We hope to be contacting people very soon with shipping details.
We are 100% dependent on the factory producing the items to provide us with dates but then to also actually hit those dates. Lets just say they have not been great at that part so far but have been sufficiently 'notified' that we hope the message has gotten across.
There is nothing to be concerned about. This is normal for manufacturing items of this nature. Each replica is hand made and there is usually some back and forth and the final QA (Quality Assurance) stage with highly complex hand made items of this nature, produced in what is by manufacturing standards a very limited quantity. In this case we were very happy with the guns and the product elements such as the case and display but the packaging was not up to our standard or our original specification and we requested revisions that are being implemented.
We totally understand how frustrating it is to have to wait, and we really appreciate people's patience and tolerance. We cannot wait to start shipping these! But we hope people will agree with us that its better to wait a little longer to get something right rather than rush an inferior product to market. These are also the first products in a hopefully long line and we want to establish standards with the factories for all Bond items going forwards. This is always more time consuming and difficult with the 'firstborns'.
We will contact every customer directly approx 14 days prior to shipment day to advise that items are shipping soon. At that time you will be encouraged to inform us of any updates to your order, such as shipping address or billing details etc. We will not simply charge and ship the items without letting you know first. All direct orders will receive priority and we will not ship any wholesale orders or retailers until 100% of the direct orders have been fulfilled.
then once orders ship each customer will then receive a second email/s with tracking numbers etc so that they can follow the package through to final receipt.
Almost there! Thank you again to everybody for their patience
Patience patience… this is FE first major prop and naturally there is challenges in the process… Thankfully there is no FDA my QA and QC is really really important…Thanks for the info FE
No worries FQB ! Like you say, better wait for something to be right than to rush into something not well. You've been giving us enough information and pictures to let us know what's what; thanks for that.
Besides, we're used to waiting. Carrera were to realease a new 007 race track in June; still on order. Corgi were going to release a new line; never happened.
No worries FQB ! Like you say, better wait for something to be right than to rush into something not well. You've been giving us enough information and pictures to let us know what's what; thanks for that.
Besides, we're used to waiting. Carrera were to realease a new 007 race track in June; still on order. Corgi were going to release a new line; never happened.
I think we may have overlooked something when it comes to the GG, what about the fired bullet that Bond got from the dancer in Beirut? has anybody made one of these? or is there any interest in it?
I think we may have overlooked something when it comes to the GG, what about the fired bullet that Bond got from the dancer in Beirut? has anybody made one of these? or is there any interest in it?
If someone makes one or more, he/she remembers disinfect the bullet(s)
Don't be too accurate with that prop, please )
Knowing who to trust is Everything in this business.
TIS - "The moment you think you got it figured - you're wrong"
I think we may have overlooked something when it comes to the GG, what about the fired bullet that Bond got from the dancer in Beirut? has anybody made one of these? or is there any interest in it?
If someone makes one or more, he/she remembers disinfect the bullet(s)
Don't be too accurate with that prop, please )
I guess we should think of it as a x-mas / chanukah present
Well, as the movie premiered 19th of December 1974, timing to release the GG could not be better
However i understand the frustration as i'm little frustrated myself too
but i wish to believe FE is having everything under control and as GG is their first Bond prop
release i'm sure they want it to be perfect and the best they can offer to us :007)
Knowing who to trust is Everything in this business.
TIS - "The moment you think you got it figured - you're wrong"
as much as I really really really want the gun to ship, I'm confident that they're going to give us the quality product that we all want. I'm very thankful that they're putting this much care in to giving us our money's worth.
I need it for my 40th birthday party on 18th December! Can't go as Scaramanga otherwise
You crazy lmfao, you need a cardboard one or something, what if you dropped it get a bic, clipper and a pack of fags n spray gold , would be more fun and you wont damage ya GG, but hey, its your birthday
I need it for my 40th birthday party on 18th December! Can't go as Scaramanga otherwise
I'm quite sure we will get it before It's just over 2 months to your Birthday -{
My early congratulations or is it condolences, now we don't want to get confused, don't we :v
Knowing who to trust is Everything in this business.
TIS - "The moment you think you got it figured - you're wrong"
Soooooooooooooo............... Do we have a new ETA on these yet? FE keeps saying "soon" but that doesn't quite answer my question, as soon could mean anywhere from tomorrow to a month or more. I was hoping to have this in my hand just in time for Activision's release of Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo Wii, in 2 weeks, to show off to anybody familiar with Golden Gun mode in multiplayer, but I guess that's not going to happen right away.
I need it for my 40th birthday party on 18th December! Can't go as Scaramanga otherwise
You crazy lmfao, you need a cardboard one or something, what if you dropped it get a bic, clipper and a pack of fags n spray gold , would be more fun and you wont damage ya GG, but hey, its your birthday
My wife was gonna get a photo of me as Bond and as Scaramanga and then get them put onto a standee to 'welcome' people to the party............
I wasn't going to get the GG or my PPK out at the party!
I need it for my 40th birthday party on 18th December! Can't go as Scaramanga otherwise
I'm quite sure we will get it before It's just over 2 months to your Birthday -{
My early congratulations or is it condolences, now we don't want to get confused, don't we :v
Could be deemed either way couldn't it, but I'm going to view is something to be congratulated on, so thanks Teppo!
I need it for my 40th birthday party on 18th December! Can't go as Scaramanga otherwise
You crazy lmfao, you need a cardboard one or something, what if you dropped it get a bic, clipper and a pack of fags n spray gold , would be more fun and you wont damage ya GG, but hey, its your birthday
My wife was gonna get a photo of me as Bond and as Scaramanga and then get them put onto a standee to 'welcome' people to the party............
I wasn't going to get the GG or my PPK out at the party!
I agree too, their website says shipping October, 2010, so they should try to stick to shipping them out before October ends, if they cannot then they should change the date on their website. Also, if they are not satisfied with the packaging, it seems like they would just repackage them all, which I wouldn't think would take too long. 1400 GG's say they do 100 a day thats 14 days(2 weeks) and I'm sure they can repackage much more than 100 a day. Also, we pretty much know they aren't going to ship in October as there are 11 days left in October and per their agreement, they agreed to notify us 14 days in advance to shipping the item(s) for the final payment.
I think Barry and others at FE are hesitant to over promise ad under deliver with dates. The debut product is always the most difficult especially when they want every detail to be just so as first impressions with collectors last a life time. In addition, although Barry is a fan of this board and the supporters here he also has a business attachment to EON and very often communication and even actions are influenced by that relationship.
We hope to be contacting people very soon with shipping details.
We are 100% dependent on the factory producing the items to provide us with dates but then to also actually hit those dates. Lets just say they have not been great at that part so far but have been sufficiently 'notified' that we hope the message has gotten across.
There is nothing to be concerned about. This is normal for manufacturing items of this nature. Each replica is hand made and there is usually some back and forth and the final QA (Quality Assurance) stage with highly complex hand made items of this nature, produced in what is by manufacturing standards a very limited quantity. In this case we were very happy with the guns and the product elements such as the case and display but the packaging was not up to our standard or our original specification and we requested revisions that are being implemented.
We totally understand how frustrating it is to have to wait, and we really appreciate people's patience and tolerance. We cannot wait to start shipping these! But we hope people will agree with us that its better to wait a little longer to get something right rather than rush an inferior product to market. These are also the first products in a hopefully long line and we want to establish standards with the factories for all Bond items going forwards. This is always more time consuming and difficult with the 'firstborns'.
We will contact every customer directly approx 14 days prior to shipment day to advise that items are shipping soon. At that time you will be encouraged to inform us of any updates to your order, such as shipping address or billing details etc. We will not simply charge and ship the items without letting you know first. All direct orders will receive priority and we will not ship any wholesale orders or retailers until 100% of the direct orders have been fulfilled.
then once orders ship each customer will then receive a second email/s with tracking numbers etc so that they can follow the package through to final receipt.
Almost there! Thank you again to everybody for their patience
Factory Q Branch
Besides, we're used to waiting. Carrera were to realease a new 007 race track in June; still on order. Corgi were going to release a new line; never happened.
Didn't Corgi become FE?
...order number is 390, placed 6/24/2010 at 9:51AM EST
I'm spinning in circles waiting for this thing! I've read each and every post in this thread, and it's just made me more and more excited.
Hey, Factory Ent representative... I'd love to see a Solex Agitator in the future... or maybe even a life-sized replica of Chu Mi. )
With TMWTGG being one of my favorite films of all time, I am absolutely thrilled to see this item available.
If someone makes one or more, he/she remembers disinfect the bullet(s)
Don't be too accurate with that prop, please )
TIS - "The moment you think you got it figured - you're wrong"
Formerly known as Teppo
FE were going to contact everyone 14 days prior to shipment, so they wont be received until Novmber
balls, i had a feeling someone would say that
Well, as the movie premiered 19th of December 1974, timing to release the GG could not be better
However i understand the frustration as i'm little frustrated myself too
but i wish to believe FE is having everything under control and as GG is their first Bond prop
release i'm sure they want it to be perfect and the best they can offer to us :007)
TIS - "The moment you think you got it figured - you're wrong"
Formerly known as Teppo
You crazy lmfao, you need a cardboard one or something, what if you dropped it get a bic, clipper and a pack of fags n spray gold , would be more fun and you wont damage ya GG, but hey, its your birthday
I'm quite sure we will get it before It's just over 2 months to your Birthday -{
My early congratulations or is it condolences, now we don't want to get confused, don't we :v
TIS - "The moment you think you got it figured - you're wrong"
Formerly known as Teppo
My wife was gonna get a photo of me as Bond and as Scaramanga and then get them put onto a standee to 'welcome' people to the party............
I wasn't going to get the GG or my PPK out at the party!
Could be deemed either way couldn't it, but I'm going to view is something to be congratulated on, so thanks Teppo!
Ahem, what was you getting out at ya party :v
That's very cool idea, mate -{
TIS - "The moment you think you got it figured - you're wrong"
Formerly known as Teppo