Findings of Scaramanga

I was watching TMWTGG and suddenly it dawned on me that considering Scaramanga has a gun made from a Cigarette case and a cigarette lighter, we never see him once smoking a cigarette or even a cigar, surely if he was trying to make his gun even more conspicuous. Surprised that the writers didn't actually have him smoking, seems quite weird to carry around these items and not use them.

Just an observation



  • Mister GreeneMister Greene Posts: 224MI6 Agent
    Now I have to watch it yet again -{
  • jimmybondijimmybondi ShrublandsPosts: 328MI6 Agent
    He sure did smoke:

  • NICKO FANNICKO FAN Posts: 47MI6 Agent
    That is just Chris Lee in a earlier photo than TMWTGG, if he could smoke even more reason to include in film.
  • Mister GreeneMister Greene Posts: 224MI6 Agent
    Never caught this but I just watched it again last night and couldnt find a scene where he actually smoked, good catch-{
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    Yes but he offers Bond A cigarette when he lands on his Island :007)

    and there is a rare photo of Lee holding the handle of the gun open showing the Cigarettes inside the Case.

    Well The character Didn't have to smoke, I don't smoke, yet if I was to say be in a Casino or going through an Airport or somwhere with Security, It wouldn't look odd these items, its more about concealing what the Items are actualy for :v

    But you do make a good point ... so I will let you have that one :007)
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