Global Smurfs Day

Mister WhiteMister White The NetherlandsPosts: 814MI6 Agent
Just a reminder to everybody that today is Global Smurfs Day!


"Christ, I miss the Cold War."


  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    It was quite amusing because yesterday I was driving along and saw a family all dressed as Smurfs but I had no idea why , then I heard on the radio there had also been a record breaking event at the o2 Arena for 'number of people dressed as Smurfs'. I'm assuming they had been there. That, or they are very dedicated Smurf fans ....

    Love the Smurfs, though I not sure 'Father Abraham' was their greatest moment .... :#

    Just trying to convince my 14yrs old to see the movie with me :D
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