LTK/CR Wardrobe Choices

CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
Perhaps living in Florida where both LTK (actually filmed here) and CR (not filmed here, but in the film Bond is supposed to be in Miami) gives me a personal perspective on noting how the characters dress in these scenes and so makes me wonder about these choices. Hoping a member may have knowledge about this or about a fact I'm not aware of.

In LTK Bond is in Key West and is shown wearing an outfit that would not be unusual for that area - white long sleeve shirt of light material (could be cotton or linen - I'm going with a blend, maybe cotton/poly or linen/poly as no wrinkles ever show, and a pure version of either of these wrinkle as soon as you look at them), khaki pants (probably of similar material for the same reason metioned), and Sperry canvas deck shoes.

Here is were I have some a few questions. The Keys are usually hot most of the year, except for a few months in the winter, and even then its usually always sunny and in the seventies (degrees). This film was shot from July through November 1988. Most people visiting wear short sleeve shirts and shorts or pants here during these months. People doing business may wear long sleeve shirts, but many go without jackets because they would be to hot. When they do where jackets, it usually something casual, either made from linen or at the most tropical worsted - but even the last choice is hot when standing around in the bright sunlight there. Many wear light long sleeve shirts to protect their arms from the sun, so Bond wearing that shirt was not out of place. That dark blue jacket always got me though. I realize the prime motivation was probably to hide his shoulder holstered gun, but why pick such a dark color for those scenes where Dalton is out in that hot Florida sun? Why didn't they give him a lighter color? Was this story supposed to be taking place in the winter months? If so, the jacket would make some sense, as even the Keys can get a chilly strong northern wind during the day at that time. If it was really hot there however (and watching the film it looks like it is to me), why wouldn't they have had Dalton sans jacket and in a formal outside the waist shirt (could have been white or navy) and have him have a waistband holsered gun instead?

Now for CR. Same questions. Miami is hot most of the year as well, though it can also get cold in December and January (when they get a nice arctic blast from Canada). Now Craig is in the Bahamas swimming in the sunny waters and doing his snooping around the balmy air of the hotel, then suddenly he's off to Miami airport and he's wearing a leather jacket? Now, does this mean this is taking place in January or February? It's the only time he would need a jacket at night of any kind. Also, I've been to the Bahamas. I was there in March when an arctic express stormed down though Florida. They got record low temps at night and it was only getting into the lower to mid sixties in the afternoons. Many don't know that usually the weather in the Bahamas is the same as south Florida, so if it's only sixty in Miami in the afternoon its only sixty in Freeport or Nassau as well (with a chilly wind). I was there over a weekend during that time and had to buy a sweatshirt and wear a jacket over it. Skindiving? Forget it! Not unless you had a full body wetsuit. So there is no way Craig would be basking in warm Bahamian waters one day and be wearing a leather jacket the next evening, unless that arctic blast just happened to come through just when he jumped on the plane to Miami that night.

Hope this doesn't seem like nitpicking, but anyone living here is aware of these little things, so it just makes me wonder. Is is the fact they were actually filming the airport scenes in Prague and England in January, and just overlooked this weather/wardrobe continuity problem?


  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    Not sure why this is in the Lit forum. . .I'm sending it to the General forum. Carry on!
    Vox clamantis in deserto
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