Guys, I read somewhere that Spielberg

talked to Cubby Broccoli about directing a Bond film and Cubby said no. Of course Cubby gave him a nod by using the theme to Close Encounters and the name "Jaws" in 2 movies.


  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Hi, I think we've recently covered this on another thread, namely the one about Christopher Nolan of Inception doing Bond. Broccoli didn't like the idea of paying a name director a lot more, with a cut of the profits, and that's a policy that continues today.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Ricardo C.Ricardo C. Posts: 916MI6 Agent
    I heard that Speilberg was suppose to direct For Your Eyes Only but passed it up to direct Raiders of The Lost Ark. If that is indeed true then he made the right decision to say the least.
  • What I liked about the 007 movies is that the director wasn't supposed to put his own trademark upon the movies. He was just supposed to direct a "Good" script. The whole MArtin Campbell, Marc Forster, Christopher Nolan, Lee Tamahori, Spielberg thing I don't like. It would only help the promotion.
  • Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
    Time magazine -- I don't remember which issue -- tells that Spielberg approached Broccoli, who for various reasons turned him down, and then went to vacation in Hawaii, where his friend George Lucas brought him the idea for Indiana Jones. The rest as they say is history.
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