
Now here's a random thought.

We see in "Diamonds are Forever" that Blofeld got busy making body doubles of himself to throw Bond and however many others off his trail. But who says that was a new thing? He's obviously had access to ground-breaking plastic surgery technology for a good few years, and he's obviously one for secrecy (no one but a few high-ranking SPECTRE agents ever see him until YOLT).

So, who is to say that he didn't go around making body doubles before DAF? Why wouldn't he? Since it would make such good tactical sense, it could lead one to conclude that there have been more than one Blofeld seen in the series, not just in actor but in terms of actual, individual, seperate characters.

In DAF we see no less than four Blofeld's - the pre-op Blofeld, the one thrown in the lava pit, the one shot in the head and the "main" villain. The only way to tell who is the "real" one is to take Blofeld's word for it - but who says he's telling the truth? What if he's a double? What if they were all doubles? What if the "real" Blofeld is never dealt with? Or what if there is no "real" Blofeld, what if he's just a made-up person to disguise the highest-ranking SPECTRE agents that are scattered all over the world?

I think that would explain quite a lot, actually. Like how his personality changes in every appearance, or how his level of competency changes so drastically, or how the iffy continuity between each Blofeld Trilogy flick could make sense.
That's a Smith and Wesson, and you've had your six.


  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,517Chief of Staff
    Now here's a random thought.

    We see in "Diamonds are Forever" that Blofeld got busy making body doubles of himself to throw Bond and however many others off his trail. But who says that was a new thing? He's obviously had access to ground-breaking plastic surgery technology for a good few years, and he's obviously one for secrecy (no one but a few high-ranking SPECTRE agents ever see him until YOLT).

    So, who is to say that he didn't go around making body doubles before DAF? Why wouldn't he? Since it would make such good tactical sense, it could lead one to conclude that there have been more than one Blofeld seen in the series, not just in actor but in terms of actual, individual, seperate characters.

    In DAF we see no less than four Blofeld's - the pre-op Blofeld, the one thrown in the lava pit, the one shot in the head and the "main" villain. The only way to tell who is the "real" one is to take Blofeld's word for it - but who says he's telling the truth? What if he's a double? What if they were all doubles? What if the "real" Blofeld is never dealt with? Or what if there is no "real" Blofeld, what if he's just a made-up person to disguise the highest-ranking SPECTRE agents that are scattered all over the world?

    I think that would explain quite a lot, actually. Like how his personality changes in every appearance, or how his level of competency changes so drastically, or how the iffy continuity between each Blofeld Trilogy flick could make sense.

    So it's similar to his more-or-less opposite number M? Since "M" is a title/designation/codename passed on from one Secret Service Chief to the next, perhaps "Blofeld" is the name used by whoever happens to be heading SPECTRE? (Although in that case, surely "Number One" would suffice as it did in the early movies)
  • Barbel wrote:
    So it's similar to his more-or-less opposite number M? Since "M" is a title/designation/codename passed on from one Secret Service Chief to the next, perhaps "Blofeld" is the name used by whoever happens to be heading SPECTRE? (Although in that case, surely "Number One" would suffice as it did in the early movies)
    Not quite. What I mean is, if Blofeld is capable and willing of creating numerous exact body doubles of himself, as he does in DAF, who is to say that he hasn't done it before? And if it's possible that he's done it before, couldn't it be possible that Bond simply encountered Blofeld stand-in's rather than the real thing? And if that's possible, it's also possible that we never got a definitive "real" Blofeld.

    Gather your most senior minions, turn them into stand-in's for yourself and send them off to do evil stuff while the actual Blofeld runs the entire operation from behind the man behind the curtain. That's diabolical scheming for you.
    That's a Smith and Wesson, and you've had your six.
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