Hello! I have a Question!

Hello all! :D

I'm SeriousAgent!

Okay, so I joined these forums just a few minutes ago because I have a question that's been driving me insane regarding a particular music track from James Bond. I was going to ask on one of those "ask a question" sites but I figured I'd have better luck going directly to people who are fans of James Bond everything and asking them.

See, a long time ago a family member downloaded this James Bond theme from somewhere, but he must have not looked up the real orchestra/composer/artist and/or he downloaded it for free somewhere and so the information he tacked onto the iTunes file is totally incorrect. I have been looking on Google to find what movie it comes from, who composed it, and what the album is foreverrrrrr! It's been driving me insane! Every time I listen to it, I get all excited and stuff cuz it's action-y, but I try to look it up on Youtube or Google and it's NOWHERE.

I KNOW I've heard this theme in a movie or something somewhere, which only drives me crazy even more.

Okay, so the song: It's 3min 15sec, or at least that's the length on my iPod, from the very first note to the last. I know the Bond themes are generally orchestrated, so I don't know if saying "it's orchestrated and has a lot of brass instruments" is redundant. What makes this one totally awesome and exciting is that it starts out slow and cool, but then it smashes into an epic, action-y, car chase kinda music, VERY dramatic and some voices singing kinda... like... chorusy. All at once, higher and higher, like how music does in really dramatic trailers before te scene cuts out and you see the title.

Ugh, music is SO hard to describe. -_-

It might not be the theme to a movie, now that I think about it, it might be background music used in a commercial or one of the movies' action scenes. Thing is, I don't know what movie, though I think it's one of the recent ones (recent meaning after 1990. I really don't think it's one of the older ones).

I hope you can help me, it's really been bothering me. It seems like such a silly thing to get twisted up about, but it's been years that I haven't been able to find it and every time I hear it on my iPod I get all frustrated, an itch I can't scratch! If I can just get at least some pointers in the right direction, I can continue my search, hopefully.


  • James SuzukiJames Suzuki New ZealandPosts: 2,406MI6 Agent
    It's all right. I always get annoyed if something is nagging in my mind. If the piece of music is orchestra and you are sure it's not the Bond theme it might be the tune that plays when the auto-gyro takes off in you only live twice or that might not be more action type music. If its not that it might be the Goldfinger theme. I've heard it been played by the John Barry orchestra. So you could go on You tube and type in John Barry orchestra-Goldfinger and hopefully it might be it. Hopefully i solved your nagging feeling. Update me about your search on this topic. Welcome to the best James Bond forum!
    “The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
    -Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
  • SpectreBlofeldSpectreBlofeld AroundPosts: 364MI6 Agent
    Your description sounds kinda like the Casino Royale trailer music, especially the 'chorus-y' part. There was a full version floating around back in the day (2006).

    Here's the trailer:


    It's not exactly legal for you to upload the track for us to hear, but maybe if you could record a short clip of part of it, we can help identify it...
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Why not buy a bottle of wine or two, sit down with the films and watch them to figure out? That said, if it's from the CR trailor then it won't be in the film, that had some gothic reworking of the Bond theme that worked very well. What you describe sounds like the pts of QoS (look it up on youtube) but how long ago was this download? It sounds like a pts anyway, maybe Die Another Day?
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • 007DAN007DAN CheshirePosts: 99MI6 Agent
    I agree with NP but my thoughts are with the opening sequence fro QoS.
    Of course you are
  • SeriousAgentSeriousAgent Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    Okay, so I looked up all your suggestions (I almost did the movie marathon, actually. n.n Good idea!) but it turns out the traier for Casino Royale was the one. The bras sounds...brass-ier, but it is the same song! I think mine must have been done by a different orchestra but it's the right one!

    You. Guys. Are. AWESOME! My brain sighed in relief. I am so happy right now. :x I have a lead!

    And thank you for welcoming me!

    I'm on Youtube, trying to find the exact one. So far, I can't find it. :/ The closest I'm finding are the following:

    This one by Smirnoff is sooooo close, but it lacks the 'explosions.'

    The song starts like this, by Nicholas Dodd. (Until 36 seconds, then it' not the same anymore) :

    I'll try to do a recording. I'm not sure how to do that....Could I do it using my mic somehow?
  • SeriousAgentSeriousAgent Posts: 5MI6 Agent

    I did it. I got a recording. It was actually easy. :3

    I put it on Youtube, unlisted, so only you guys can see it. It's a clip from about 30 seconds into the song and stops short about a minute, so it's a good chunk of the middle.


    You'll have to turn up the volume cuz it's not very loud. ._. Sorry.

    And I hope it works, it cut short on youtube a couple times on my comp. If it doesn't work, I'll rerecord and save as mp3 instead of wav and upload again. ._.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    I'm late to the party, SeriousAgent, but I'm glad our knowledgable Bond experts could help you out---never doubted it for a second! B-) And by the way...welcome to AJB! We hope you'll stick around and make some friends...you can never have too many of those! {[] Cheers!
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • SpectreBlofeldSpectreBlofeld AroundPosts: 364MI6 Agent
    I WIN I WIN I WIN! What do I win? Is there a prize? Some sort of awesome takeaway for being able to identify a piece of music based on a verbal description? Do I get knighted, or what?
  • SeriousAgentSeriousAgent Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    lol! Thank you Loeffelholz! n.n I did indeed get the help I sought! I posted a clip of the song, I hope that helps in identifying, now. I feel like I'm on the right track!


    If being knighted by a newbie means anything, *takes out Sword of Aid and Enlightenment, Newbie Edition* I dub thee Sir SpectreBlofeld, Knight of the Wordy Ears.

    You also win a TeenyMini Ninja! You can take it anywhere: QK
  • SpectreBlofeldSpectreBlofeld AroundPosts: 364MI6 Agent
    Being right for once is its own reward.

    As for the exact recording of what you have... dim memory serves that there was some sort of weird remix contest/initiative concerning the Bond trailer music when it came out. The trailer music was released on the internet in such a way that allowed for remixing, my releasing the track in layers - strings, percussion, choral vocals etc all released as separate tracks. I don't remember what the purpose or goal was, or if it was even all legit, but the end result was the ability to 'remix' the trailer music in a number of ways. Therefore the recording you enjoy now probably isn't exactly like the trailer music, and even the various trailers for the film vary, even though they're all remixes of the same thing.

    That, or a stray piece of debris from Dr. Shatterhand's exploding volcanic botanical garden hit me in the head while I was floating away clinging to a Death's Head balloon, causing me to lose all memory, drawing what clues about my former life as I could, perhaps from a news-clipping from an outhouse sporting the word 'Vladivostok', as happens so often, spurring me to abandon my Ama shell-diving lifestyle.

    If you haven't read the novels yet, disregard the above.
  • SeriousAgentSeriousAgent Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    They did that??? Whaaaaaaaaaaaa? I mean, that's cool and fun for fans but geez, if that's true then it means I have some version from some person who apparently didn't protect their stuff and that Family Member got it somehow and put down some random name no one knows. :siggghhhh:

    He put down "Peter Bolvi." I have no idea who that is.
  • SpectreBlofeldSpectreBlofeld AroundPosts: 364MI6 Agent
    Aha! Found a link to the original thread:


    It was a Smirnoff-sponsored contest back when CR was about to come out.
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