. Moderators are also Bond lovers or they wouldn't volunteer their time to help make things run smoother. But yeah, after being the butt end from slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes their politeness may crack at times. I know I was a lot happier before I took on the responsibility.

    So, yeah, Mods should hang around. If anything, so we can be labeled big brother and provide an easy face to strike at. 8-) But this isn't a county commissioner board or city hall. We aren't collecting taxes and responsible for providing public parks and art museums. In short we don't have to do anything simply because you don't approve it. We follow the rules of freedom but we won't bend when they're used against us.

    I suggest you acquire the neccessary software to create your own forum. (paid by ?) Strike up the fife and drum and valiantly fight the good fight, Rick Roberts.
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    ^ well put, sir!!!

    and welcome home, Bondtoys! :007) *PS. epic facepalm is epic :x*
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    Just checked back in to see how the thread's doing and, predictably, I see no one can offer any real counter-argument as to why we only need ONE part-time admin just to clean up spam and copyrighted materials. I am disappointed at the lack of care gone into the posts as the issue of free debate and discussion SHOULD be high on every free thinking man's agenda.
  • 007 and a half007 and a half LondonPosts: 595MI6 Agent
    Just checked back in to see how the thread's doing and, predictably, I see no one can offer any real counter-argument as to why we only need ONE part-time admin just to clean up spam and copyrighted materials. I am disappointed at the lack of care gone into the posts as the issue of free debate and discussion SHOULD be high on every free thinking man's agenda.

    Possibly because we all have better things to do with our lives and are more than happy with the work the mods do.

    You need to realise how hipocritcal and pointless your posts are in this thread particularly in the way you refer to other members and their experiences in life when all they have done is attempt to give you their point of view on this subject.

    I shall quote you from an opening post in another of your threads as I think this just about sums up your lack of intellect:

    "There can be no room for debate as far as I am concerned. No room at all."
  • carver97carver97 New York, USAPosts: 78MI6 Agent
    You know, after some 600+ views and 6 pages of waffle (aside of my posts), it can safely be said that this thread has not been given proper consideration. I hope more QAULITY posts with proper arguments will be presented. So far, only ONE member, Asp9mm, ATTEMPTED to debate, but it was the work of an amateur. Please someone with a degree of intelligence post.

    Oooooh! When I see a QAULITY post, I'll be sure to point it out to you. :D
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Can we not just 'choose' to belong to a forum where Moderators are not only part of the forum, but help to keep it 'in check' with spammers, trolls and people who are just out to antagonise?

    ....not to mention having a soft spot for men in authority :x ;)
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,447Chief of Staff
    Just checked back in to see how the thread's doing and, predictably, I see no one can offer any real counter-argument as to why we only need ONE part-time admin just to clean up spam and copyrighted materials. I am disappointed at the lack of care gone into the posts as the issue of free debate and discussion SHOULD be high on every free thinking man's agenda.

    I see that Asp9mm offered a counter-arguement a couple of pages back....and you agreed with him....I'm disappointed, nay disgusted, at your pitiful capitulation...I expected more from such a 'free-thinker' as yourself :v
    YNWA 97
  • Sir Hillary BraySir Hillary Bray College of ArmsPosts: 2,174MI6 Agent
    Hey gang,

    Anyone besides me curious that perhaps the single most prolific poster in the Off-Topic Forum has not posted once on this, the most viral thread AJB has seen in years?

    Methinks Nap is playing with us! :v old devil!
  • JamesbondjrJamesbondjr Posts: 462MI6 Agent
    Your whole entrance to this thread was classic attention-whoring.

    Priceless. You called someone an attention whore.

    I've had a giggle reading over this, it really is nice to see someone set aside quality time to humiliate themselves in public.

    TheScashMan, you remind me of myself when I was younger, niavely believing anyone who happened to hold a popular opinion was a conformist. After all, we really must be different from everyone else to be truly free right?

    I find it commendable that you have decided to question the presence of moderators on everyone's behalf but you have been provided with an adequate answer (several times over) and yet you persist in thinking you have 'won' a debate. Well I don't think that the majority of debates on here are there to be won, we are people who share a great like for the same thing and enjoy reading other opinions on the subject. That is all. There is no competition.

    You started with nothing and still have most of it left, so by all means continue posting and give us a laugh.

    Incidentally, why do you consider yourself a free thinker?
    1- On Her Majesty's Secret Service 2- Casino Royale 3- Licence To Kill 4- Goldeneye 5- From Russia With Love
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    oh, I'm terribly sorry, TheScashMan...8-)

    couldn't be here all day 'cause I've been out taking final exams, doing work on behalf of my department and studying. pity.
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,703MI6 Agent
    Just checked back in to see how the thread's doing and, predictably, I see no one can offer any real counter-argument as to why we only need ONE part-time admin just to clean up spam and copyrighted materials. I am disappointed at the lack of care gone into the posts as the issue of free debate and discussion SHOULD be high on every free thinking man's agenda.

    Trust me, there's more than one part-time admin that cleans up the spam and copyrighted material. There's a few around. And it's not just the admins that notice the spam and copyrighted material. If any member of this forum sees a post that doesn't look right they can report it. Of course it's up to our mods to decide if the post should be deleted. I'm sure many members here have reported spam posts, copyrighted posts, obscene posts, political posts and various other posts that I have not mentioned.
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    Mr Martini wrote:

    Trust me, there's more than one part-time admin that cleans up the spam and copyrighted material. There's a few around. And it's not just the admins that notice the spam and copyrighted material. If any member of this forum sees a post that doesn't look right they can report it. Of course it's up to our mods to decide if the post should be deleted. I'm sure many members here have reported spam posts, copyrighted posts, obscene posts, political posts and various other posts that I have not mentioned.

    That's the beauty of having several mods...not just one person (administrator or moderator) controls what topics stay and which ones go.
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    edited May 2010
    Priceless. You called someone an attention whore.

    I've had a giggle reading over this, it really is nice to see someone set aside quality time to humiliate themselves in public.

    No humiliation on this end! I cannot be humiliated because I do not respect anyone else's opinion on this forum, including yours! :)) :)) :))
    TheScashMan, you remind me of myself when I was younger,

    Ugh, I hope not :# who'd want to be like you? Not me, that's for sure! :D
    niavely believing anyone who happened to hold a popular opinion was a conformist.

    It's context dependant. In this scenario, the PC brainwashing of wanting to constantly 'police' oneself is in full force by all the sheep-like members who have commented thus far. Stalin himself would be proud.

    I find it commendable that you have decided to question the presence of moderators on everyone's behalf but you have been provided with an adequate answer (several times over) and yet you persist in thinking you have 'won' a debate.

    I successfully counteracted all arguments, so your comment is meaningless.
    Incidentally, why do you consider yourself a free thinker?

    Have you not paid any attention to this thread? I think not! -{
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    Mr Martini wrote:
    Just checked back in to see how the thread's doing and, predictably, I see no one can offer any real counter-argument as to why we only need ONE part-time admin just to clean up spam and copyrighted materials. I am disappointed at the lack of care gone into the posts as the issue of free debate and discussion SHOULD be high on every free thinking man's agenda.

    Trust me, there's more than one part-time admin that cleans up the spam and copyrighted material. There's a few around. And it's not just the admins that notice the spam and copyrighted material. If any member of this forum sees a post that doesn't look right they can report it. Of course it's up to our mods to decide if the post should be deleted. I'm sure many members here have reported spam posts, copyrighted posts, obscene posts, political posts and various other posts that I have not mentioned.

    You sound like someone who wants more police on the streets, only, this is a chit-chat forum, NOT a violent mob that needs policing! lol the PC brainwashing that wishes consistent moderation is truly abysmal. Laughably so :))
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    darenhat wrote:

    That's the beauty of having several mods...not just one person (administrator or moderator) controls what topics stay and which ones go.

    lol :)) yes, let's have more content restriction and thought control. Yet another absent minded drone!
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent

    I successfully counteracted all arguments, so your comment in meaningless.

    you counteracted nothing. stating something over and over is not counteracting. neither, as someone else said, is saying "read the OP"

    grow up, find some new adjectives and post something useful. thank you.
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • 72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:

    I successfully counteracted all arguments, so your comment in meaningless.

    you counteracted nothing. stating something over and over is not counteracting. neither, as someone else said, is saying "read the OP"

    grow up, find some new adjectives and post something useful. thank you.

    I came out on top in this debate. Go back and read it again from start to finish. Only this time, look at the arguments objectively.
  • TheScashManTheScashMan Posts: 111MI6 Agent
    7289 wrote:
    I sense Revilo's spirit is alive and well!!!!

    Don't know who that is and frankly, I don't care.
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    nah. you sound like an idiot child in your "arguments". I've read it back about five times and that's still my opinion. Again, slinging insults and muck about does not equate to "coming out on top." frankly, I feel like taking this "debate" to an English prof. who lives in my building to see what she thinks of all this. I'll have to go downstairs later tonight and see if she's home.
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
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