Is James Bond a sociopath?

I came across this list regarding the characteristics of a sociopath:

It made me wonder whether Bond himself could be classed as one. This has been a topic discussed at length on other forums and it would be interesting to know what other people on here think.

Personally, despite showing some sociopathic tendencies (promiscuious sexual behaviour being an obvious one) , I would not call 007 a "sociopath". Here's why:

-Despite his cold exterior he DOES occasionally feel remorse or guilt (death of Tracy in YOLT)
-His sense of duty and devotion to his country is what keeps him going.
-Yes, the character can be cold but he can also be immensely sympathetic - particularly to those who he sees as vulnerable (e.g. Honeychille Rider in Dr No)
-He does accept responsibility (a classic example is in YOLT when he offers to resign following his on-duty screw-ups).


  • Ricardo C.Ricardo C. Posts: 916MI6 Agent
    He certaintly is not a sociopath. Bond can not standing killing. No sociopath would have regretted killing that Mexican thug in Goldfinger or apologize to Honey Rider for the fact that he had to kill once again in Doctor No.
  • osrisosris Posts: 558MI6 Agent
    No, he's not a sociopath. If anything, in the Bond novels I've read so far, he seems quite a caring person, certainly more so than Connery's portrayal of him in the films suggest. The Connery portrayal could be seen as verging on the sociopathic, that's why most of the other Bond actors after him seem overly caring in comparison.
  • superadosuperado Regent's Park West (CaliforniaPosts: 2,654MI6 Agent
    edited January 2011
    James Bond in the books and movies was definitely self-absorbed in varying degrees. I think the persona of movie Bond, esp. in how he was established by Connery as a lovable rogue, exhibited mild sociopathological behavior at least in how others see him like Q and M, which Moore inherited as indicated by M's tirade to Bond at the beginning of LALD, though some level-headedness and maturity occasionally peeked through in his older tenure as Bond (FYEO onwards). Today, I even find Bond's indifference to the deaths of Paula (TB) and Aki (YOLT) really callous. Dalton definitely wasn't a sociopath and seemed to have started the trend of breaking free from the totally hedonistic Bond of the 60's and 70's, while Brosnan and Craig show some immaturity though they too were thoughtful and reflective on ruined relationships, etc.

    However, I agree with others that Bond in the books was different and was often remorseful with killing and the loss of his lady loves, though for the most part he wasn't capable of enduring relationships. Was Fleming himself a mild sociopath according to the symptoms in the above posted link? I'm currently enjoying Andrew Lycett's Fleming bio and he seems to be hitting on the main symptoms.
    "...the purposeful slant of his striding figure looked dangerous, as if he was making quickly for something bad that was happening further down the street." -SMERSH on 007 dossier photo, Ch. 6 FRWL.....
  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,785MI6 Agent
    I think its safe to say that Bond can be cold - he seems more humane oin the books because we get to hear his thinking through Flemming's writing.

    A sociopath would not be caring, chivalrous, and want to help others for their sake, which he has done as well. Admittedly, Craig's Bond has gone off the rails in QOS to a degree. Irronically, you can see what the writers were thinking if you read the short story. A wrong turn, big time, but hopefully they won't repeat it!
    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • superadosuperado Regent's Park West (CaliforniaPosts: 2,654MI6 Agent
    A sociopath would not be caring, chivalrous, and want to help others for their sake, which he has done as well.

    Then again, sociopaths and pathological narcissists become experts in mimicking likeable behavior so they can attract the attention they crave! The OSS 117 movies did a great job in sending up and exagerating these obnoxious personality traits of Bond. The book Bond has the advantage of demonstrating otherwise through his thought life.
    "...the purposeful slant of his striding figure looked dangerous, as if he was making quickly for something bad that was happening further down the street." -SMERSH on 007 dossier photo, Ch. 6 FRWL.....
  • SpectreBlofeldSpectreBlofeld AroundPosts: 364MI6 Agent
    The literary Bond exhibited sizable amount of self-loathing due to his profession; something that would rule out sociopathy, IMO (sociopaths tend to be self-absorbed).

    I wouldn't rule out a mild borderline personality disorder completely. From :
    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a personality disorder described as a prolonged disturbance of personality function in a person (generally over the age of eighteen years, although it is also found in adolescents), characterized by depth and variability of moods.[n 1] The disorder typically involves unusual levels of instability in mood; black and white thinking, or splitting; the disorder often manifests itself in idealization and devaluation episodes, as well as chaotic and unstable interpersonal relationships, self-image, identity, and behavior; as well as a disturbance in the individual's sense of self. In extreme cases, this disturbance in the sense of self can lead to periods of dissociation.[1]

    Now, that ABSOLUTELY sounds like it could be applied to the literary Bond to me, at least under stress. During his recuperation in Casino Royale; his year-long bout of moping and self-abuse in YOLT after Tracy's death, etc.
    Individuals with BPD can be very sensitive to the way others treat them, reacting strongly to perceived criticism or hurtfulness. Their feelings about others often shift from positive to negative, generally after a disappointment or perceived threat of losing someone. Self-image can also change rapidly from extremely positive to extremely negative. Impulsive behaviors are common, including alcohol or drug abuse, unsafe sex, gambling and recklessness in general.[12]

    Yup, sounds like our boy!

    It also seems to be closely tied to post-traumatic stress disorder, which would certainly fall in line with the events in Bond's life (the aforementioned 'triggers').
  • CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
    M would never allow such a personality to be a 00, any more than the Service would of any agent. Sociopaths are the opposite of the type of men and woman who serve society such as in the military, law enforcement or in this case, intelligence work. They hate authority and the law, are totally self-centered and have no remorse or feelings for others. These people always end up as criminals at one end of the illegal spectrum or the other (from con artists to murderers). It takes tremendous discipline, courage and self sacrifice to be in the professions mentioned above. Bond is only cold when he has to be, as a soldier or policeman or doctor must be at times to stay focused and get their job done. He suffers the same remorse and doubt as they do after it's done if death was involved, and also suffers "shell shock" as most veterans do. People in these professions also must be totally trustworthy - another trait sociopaths lack. People depend on them for their very survival at times, whereas a sociopath could care less about the well being of others. As far as being a 00 and having a "licence to kill" - he only does this in extreme circumstances and only in self defence or as a last resort. Notice that in the novels he is ususally sent out to investigate the activities of the baddies - not to assassinate them. The "licence" is officially given so that if they do have to kill in the line of duty, it is considered within the law as they are considered "soldiers" doing it in a war - be it a "cold" war. It is another reason why there are only a handful of 00's in the Service - it takes a special individual to be one and it is a high risk job that can have a very short life span - similar to special operations groups like the Navy SEALS. They are used primarily to go into "hot" areas undercover for reconnaissance to gather intelligence or to rescue people - they only use force as a last resort (which could include sniping work) - like the 00's.
  • mrbain007mrbain007 Posts: 393MI6 Agent
    M would never allow such a personality to be a 00, any more than the Service would of any agent. Sociopaths are the opposite of the type of men and woman who serve society such as in the military, law enforcement or in this case, intelligence work. They hate authority and the law, are totally self-centered and have no remorse or feelings for others. These people always end up as criminals at one end of the illegal spectrum or the other (from con artists to murderers). It takes tremendous discipline, courage and self sacrifice to be in the professions mentioned above. Bond is only cold when he has to be, as a soldier or policeman or doctor must be at times to stay focused and get their job done. He suffers the same remorse and doubt as they do after it's done if death was involved, and also suffers "shell shock" as most veterans do. People in these professions also must be totally trustworthy - another trait sociopaths lack. People depend on them for their very survival at times, whereas a sociopath could care less about the well being of others. As far as being a 00 and having a "licence to kill" - he only does this in extreme circumstances and only in self defence or as a last resort. Notice that in the novels he is ususally sent out to investigate the activities of the baddies - not to assassinate them. The "licence" is officially given so that if they do have to kill in the line of duty, it is considered within the law as they are considered "soldiers" doing it in a war - be it a "cold" war. It is another reason why there are only a handful of 00's in the Service - it takes a special individual to be one and it is a high risk job that can have a very short life span - similar to special operations groups like the Navy SEALS. They are used primarily to go into "hot" areas undercover for reconnaissance to gather intelligence or to rescue people - they only use force as a last resort (which could include sniping work) - like the 00's.

    That's an excellent assessment CmdrAtticus and one that I agree completely with. Bond was always a trustworthy character with a strong sense of discipline and loyalty. He was only tough when the job required him to be and - more often than not - operated firmly within the line of duty. He disliked having to kill people but accepted it as the ugly side of his job. This is really the fundimental issue I have with the current incarnation of Bond, particularly with people claiming it to be "the closest to the character Fleming created". If anything, Craig's Bond verges on the sociopathic at times. His superior has often indicated that she has difficulty trusting him and he has occasionally jepordised the reputation of the service without any apparent remorse afterwards (shooting dead the bomb maker at the start of CR is an obvious example).
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I think Bond has never had a group of people on bikes roaming over him. Sorry I got a little mixed up "Cycle Path" "Sociopath" :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    I know Roger Moores Bond is not the best to reffer to when it comes to looking into the history and bones of the Fleming character, But some of Flemings Bond shines through in Rogers Bond now and then,

    In TMWTGG ... Scaramanga obviously sees himself as the darker side of Bond and Scaramanga Enjoys Killing he admits it, and thinks Bond does too, But Bond does explain that 'Those I kill, are themselves Killers'' and when he kills its under his Governments orders.

    But I agree Bond kills to Get the Job Done, or if his lifes in Danger he has to act back, its kill or be killed situations

    There is the odd moment you See Bond enjoing Killing But this is in Revenge Situations, Again Moores Bond shows it in FYEO when he kicks the car over the edge of the cliff. Daltons Bond in LTK Going after Sanchez and Co .. for what they Did to Felix and Della

    For me The Bond of the novels, He dosent enjoy killing but maybe takes a certain degree of joy from certain killings,

    But I agree for The character to be of a ''OO'' number, he would have to display some self control and rational, inteligent thought, and not be an all out cold blooded killer, unless pushed to do so on occasion maybe
  • Funny question. No I don't think he is. In many ways he is Ian Fleming himself so maybe we should look at him. Ian Fleming was quite a strange feller the way I see him. He was homofobic and a racist and I don't think he looked at women as being equal. I don't know if this is interesting at all.
  • CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
    Fleming was not homphobic ("homofobic" mispelled). A racist of course, but not the latter. Some of his closest friends - like Noel Coward - were gay. Back then of course, they were all socially in the closet and just didn't discuss it in mixed company - even though everyone was just more accepted in upper class British society then (and still is). He even made reference to Bond not being homophobic - in FRWL where Bond is bored with his office work and has to go to meetings where one staff member lets his anti-gay and anti-intellectual feelings known and Bond tries to give an opposing view. Even in Goldfinger, in reference to Pussy Galore, Bond's attitude was that he was aware of homosexuals like her, but as far as it related to his own existance, he didn't feel he needed to spend any time thinking about it. As far as Flemings racisim - we have to accept the fact that this was a common fault with the British empire and their ruling classes - it was just the way they were brought up - they considered themselves the "superior" western society. Even the battering of the world wars and the dismantling of their empire did not dent this attitude (there are still huge race problems in England - though it has more to do with foreign immigration than anything).

    As far as Bond killing in revenge situations...I don't find that out of character for someone in this profession. Lets face it, the men he kills as was stated are murderers or other government sanctioned killers like himself. I don't have a problem with that. Does he enjoy it? All solders will tell you they may get satisfaction from killing the enemy when the enemy has killed their comrades - at that time. Most vets will tell you they had no regret doing it. However, the normal man will tell you that the more you kill, as Tom Hanks said in Saving Private Ryan...the further it takes you from home (or..your original identity).

    As far as Craig's manner of playing Bond....I think it's all relative. In CR the script had him just starting out and not having enough objective thinking when getting into a hot situation - "shoot first" and ask questions later. Don't forget, though, that it wasn't Bond that screwed up the was his partner that fell into the snake pit. He was left with no choice but to chase after the bomber. His instinct was still to catch the man alive. As far as him not showing remorse...I got the impression from the films that Craig only tells M he hasn't any because he is trying to show her he can remain cold and professional, but also because inside he really does have some remorse but is just saying this to make himself think he doen't. As far as killing the bomb maker...that was a tough decision. Not having any chance of getting the man into custody, he wasn't really left with any choice. Sure, it was not a good decision to have chased him into the embassy, but once he made that mistake, the only way he could survive with any intel information (the cell phone) was to take out his target and escape.
  • Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
    The literary Bond exhibited sizable amount of self-loathing due to his profession; something that would rule out sociopathy, IMO (sociopaths tend to be self-absorbed).

    I wouldn't rule out a mild borderline personality disorder completely. From :
    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a personality disorder described as a prolonged disturbance of personality function in a person (generally over the age of eighteen years, although it is also found in adolescents), characterized by depth and variability of moods.[n 1] The disorder typically involves unusual levels of instability in mood; black and white thinking, or splitting; the disorder often manifests itself in idealization and devaluation episodes, as well as chaotic and unstable interpersonal relationships, self-image, identity, and behavior; as well as a disturbance in the individual's sense of self. In extreme cases, this disturbance in the sense of self can lead to periods of dissociation.[1]

    Now, that ABSOLUTELY sounds like it could be applied to the literary Bond to me, at least under stress. During his recuperation in Casino Royale; his year-long bout of moping and self-abuse in YOLT after Tracy's death, etc.
    Individuals with BPD can be very sensitive to the way others treat them, reacting strongly to perceived criticism or hurtfulness. Their feelings about others often shift from positive to negative, generally after a disappointment or perceived threat of losing someone. Self-image can also change rapidly from extremely positive to extremely negative. Impulsive behaviors are common, including alcohol or drug abuse, unsafe sex, gambling and recklessness in general.[12]

    Yup, sounds like our boy!

    It also seems to be closely tied to post-traumatic stress disorder, which would certainly fall in line with the events in Bond's life (the aforementioned 'triggers').
    The problems with these sorts of diagnoses is that A ) they fall into the sorts of generalities of symptoms that make first-year medical students think they've got every disease they learn about and B ) they generally assume that the affected individual has led a life within what might be considered a comparatively "normal" environment, and for whatever reason are deviant from it. Bond falls into neither category, and that's part of his struggle as a character.

    In other words, Bond represents a remarkably small group of humans who might be called upon to do extraordinary things whose physical and psychological toll would not be easy to calculate as, say, the accountant down the way or the bus driver picking people up. Even what we might consider to be abnormal or unusual experiences, such as being abused as a child, wouldn't necessarily bear the same examination as someone who has to execute someone or withstand hours of torture.

    So, then it becomes an issue of causation versus correlation. Is Bond a borderline personality, for instance, to begin with, or do the traumas of his experiences cause him to exhibit some of the symptoms, even if he is not actually a borderline personality? To me, the only way to read Fleming's books properly is to assume that Bond is a "normal" man psychologically but whose job requires such degrees of suffering that he often walks a very tenuous line.
  • CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
    Well put, Gassy Man
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