British Alternative Voting system Referndum

Jedi MasterJedi Master UKPosts: 1,093MI6 Agent
Well I was going for the world's most boring topic title there! But anyway, it's quite an exciting time for those of us in Britain, as we are having a vote on... having a vote!

I'm not going to try and explain it because I will fail, but I wondered what the James Bond world thinks of the AV system, and the FPTP, and of course the controversial PR!

Personally I am all for AV, it's not perfect but I believe it's more representative than FPTP, as everyone has a say in the final round, you can feel more like your vote has made a difference and you don't have to worry about "throwing away your vote" if you want to vote for a smaller party (ie Green).

Also I saw this on another forum:

Yes to AV
- Leader of Labour
- Leader of Lib Dems
- Leader of Greens
- Leader of SNP
- Leader of Plaid Cymru
- Leader of UKIP

No to AV
- Leader of Tories
- Leader of BNP

go figure...
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and everyone dies.


  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    I'm inclined towards AV simply because if you live in an eternally safe seat, as I do, then in effect your vote doesn't count. Ever. Unless you move town of course. You're effectively disenfranchised. Your vote is just a token gesture.

    Not sure however that AV would be justified across the country. Ideally, in seats that have been safe over over a five- or ten-year period, you could enforce AV for a few years. But that would be a too flexible, fair approach for the powers that be.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    That said, anyone who can't spell should be denied a vote. ;)
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • gussguss South Wales, UKPosts: 195MI6 Agent
    what the "cufflink" is this all about...... lol
  • WildeWilde Oxford, UKPosts: 621MI6 Agent
    Sorry for coming across as a dreary old cynic, but since when did voting change anything? Just a different kind of opium to subvert reality; #democracy.

    Wilde -{
  • Jedi MasterJedi Master UKPosts: 1,093MI6 Agent
    What what what, what did I spell wrong!? Oh the topic name HA! And I actually Googled Referendum to double check the spelling! Ah well, I'll leave it now!

    I'm worried that this isn't going to get through and the tories will use that as an excuse to take electoral reform off the table.

    And I'm supremely irritated at the way the No campaign has gone about things...

    1. Politics is nothing like horse racing, and even if it were AV is actually more similar to how that works than FPTP! AV is not too confusing or complicated, that is unbelievably patronising to say the least.

    2. The BNP won't get more power from this, if they get eliminated the people who voted for them will have their 2nd preferences cast, which will most likely be someone a bit less racist (well it could hardly be a more racist party), that does not equal the BNP getting more power!

    3. And saying that the money could be spent on other things is just stupid, you could say that about literally anything. Why are we spending so much on schools when nurses are being made redundant? Why are we spending so much fighting in Libia when we can't even afford to educate our children? Why are we constantly losing money on the NHS when we're at war...
    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and everyone dies.
  • WildeWilde Oxford, UKPosts: 621MI6 Agent
    The only thing wrong with the world (the UK especially) is the division of wealth. From that issue stems the root of inequality, hidden agenda, secret society and the power through control which results.

    An alternative vote would be a fantastic idea in a Jeffersonian style democracy. A system which we are still not, en masse, mature enough to handle at this stage in our evolution.

    My two penneth.

    Wilde. -{
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I can't remember who said this " If voting changed anything, we wouldn't be allowed to do it !" :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    You're being a bit cryptic Wilde...

    AV ought usually to be a shoe-in, all those sick of the Tories would want the Lib Dem and Labour option instead. Problem is, Tories are still a bit in their honeymoon period, despite everything, and Lib Dems are being scorned over their role in the coalition so they're not getting the support on this they'd usually get. That leaves Labour who are also out of sorts having been dumped at the ballot box, that's why the appetite that ought to be there isn't. Cos let's face it, AV is all about the Lib Dems palling up with Labour to get rid of the Tories. And no one is that enthused about either the Lib Dems or Labour right now.

    In which case, would have been better for Lib Dems to go into coalition with Labour to do this, though the fact the largest single party, the Tories, had no say in govt would work against the AV argument also. :#
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
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