Which Bond actor is closest to the novels’ Bond?

Of all the Bond actors, whose portrayal of the character is closest to the Fleming novels?

Although I think Connery is the best cinematic Bond, I would say Lazenby or Dalton are closer to the literary Bond. Compared to the literary Bond, Connery’s Bond has more panache and cockiness, which, incidentally, Jon Barry’s scores capture perfectly. It’s hard to imagine these scores as being an appropriate musical representation for the literary Bond.


  • mrbain007mrbain007 Posts: 393MI6 Agent
    I've said this before and I'll say it again, I think its a mixture of 3 actors: Connery, Dalton and Brosnan:

    Connery for his politically incorrect style
    Dalton for his cynicism and darker edge
    Brosnan for his eligance and vulnerability.

    Lazenby is good aswell, however he didn't come to mind quite as much when I read the books.
  • mrbain007mrbain007 Posts: 393MI6 Agent
    The character had both a darker edge AND a public schoolboy quality. He was someone who loved the finer things in life yet was also a disciplined dedicated British agent.
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