Weight Loss and Fitness Thread!



  • Ens007Ens007 EnglandPosts: 863MI6 Agent
    Hey - 32 is pretty small anyway. Leg raises and crunches seem to work well down there.

    I've got a stone and a quarter off now, and am pretty pleased. I'm working on toning and am mainly doing press-ups, sit-ups and swimming. I hit a natural plateau - am eating a bit more of the good stuff this week, and will cut down again next week inline with starting to run.

    Keep an eye on your calories in, plenty of water, reduced carbs in the evening & perhaps reduce your rest times when training. Natural plateaus happen regularly, however minor tweaks here & there will sort this.

    Do you use any weights or is it bodyweight exercises that you utilise? Well done on your progress so far btw!! -{
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Hmm, if the govt wants to curb obesity it might do well to curtail daylight saving hours, as the darkness makes me want to gorge on choccie bars etc.

    Saturday I fell off the wagon (deliberately), had pad thai in Churchill pub in Notting Hill, pint of Guinness, then, well, those Lindt chocolate santas won't eat themselves before Xmas. Later, a lovely almond macaroon from Pat Val.

    Still, blow-out effects only lasted one day, back to normal again ish today.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    What's going on here? Freezing cold weather, chocolate beckons. Not good. Xmas dinner stuff okay, quite mild weather, no weight gain but it's the aftermath when your tastebuds have changed that hits.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • WildeWilde Oxford, UKPosts: 621MI6 Agent
    Guinness was always my weakness.
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Well and truly lost it this season. Guess what? A stone goes on a lot quicker at Christmas than it comes off. Started this year by cutting out fizzy drinks and alcohol, white bread and chocolate. Then started sit ups, press ups and some punch bag work. Not going mad this time, then there isn't so far to fall. Just changing some things and taking it slowly...
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    edited January 2012
    "Oh you'll do more than that, 007!"

    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    We have all been there, some more than others :D keep up the good work mate.

    chocolate is evil :o
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Well, chocolate, esp the confectionary sold in newsagents, really is evil and it really would not surprise me to find that they add some drug to it to make it addictive, unlike real quality chocolate. I mean, a visit to Paris with patisseries and cake shops, items only 3 euros, and I didn't put on weight because I think crap chocolate is harder to burn off the calories. And less satisfying, you just eat more of it.

    They don't have newsagents selling chocolate in Paris, it's newspapers and mags and postcards instead, so you can wean yourself off the habit there.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    Crazy I know, but I have a travel phobia, I don't do planes, Boats or tunnels :)) I know it is crazy, I just can't get my head around it :o

    I have been trying to keep off of chocolate, but bloody Teppo bought lot of goodies from Finland for us to try :D
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Well and truly lost it this season. Guess what? A stone goes on a lot quicker at Christmas than it comes off. Started this year by cutting out fizzy drinks and alcohol, white bread and chocolate. Then started sit ups, press ups and some punch bag work. Not going mad this time, then there isn't so far to fall. Just changing some things and taking it slowly...

    I did read that Syrup of figs (or a laxative) can help you slim down after Xmas... cheaper than colonic. :o Without going into details, I sort of concur.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Good feature in the Eve Standard about dangers of sugar yesterday

    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Good feature in the Eve Standard about dangers of sugar yesterday


    That's really interesting. For some reason, over the past ten years or so I had built up a two litre a day diet coke habit. Kicked it cold turkey this month, and my god, what a headache I had. Two days of seriously banging headaches - and I could just tell it was the lack of sweetener/caffine. I ate fruit, drank water, fruit juice and milk, and felt lethargic the whole time. I was ok after a few days, but went to a pub for some lunch this week, stupidly had "just one coke", and I'm like a crackhead again. The stuff is terrible, and I'm drinking 1 can a day, aiming to cut it down to one every other day. In a few weeks I'll give it up completely. That way I might escape the headache. The stuff is filth! :#
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • WildeWilde Oxford, UKPosts: 621MI6 Agent
    So so true, that stuff is garbage. Drink water, squeezed juice or tea.

    Everything in moderation, you'll do okay!
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Yeah, Diet Coke is one con due to the name. I've given it up cos I actually feel my bones get osteophorosis drinking it plus of course the aspartime debate - look it up.

    Drink a pint of water when thirsty tsa, helps wean off the thirst for other stuff. Coffee is not as bad for a lift but even that isn't so good.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Hmm, what a bunch of fat nackers we are.

    Here's a link to the caveman diet, might be worth a try:


    Mind you, secretagent will no doubt have a story about how he got stranded behind enemy lines and had to eat raw frogs just to survive... :p :D

    The main problem with this diet is that it's hard to do it on the go; most city snacks sell sandwiches or pasta-based dishes, while the ones that conform to this rule look cold and miserable, salmon with salad and new potatoes in a plastic tray.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Yeah, that was my mission in France. We'd eaten nothing but frogs and snails for six weeks, water supply was out - just a medium bodied Claret, and a few snifters of Napoleon Brandy. I must tell you about it sometime... :p
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Seems appropriate to revive this thread Nap, I'm back in the zone and ready to start tomorrow. I say tomorrow, because have found myself child-free today. A delicious lunch out with the wife, and some imaginative use of chocolate liqueurs in bed this afternoon means that the calories are already too high to talk of healthy eating tonight.... The liquor story will have to wait for another time. :v
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    It's worth reading this thread from the beginning, I have.

    Early on I invite you to identify your 'poison', many threads later you realise it's cola!

    Avoid BBQs, they're another of yours!
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Le SamouraiLe Samourai Honolulu, HIPosts: 573MI6 Agent
    Since I'm guessing many of us on here are not exactly spring chickens, I thought I'd post a link to this short photo gallery of famous and fit fiftysomethings:


    As one who is closer to 50 than 30, I find this pretty inspirational, especially since these guys look fit in a natural, athletic sort of way.
    —Le Samourai

    A Gent in Training.... A blog about my continuing efforts to be improve myself, be a better person, and lead a good life. It incorporates such far flung topics as fitness, self defense, music, style, food and drink, and personal philosophy.
    Agent In Training
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Yeah, BBQ, cola, tons of red meat, sausages, chocolate. I've gone back over the thread and am really p**sed off that I've squandered almost ten months again. What I can say is that I've lost the first stone many times. That is my problem, I head into it strongly then get complacent. Before long I forget I was ever on a diet. I also work with food and get hungry, technically write off the cost of say a large steak and take massive cuts home. If I had to pay the same as other people I'd definitely eat less meat.
    My doctor and friend said with my height and muscle tone I should go for losing about 3 to 4 stone. So I'm starting tomorrow. This morning I weighed in at 19st 9lb #######****ing hell! That shocked me. So I'm not charging in and losing a stone then putting more back on ( and you always put a little extra back on) and I'm hoping to get it right this time.
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,703MI6 Agent
    I remember posting in this thread, but didn't stick to my plan. About a month ago I stopped drinking beer for good. Now I have to get out on my bike. Once I start that, the pounds should just melt away.
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    For some reason it's so easy to just forget. It only takes a meal out, a party, the odd takeaway delivery. I had some back pain and didn't exercise for a week, and it all went down hill fast.
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • Ens007Ens007 EnglandPosts: 863MI6 Agent
    I am still recovering from a bout of glandular fever. Got to say it has completely battered me & starting back at the gym has been tough. Lost over 40kg on my bench, seem to have very little general power for the bigger compounds & the cardio side of things is beyond shocking. I'm hopeful it's just a question of time, as I've been told it could take me months to get back to something like my old self, but it isn't half frustrating!!

    Keep at it gang - It will get easier once you get back in the routine.
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Since I'm guessing many of us on here are not exactly spring chickens, I thought I'd post a link to this short photo gallery of famous and fit fiftysomethings:


    As one who is closer to 50 than 30, I find this pretty inspirational, especially since these guys look fit in a natural, athletic sort of way.

    That's a pretty impressive list there. I was 41 a few weeks ago, so perhaps time isn't running out to look good! :)) the carbs are out the door tomorrow!
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Yeah, great start. Wrenched my back at work this morning, now laid up this afternoon. X-( I was planning a walk/run combo for this evening, but no way now. On the plus side, wheetabix for breakie, beans on brown toast for lunch, 1 tea and 2pts of water is all I've had, so looking good!
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    The Men Who Made Us Fat was on telly last night BBC2; feature on sugar addiction in The Guardian G2 by Jacques Peretti yesterday too.

    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    This week I gave up sugar in tea, chocolate, white bread, ate only cereal for breakfast, had no desserts, no cola, drank only skimmed milk, water and sugarless tea. Ate more fruit, veg and salad, halved my red meat and cut down on butter. Lost absolutely no weight. Bollocks. I'll put it down to the back injury I have had all week which has kept movement to a minimum, and hope to move on from it. Once again, bollocks.
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Sorry to hear that. Mind you, not everyone says that cutting down on butter or full fat milk is the key to losing weight, and what kind of cereal are you having? Most of that stuff is salt and sugar hell. Have you cut down or eradicated bad carbs eg potatoes, pasta, bread... Good carbs are in the veg and are okay of course.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • WildeWilde Oxford, UKPosts: 621MI6 Agent
    A week isn't long enough, old boy. Try comparing over months. You'll reach your target, just keep at it!

    All the best.
  • Ens007Ens007 EnglandPosts: 863MI6 Agent
    In reality it's calories in Vs calories out. Maybe your injury has meant that you've not fired your metabolism up sufficiently?

    Pasta, rice & potatoes aren't necessarily bad things (particularly after exercise) - try to stick to the purest form, e.g. Jacket spuds & wholemeal versions of the other.

    Maybe try to cut back on cereals & try porridge as its a slow release carb. Another tip is to check where foods sit in the GI scale of things as this has an impact upon your diet.

    Keep at it though & don't lose heart. It's only been your first week & this is a long term lifestyle you're adopting. You've made some really good choices so far in how you've tweaked your diet, so focus upon portion control, plenty of water, eating more regularly instead of sticking to the traditional 3 meal thinking & perhaps try to limit carb intake after 5pm to just veggies. It's also worth keeping a food diary - there's plenty of free apps that help give breakdowns of macros for foods. Above all, remember that your body needs good fats, so the likes of EVO Oil & fish are brilliant to include in your diet.

    Best of luck!!!
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