Bond was a snob

According to Sebastian Faulks and his new book "Faulks on Fiction" and TV series , is he right ?


  • little nellylittle nelly London, EnglandPosts: 152MI6 Agent
    Possibly. But what makes Faulks such an authority on James Bond?
    N O I N F O R M A T I O N I S U S E L E S S
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    I'm not really sure Bond was an out and out snob. I never got that from the novels at least. He is thought of as a gourmet, but by his own admission was far from so. He made a hobby of perfecting cocktails, food courses and such when he was away on asignment, as a method to pass the time. He had exacting standards, but even so admitted to living on simple things such as cold roast beef and potato salad. He certainly ate more scrambled eggs and bacon than anything else in the novels. He liked quality things, but much of that was provided for him - and Rolex watches for instance were issued in the armed forces to pilots and divers etc only because they were reliable - not simply expensive. Bond came from an era of "you get what you pay for" hence his wheels were Bentley. Many cars of the time could have been tuned to compete with his twenty year old vehicle, but Bentley had heritage and style. I don't think anything he chose was necessarily snobby. He was privately educated, university educated and an officer in the navy - this background would have created an air of sophistication that could be interpreted as snobbery, but was more likely social order of the time.
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  • Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
    Well, Fleming was a snob, and the English upper crust in general have a reputation for snobbery, so Bond reflected some of these elitist attitudes. That he may not have done it with a sneer doesn't necessarily make him less of a snob or an elitist. But he certainly was far more personable in this regard.
  • FatsnbulFatsnbul Prospect, KentuckyPosts: 79MI6 Agent
    Snobs look down on people. I think he is just a classic gentleman.
  • CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
    Snob: a person who believes himself or herself an expert or connoisseur in a given field and is condescending toward or disdainful of those who hold other opinions or have different tastes regarding this field.

    Well, I don't think Fleming or his Bond would fit this desciption very well. From studying Fleming's life and reading the novels, the only people that Fleming or Bond were condescending or disdainful towards were real snobs, people who were deceitful or just plain evil. Yes, Fleming came from a priveleged background but from his interviews and words he seemed to only be dismissive of people who were either stupid, unimaginative or had low standards. Everyone who knew him said that he was a gentleman, even though he could be cold and a rake with women - it was the only part of his personality I found off-putting.

    As far as Fleming and Bond's attitudes towards food and material things, I believe there was no snobbery there either. Usually snobbish people may prefer food and material things just because of their commercial appeal - what is advertised as BEING elite, even if they are not necessarily utilitarian or long lasting (for example, anything fashionable, as opposed to being classical and stylish). Fleming and Bond did prefer the best made goods and food, but not to the extremes snobs run after. Instead, they were only interested in things that lasted, could take a beating and still run, and would never be out of style. Examples - Rolex watches, vintage Bentley's (not new ones - used ones), tailored, durable clothes. As far as food, neither ate meals that had any element of elitism to them. They just preferred simple dishes and drinks prepared the best they could be - few ingredients, but the BEST ingredients and well made. The problem with this is that the only establishments you can usually get this quality is the higher priced places. This is where snobbery likes to raise its head, but as I said, I don't think Fleming or Bond were interested in showing off their tastes - they really didn't care what anyone else thought.

    Yes, it is true that many in the upper crust of any society can be snobs, but that does not mean all are. I don't believe Bond reflected this at all. It's obvious from the novels that he is never comfortable around people with a lot of wealth. He knew he looked out of place in places like Blades (and he states this). Though he may have gone to elite schools, it is pointed out that he didn't fit in like most (he was kicked out of one for example). No, Bond was more like Cary Grant. He could appear to fit in either a dinner jacket in a casino or knocking back beer and sausages with Draco and his bodyguards. Grant could seem debonaire and stylish and in another turn play a beach bum (Father Goose). I know I'm cross referencing like crazy here but I believe people like Fleming (and his alter ego) did enjoy the finer thngs in life but they were also just as comfortable eating scrambled eggs and ham sandwiches (the latter Bond's lunch staple in the Service canteen) and playing cards with their friends.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I think the Humor of the Movies softened the snobbish mannerisms all the Fuss over the Right wine or placing/Holding of cuttlery Could of come across as very Snobbish, But with Humor it became just another aspect of his character.But Once again we are Judging a 1950's Writers work by 2011 standards.
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  • Agent 114Agent 114 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    Bond is certainly aloof. And rightly so. His world is secret. His concerns are secret. His craft, his talents, everything is kept hidden, and all this hiding does not foster an open or gregarious personality. (It does tend to foster a sizable drinking and smoking habit.) Although Bond doesn't deride those who are less educated, less refined or less epicurian than himself, he certainly has no desire to befriend them or even relate to them. It would never occur to Bond to sneer at a common person on the street, but he would also never welcome an invitation to darts at the neighborhood pub. Because he's an aloof man of conspicuously expensive tastes, some would indeed misinterpret Bond's benign disregard as snobbery.
  • mrbain007mrbain007 Posts: 393MI6 Agent
    Interesting post Cmdricuss

    I've always thought there was a rather snobbish element to both Fleming and the literary Bond myself. Connery apparently described IF as " a terrific snob"

    Judging by the above clip there was certainly something VERY elitist about Fleming. He looked a "jolly old chap" who was most comfortable playing Golf or Bridge. Also, his character Bond often looks down on certain sections of society, namely women.

    "These women, can't they stay at home with their pots and pans"

    He also enjoys showing off his superior knowledge of wines and cocktails, like when he suggests the waiter make one with potatoes rather than Wheat (I think).

    I'd certainly say there was a certain degree of snobbery in them.

    Apparently Noel Coward (Fleming's neighbour in Jamaca) thought Fleming was more of a "poser" than a genuinely sophisticated gent.

    I can certainly believe that Fleming LIKED to think he was more sophisticated than he perhaps was in reality.

    So, I suppose, in that sense, he was a snob as was Bond.
  • Mark HazardMark Hazard West Midlands, UKPosts: 495MI6 Agent
    Whatever Faulks calls him, I just hope that he can write/talk about Bond better than he can write Bond.
  • CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
    edited February 2011
    "'Judging by the above clip there was certainly something VERY elitist about Fleming. He looked a "jolly old chap" who was most comfortable playing Golf or Bridge "

    I've also seen these clips of Fleming many times and have never got that impression - I supposed it's just a matter of personal opinion. I know many who get the elitist and snob impression whenever they hear someone speak in that manner, though I had worked with several British military officers who also spoke that way and they always related to me as an equal and never seemed snobbish to me.

    When I read the Bond novels, I never got the impression that Bond was a snob when he would make specific requests (like the potato/cocktail reference) or when Fleming would go into details about material things (perfumes, cars, etc, food, etc). I got the impression this info was being relayed through the books for the education of readers who were not familiar with these things. I certainly learned a lot of knowledge I was not privy to prior to reading the novels as a teen and young adult living in the United States. It spurned me to research these references further and thus broadened my knowledge of the world - such as Flemings travelogue descriptions. I got the same education from reading a lot of "fiction" like the Sherlock Holmes books. I think most Fleming's (Bond's) descriptions and comments stemmed from him being a journalist and as many have said, he shoe horned in these ancedotes to make the stories seem more real. Of course, he would get some of his facts wrong and unfortunately they were not corrected before being printed, and I would fault him on that, but he didn't do that often.

    As far as Fleming being elitist and looking down on women or other members of society or cultures - I try to keep in mind of the era and culture he was brought up in. Those attitudes were the norm then (and unfortunately still are in many places). There is certainly no excuse for it of course, just that it was the reality. If you are brought up in a priveleged and sheltered lifestyle like many of the wealthy or royalty, no matter how well educated and travelled they may be - these attitudes can prevail. If your shuffled from first class this in a first class that to another first class this and rolling in a mink lined bubble around the globe only socializing with people of your ilk, your attitudes will not be affected much. When it comes to people like Fleming however, I sometimes wonder if what seems like snobbery is really a mask for the feelings of being uncomfortable outside our cocoons of familiarity. I've read that although Fleming was comfortable around friends and small groups he knew, he was very introverted and shy in larger social gatherings. It's probably another reason there are hardly any film interviews with him. To many this can come across as being aloof and or snobbish.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    I think snobbery was just normal in those days in that part of society, it separated you from the riff raff, from the privates in the army. They didn't approve of social mobility in those days, it would just mean you wouldn't get your coal delivered and the King and Queen would have their heads on poles over Tower Bridge.
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