CJ's improved FE LE Golden gun

This is what the cursed red plug looked like after carefully drilling it out!
Making of the cig bullet tray, no tray to make if not for gadgetmeister!
Thank you Kan!
Note the proper look of red ruby, i was dissapointed to see just a rounded over red painted jewel piece, come on FE. Im beginning to see why the SD is better and quite frankly what iv'e seen it is. I mean colibri logo already on, decent looking ruby embedded, and no red plug business to remove/or live with at the end of the barrel. For those that have both makes are they exactly the same size. As the FE one is meant to be spot on, was the SD one the same in the research process!

Not bad a..Must say i'm quite pleased how this reasonably simple modification turned out.

P.s stay tuned for more bond props that i'll be starting, finishing off. None would be possible to complete/start without you lot, i thank you for that.


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