CONNERY at the Edinburgh International Film Festival

AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
"Sir Sean Connery was in an unusually sentimental and jovial mood when he introduced a screening of John Huston's 1975 classic The Man Who Would Be King at the Edinburgh International Film Festival. Adding to the delight was his reunion with actor Saeed Jaffrey, who gave such a wonderful portrayal of Billy Fish in the film."

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  • stjimmy456stjimmy456 Manchester, EnglandPosts: 75MI6 Agent
    Great video -- Sean looks great, and as funny as ever ! :007)
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    Thanks, Alex--what a delightful little clip! Ol' Sean seemed to be in good form--I especially liked his clowning--but, alas, his voice hasn't aged as well as the rest of him. Also enjoyed Saeed Jeffrey's comments. Too bad Michael Caine wasn't there, but he's still a busy actor, I guess. . .
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • John DrakeJohn Drake On assignmentPosts: 2,564MI6 Agent
    I was at the EIFF last week, but sadly missed this event. Connery is a fine patron for the Festival and always shows up for the Opening Gala and a few other events. It would have been nice if Caine had been there as well. Caine's old mucker Mike Hodges was the chairman of the jury and presented a screening of their brilliant 1972 comedy thriller Pulp so it would have been great to see them together again as well. I did get to see the mighty Ken Russell though. B-)
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,517Chief of Staff
    Thoroughly enjoyed watching the video, and it brought back memories of "The Man Who Would Be King", a wonderful movie. Made me think though...

    My proposal is that Eon should re-instate Sir Sean and re-make EVERY Bond film since 1971 and they should be offerring him a golden-handcuff deal to make these movies once a year so that fans don't have to wait ages just to see yet another idiotic, special-effects driven load of rubbish delivered by sub standard actors.

    Connery may be 127, but he has always looked young for his age and could pull it off still!

    Yes, there can be no doubt: Sean Connery should still be Bond and it is disgraceful he ever left the role. Real fans should petition Eon to hire him once more so we can enjoy Bond films again. Any assertions to the contrary are frogwash as far as I am concerned.

  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    It really was great seeing the old master active again, even though I doubt he'll ever do another picture.

    Here's some more from the event. Taken from Cinema Retro, a pretty cool website & one of the few magazines I still subscribe to. (UK import) Yes!

    Pictures here

    By Matthew Field

    Photos by: Georgia Landers

    Fountainbridge in Edinburgh welcomed back its most famous son, Sir Sean Connery, at a special event celebrating his legacy to the area, on Thursday (June 17). Cinema Retro was present as Sir Sean returned to the street on which he was born 80 years ago to unveil a plaque in his honour, and to meet local community organisations and businesses involved in the regeneration of the area. His ‘homecoming’ was sparked by the need to reinstate the plaque originally erected by the Scottish Film Council to celebrate the Centenary of Cinema in 1996. It was taken down four years ago as work began on the Springside development currently transforming the former Scottish & Newcastle bottling site in Fountainbridge. Now, as work on the first development phase is completed, the plaque has been restored, with Sir Sean’s blessing. It’s now been erected at the entrance of Springside on Fountainbridge - just yards away from the site of the original tenement building in which Sir Sean started his life.

    Speaking at the unveiling of the plaque, he said: “The Fountainbridge of today is a very different area from that which I remember growing up in, many years ago. Then it was an industrial area which left a significant imprint on my life, as well as on the city of Edinburgh. Now it is a much more pleasant area in which to live, visit and work with new homes, offices, businesses and open spaces replacing the old factories and tenements. And I am sure that the community spirit I remember will be maintained throughout this transformation.”

    He added: “I am honoured that the Centenary of Cinema plaque recognises my work in the world of film. And it is fitting that film, which has played such a major part in my life, will play an important role in the regeneration of Fountainbridge. For 25 years Edinburgh’s Filmhouse on Lothian Road has been at the heart of the area in which I grew up. As its activities expand, with the creation of the Centre for the Moving Image, it will continue to help change and improve the lives of people living and working here."
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Great clip Alex, Sean looked great, thanks for posting. The Man Who Would Be King has been on my list of films to see, but haven't seen it yet. I need to make that happen.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    He's lost his obesity so is in good shape and indeed looks more Connery-like than at any time in the last 10 years imo. Yes, his voice has gone a bit but got better as the clip went on.

    You can say he's almost much the same as in NSNA - then again he did look 80 in that one.... :D

    It's a jolt to realise that it's the same guy who was in DAF however, for some reason. Oh for another movie, a decent one however, not like the last few on imdb.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
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