Weight Loss and Fitness Thread!



  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    Long time since I updated my photo diary but I wasn't doing nothing! Here is a photo comparison between July 2014 and today. Almost ready to get bulked up and ready for active service! :D

  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,312MI6 Agent
    Looks like you have lost weight around stomach and chest areas?

    Im about to start after my holiday and Xmas excess!!! I dont look too bad but feel heavy and joints feel rather stiff! My elbow / arm injury feels a hell of a lot better since rested heavily over hols and I have been doing light weights to strength it slowly.

    Bond 24 will now kickstart me off since I already have a few things on order clothes wise! Always good and easy motivation in a Bond year! {[]
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    I lost weight in the stomach area only - almost 10cm by now / 10kg in weight. I was measuring the chest all along and it doesn't seem I lost anything, the lighting is just different on both pictures. :)
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    {[] you can see a difference !, Keep it up. -{
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    I've been not updating for a very long time but that's because I was mainly standing in the same place with my weight. Yestarday was exactly one year since I started taking care of myself and I made a photo, so here is the progress as for now. A lot of work still ahead of me if I want to look like a double-0 :D

  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,312MI6 Agent
    Def more defined and your belly has gone quite considerably!!

    Well done!!!
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    welshboy78 wrote:
    Def more defined and your belly has gone quite considerably!!

    Well done!!!

    Thank you! There is still some belly there but getting rid of it completely is (I hope) a matter of two months. Fingers crossed.
  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,312MI6 Agent
    Stick at it, it will be worth it!

    Back to gym tomorrow for me, had a week off as been hectic at home and work!
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    welshboy78 wrote:
    Stick at it, it will be worth it!

    Back to gym tomorrow for me, had a week off as been hectic at home and work!

    I will hit the gym when I will be eventually lean enough (I know, sounds weird but I was trying to be an active gym member for a few times and I never made it for longer than one month becauze I was lazy, so I'm trying to make the best I can at home. If I will pull it off without any dumbells and stuff then I might be ready to join the gym again I guess).
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    Quick question, someone mentioned PHD supplements being a good brand and since I have pretty huge problems with losing the last couple kilograms I'm considering buying a fat burner and they have one. Problem is - it's not available in Poland, so is there anyone who could help me out? Especially if you have those things on the streets :/ I would deeply appreciate any help! :)
  • 7700777007 Posts: 502MI6 Agent
    You track macros? If you dont, you should. Go to IIFYM.com and type in your stats in the IIFYM calculator. Find your TDEE and cut your calories from there.

    How about tried and true supps like caffeine, or green tea extract? yohimbine if youre fasted works too.
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    77007 wrote:
    You track macros? If you dont, you should. Go to IIFYM.com and type in your stats in the IIFYM calculator. Find your TDEE and cut your calories from there.

    How about tried and true supps like caffeine, or green tea extract? yohimbine if youre fasted works too.

    I'm tracking everything via myfitnesspal :) There are moments when the weight will just stay the same, especially in the end as far as I've read so fat burners are very very helpful in these situations :)
  • 7700777007 Posts: 502MI6 Agent
    Cool! I hear ya. Its just that most of the time the main active ingredients in those fancy supps are really just caffeine and green tea extract. So you can eliminate the middle man, extra garbage, hassle of locating, etc. all while saving some coin.
  • BarbaricBarbaric Cedar Grove, NJ, USAPosts: 19MI6 Agent
    edited August 2015
    I'm 5'11". For most of my adult life after the military, I've been hovering around 210 lbs with spikes into the 220s and one spike up to 245 which lasted almost a year. I'm now down to between 175 lbs and 180 lbs depending what I eat and my level of activity. I do three things to keep myself in shape:

    1. Food. I started on a strict paleo diet which worked for a while. Then I switched to a Primal diet along the lines of Mark's Daily Apple. I've since streamlined the whole thing by simply avoiding refined sugar (except for alcohol), limit carbohydrates as much as I can and try to eat whole foods as much as possible. Whole foods meaning as close to directly off the vine or out of the cow as possible. Unless I'm in a hurry, I avoid processed foods and fast food at all costs and simply planning ahead has helped me with that.

    2. Exercise. I workout three to four times a week. I lift the heaviest weights I can in large movements. I avoid machines which work on a single muscle group at a time and focus on compound movements with free weights.

    3. MovNat. This is really a subset of my workout regime, but it is worth mentioning on it's own. At least once a week, I run on a trail near my house. I jump over rocks, vault over a couple of fallen trees, swing from low hanging branches and run full steam ahead. During the summer when the community pool is open (the trail conveniently runs through the playground next to the pool), I wear swim trunks and run in through the entrance to the pool, kick off my shoes, rinse off in the shower, swim two laps, hop out, throw my shoes back on and continue on the trail (after several altercations with the pool staff, I've stopped diving into the shallow end of the pool. I've tried to explain to them that it's my cranium at stake and even offered to sign a waiver but apparently it's bad form to let me do it and yell at others :)) ). Sometimes I stop in the playground to do some pullups on the swing set or climb on the overhead rings depending on how I'm feeling. The point of this isn't to go at a slow marathon pace. I leave it all on the trail.

    I wish I had time to take more martial arts classes. With a 10 hour workday and a five year old daughter, the classes near me just don't work. Some of the best workouts I've ever had have been at a local MMA gym. The instructors were ruthless with the cardio warmup and you could almost hear a collective groan when the owner of the club walked in at the beginning of class because we knew we were going to get beat up before it came to sparring. The first time he led us in jump rope exercises, sit ups and cardio, I had a hard time keeping my hands up during sparring and caught one on the button. When the lights came back on, all I saw was his grin hanging over my face. The exchange went like this: Him: You ok? Me: Yep. Him: No, you're not. Take the rest of the night off.

    Regarding supplements, I disregard them. Aside from a post workout protein shake, none of them seem worth the money spent. The best supplement is to burn off the fat. Find an activity that you can do and go hard and fast at it until you can't do it anymore. If you're that close that's all you need is to take off that last layer of fat, it'll only take a few weeks.
    Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog is too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
  • Ens007Ens007 EnglandPosts: 863MI6 Agent
    MrZareba wrote:
    Quick question, someone mentioned PHD supplements being a good brand and since I have pretty huge problems with losing the last couple kilograms I'm considering buying a fat burner and they have one. Problem is - it's not available in Poland, so is there anyone who could help me out? Especially if you have those things on the streets :/ I would deeply appreciate any help! :)

    PHd are a great supplement company - particularly their Whey products. Reflex are another company that I'd recommend.

    As for fat burners ... my advice would be to avoid them my friend - they're quite simply a marketing gimick and a way to relieve you of your money. The simple fact is that in order to cut the fat on your body you need to be 'clean' in your nutritional intake. Add to that a structured workout that raises your heart-rate / leaves you feeling like you've done something worthwhile, good rest / sleep and avoiding (where possible) stress from your life.
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    Ens007 wrote:
    MrZareba wrote:
    Quick question, someone mentioned PHD supplements being a good brand and since I have pretty huge problems with losing the last couple kilograms I'm considering buying a fat burner and they have one. Problem is - it's not available in Poland, so is there anyone who could help me out? Especially if you have those things on the streets :/ I would deeply appreciate any help! :)

    PHd are a great supplement company - particularly their Whey products. Reflex are another company that I'd recommend.

    As for fat burners ... my advice would be to avoid them my friend - they're quite simply a marketing gimick and a way to relieve you of your money. The simple fact is that in order to cut the fat on your body you need to be 'clean' in your nutritional intake. Add to that a structured workout that raises your heart-rate / leaves you feeling like you've done something worthwhile, good rest / sleep and avoiding (where possible) stress from your life.

    Hmm... I was using a fat burner a few years ago and I actually lost around 4kg with it while doing pretty much nothing because I was too lazy. Hence why I gained all the weight back but it definitely worked, currently I would like to use it just as a booster, nothing more - I eat well, I'm running at least 5km every day and I work out. And still the weight is staying the same so I'm looking for a solution! I can't spend more time on fitness because currently I simply don't have any more :/
  • Ens007Ens007 EnglandPosts: 863MI6 Agent
    MrZareba wrote:
    Ens007 wrote:
    MrZareba wrote:
    Quick question, someone mentioned PHD supplements being a good brand and since I have pretty huge problems with losing the last couple kilograms I'm considering buying a fat burner and they have one. Problem is - it's not available in Poland, so is there anyone who could help me out? Especially if you have those things on the streets :/ I would deeply appreciate any help! :)

    PHd are a great supplement company - particularly their Whey products. Reflex are another company that I'd recommend.

    As for fat burners ... my advice would be to avoid them my friend - they're quite simply a marketing gimick and a way to relieve you of your money. The simple fact is that in order to cut the fat on your body you need to be 'clean' in your nutritional intake. Add to that a structured workout that raises your heart-rate / leaves you feeling like you've done something worthwhile, good rest / sleep and avoiding (where possible) stress from your life.

    Hmm... I was using a fat burner a few years ago and I actually lost around 4kg with it while doing pretty much nothing because I was too lazy. Hence why I gained all the weight back but it definitely worked, currently I would like to use it just as a booster, nothing more - I eat well, I'm running at least 5km every day and I work out. And still the weight is staying the same so I'm looking for a solution! I can't spend more time on fitness because currently I simply don't have any more :/

    Entirely up to yourself, just passing on my opinion for what it's worth ... I've been a fairly avid gym goer for a number of years and have invested a reasonable amount of time reading up on these ... the general consensus would appear to back up the notion that they're a waste of money, (unless you go with the company marketing hype that seem to accompany these types of products), however you have to go with your own gut instinct -{

    What are you eating typically during a day? What do your workouts consist of? Will gladly try to offer some suggestions that may help.
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    Ens007 wrote:
    MrZareba wrote:
    Ens007 wrote:

    PHd are a great supplement company - particularly their Whey products. Reflex are another company that I'd recommend.

    As for fat burners ... my advice would be to avoid them my friend - they're quite simply a marketing gimick and a way to relieve you of your money. The simple fact is that in order to cut the fat on your body you need to be 'clean' in your nutritional intake. Add to that a structured workout that raises your heart-rate / leaves you feeling like you've done something worthwhile, good rest / sleep and avoiding (where possible) stress from your life.

    Hmm... I was using a fat burner a few years ago and I actually lost around 4kg with it while doing pretty much nothing because I was too lazy. Hence why I gained all the weight back but it definitely worked, currently I would like to use it just as a booster, nothing more - I eat well, I'm running at least 5km every day and I work out. And still the weight is staying the same so I'm looking for a solution! I can't spend more time on fitness because currently I simply don't have any more :/

    Entirely up to yourself, just passing on my opinion for what it's worth ... I've been a fairly avid gym goer for a number of years and have invested a reasonable amount of time reading up on these ... the general consensus would appear to back up the notion that they're a waste of money, (unless you go with the company marketing hype that seem to accompany these types of products), however you have to go with your own gut instinct -{

    What are you eating typically during a day? What do your workouts consist of? Will gladly try to offer some suggestions that may help.

    Scrambled eggs / bananas or apples for snacks in between meals / chicken+rice+tomato/cucumber for lunch/ natural yoguourt for dinner, my workouts consist of stuff from Runtastic - I will hit the gym when I will reach my perfect weight, so currently I'm just doing a lot of sit ups, push ups, squats etc
  • Ens007Ens007 EnglandPosts: 863MI6 Agent
    Are you actually eating enough?? Have you tried logging your calorie intake / macros via one of the many free apps available? It would initially seem to me that you're eating very little & therefore not firing up your metabolism / furnace.

    Do you eat post workout? What do you eat then?
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    Ens007 wrote:
    Are you actually eating enough?? Have you tried logging your calorie intake / macros via one of the many free apps available? It would initially seem to me that you're eating very little & therefore not firing up your metabolism / furnace.

    Do you eat post workout? What do you eat then?

    Actually I'm consuming over 1500 calories a day, sometimes over 2000 - depends. My work out is not a gym work out so I'm not eating anything special after it, just dinner and that's it since I'm doing everything at home. :)
  • BarbaricBarbaric Cedar Grove, NJ, USAPosts: 19MI6 Agent
    Are you running 5k or jogging? If you're running, are you running full tilt? If you're jogging and depending on your fitness level, I would break that down. Jog for a half km, run balls out for 2 km and then run for another half km to cool down. The next day, jog for 20 seconds, run balls out for a minute, rinse and repeat for 10 minutes. The next day, switch it up again.

    The current fitness philosophies revolve around the fact that the human body adapts very quickly to repetitive physical exertion which is why people reach sticking points or "plateaus" in their fitness goals and weight loss. You CAN run every day The key is to change it up so your body doesn't have time to adapt. It's also why good fitness coaches command decent salaries....they're creative enough to not let your body adapt to routine. You're perfectly able to do that yourself.

    I would also suggest a good intake of fatty acids and protein within an hour or so of your work out. A protein shake is a convenient option. I like Muscle Milk for the taste, but I understand that there are better options out there. For instance, a friend swears by Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% egg protein shakes. On the weekend, I'll just scramble up half a dozen eggs with some salsa and eat them in front of the tv while my wife stares at me like I've gone mad.

    If I may suggest another option to your running, google CrossFit, Guerilla Fitness and Work Out of the Day.
    Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog is too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
  • Ens007Ens007 EnglandPosts: 863MI6 Agent
    Barbaric wrote:
    Are you running 5k or jogging? If you're running, are you running full tilt? If you're jogging and depending on your fitness level, I would break that down. Jog for a half km, run balls out for 2 km and then run for another half km to cool down. The next day, jog for 20 seconds, run balls out for a minute, rinse and repeat for 10 minutes. The next day, switch it up again.

    The current fitness philosophies revolve around the fact that the human body adapts very quickly to repetitive physical exertion which is why people reach sticking points or "plateaus" in their fitness goals and weight loss. You CAN run every day The key is to change it up so your body doesn't have time to adapt. It's also why good fitness coaches command decent salaries....they're creative enough to not let your body adapt to routine. You're perfectly able to do that yourself.

    I would also suggest a good intake of fatty acids and protein within an hour or so of your work out. A protein shake is a convenient option. I like Muscle Milk for the taste, but I understand that there are better options out there. For instance, a friend swears by Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% egg protein shakes. On the weekend, I'll just scramble up half a dozen eggs with some salsa and eat them in front of the tv while my wife stares at me like I've gone mad.

    If I may suggest another option to your running, google CrossFit, Guerilla Fitness and Work Out of the Day.

    Great post -{
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    I was trying to pull off the Spectre poster look for my new facebook profile picture but people are saying there is too much Photoshop :/ Anyway, wasted 2 hours or more, so at least I can upload it here!

  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    {[] I think it looks great. :) very like the teaser poster. -{
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    {[] I think it looks great. :) very like the teaser poster. -{

    Thank you! Damn it, at least I'd had your like on facebook :D But you don't have an account :<
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,443Chief of Staff
    The image looks great as your new avatar -{
    YNWA 97
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,828MI6 Agent
    Sir Miles wrote:
    The image looks great as your new avatar -{

    Agreed! :) -{
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    Nice work! -{
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    Thank you gentlemen :) I've set the image as my new facebook profile picture anyway and it actually broke my life record of likes under a profile pic so it can't be that bad!

    The Spectre poster was also met with some bashing initially, with claims that it shows extensive usage of Adobe Photoshop :))
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    They're just jealous :)) Even I have my Knockers, hence why I can't wear any tight sweaters. ;)
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
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