BOND FANS i need your HELP!

Hi everyone,
basically iv just been asked to make a presentation for my company, who want to use clips from James Bond movies to represent certain values. i know Bond, but obviously not as well you guys!
so i was hoping maybe some people on here could maybe please help me out?!
i need the best Bond clips that represent : PARTNERSHIP-EXPERIENCE-PASSION-SUCCESS-RESPECT.
really will appreciate any help that is given, thank you!


  • mpoplawskimpoplawski New Jersey, USAPosts: 128MI6 Agent
    A very interesting query.
    Partnership - LALD - Felix Lieter saving Bond in the alley.
    Experience - Bond escaping from Blofeld's men sking through the mountains.
    Passion - OHMSS - James and Tracy in the barn, they do get married at the end, or YOLT Bond says to the woman as he cuts off her dress, "the things I do for England." (wrong type of passion?), how about OHMSS but use Bond's discussion with M about being on the Blofeld case?
    Success - Defeat of Oddjob in Goldfinger, or Dr. No.
    Respect - in Goldfinger, Bond's discussion with M after being berated.

    There are probably a lot more, this is just my feeble attempt. I would think that you will get a lot more responses.
    Bond: "But who would want to kill me, sir?"
    M: "Jealous husbands, outraged chefs, humiliated tailors . . . the list is endless."
  • Essco_84Essco_84 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    thanks for that, ll check them out. much appreciated!
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