Bond driving tour

jamesm123jamesm123 LondonPosts: 184MI6 Agent
I'm looking for two of the routes Bond takes so i may drive them myself.

1. The route Bond takes from London to Drax's setup near Dover/Deal and the back roads where he eventually crashes the Bentley in the Moonraker novel (have lost my copy).

2. The twisty mountain road Bond chases after Goldfinger's Roller in the Goldfinger film.

Looking forward to helpful replies.



  • jimmybondijimmybondi ShrublandsPosts: 328MI6 Agent
    The second one is the Furka Pass in Switzerland - there are some hints here on the forum:
    Goldfinger and 007 are passing the Hotel Belevedere and the Hotel Galenstock - The PILATUS works (airplanes) doubles as AURIC ENTERPRISES. While you are there, you could visit the AURORA Garage where Bond dropped Tilly Masterson off...

  • The LimeyThe Limey Kent , EnglandPosts: 60MI6 Agent
    There is a website called ''Visit Kent'' that has published a downloadable brochure about the Bond/Fleming connection to Kent (fortunately , my home) has everything you're looking for . The ''Goldfinger'' , and ''Moonraker'' driving routes , plus various Bond related points of interest . Here you go : . I hope you enjoy yourself as much as I did :-)
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